@@ -1,5 +1,588 @@
- <div>
- 单台风机
- </div>
+ <div>
+ <div class="query mg-b-8">
+ <div class="query-items">
+ <div class="query-item" style="width: 230px">
+ <div class="lable">场站:</div>
+ <div class="search-input">
+ <el-select
+ v-model="station"
+ placeholder="请选择"
+ popper-class="select"
+ @change="getTableData()"
+ >
+ <el-option
+ v-for="item in stationArray"
+ :key="item.id"
+ :value="item.id"
+ :label="item.name"
+ >
+ </el-option>
+ </el-select>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="query-actions" style="margin-left: 50px">
+ <button class="btn green" @click="insertItem()">新增</button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="df-table">
+ <el-table :data="tableData" class="custom-table" height="85vh">
+ <el-table-column type="index" label="序号" align="center" width="50" />
+ <el-table-column prop="id" align="center" label="风机编号" />
+ <el-table-column prop="projectid" align="center" label="期次" />
+ <el-table-column prop="lineid" align="center" label="线路" />
+ <el-table-column prop="model" align="center" label="风机型号" />
+ <el-table-column prop="name" align="center" label="风机名称" />
+ <el-table-column prop="longitude" align="center" label="经度" />
+ <el-table-column prop="latitude" align="center" label="纬度" />
+ <el-table-column prop="manufacturer" align="center" label="风机厂商" />
+ <el-table-column align="center" label="操作">
+ <template v-slot="scope">
+ <el-button type="text" @click="getPoint(scope)">测点</el-button>
+ <el-button type="text" @click="editItem(scope)">编辑</el-button>
+ <el-button type="text" @click="deleteItem(scope)" disabled
+ >删除</el-button
+ >
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- 新增编辑 -->
+ <div>
+ <el-dialog
+ :title="dialogTitle"
+ v-model="dialogShow"
+ width="50%"
+ top="15vh"
+ custom-class="modal"
+ :close-on-click-modal="true"
+ >
+ <el-form
+ ref="ruleFormRef"
+ :model="ruleForm"
+ :rules="rules"
+ label-width="120px"
+ size="default"
+ >
+ <div class="inlineItem">
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['station--name--']}:`"
+ prop="station"
+ >
+ <el-select
+ v-model="station"
+ placeholder="请选择"
+ popper-class="select"
+ disabled="stationdisabled"
+ >
+ <el-option
+ v-for="item in stationArray"
+ :key="item.id"
+ :value="item.id"
+ :label="item.name"
+ >
+ </el-option>
+ </el-select>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item :label="`${ruleForm['id--name--']}:`" prop="id">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.id"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['id--name--']} eg:MHS_FDC`"
+ type="input"
+ :disabled="codedisabled"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inlineItem">
+ <el-form-item :label="`${ruleForm['name--name--']}:`" prop="name">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.name"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['name--name--']} eg:麻黄山01号风机`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['model--name--']}:`"
+ prop="model"
+ >
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.model"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['model--name--']} eg:UP82`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inlineItem">
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['longitude--name--']}:`"
+ prop="longitude"
+ type="input"
+ >
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.longitude"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['longitude--name--']}`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['latitude--name--']}:`"
+ prop="latitude"
+ >
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.latitude"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['latitude--name--']}`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inlineItem">
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['projectid--name--']}:`"
+ prop="projectid"
+ type="input"
+ >
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.projectid"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['projectid--name--']} eg:MHS01_GC`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['lineid--name--']}:`"
+ prop="lineid"
+ >
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.lineid"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['lineid--name--']} eg:MHS01_XL`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inlineItem">
+ <el-form-item
+ :label="`${ruleForm['manufacturer--name--']}:`"
+ prop="manufacturer"
+ >
+ <el-input
+ v-model="ruleForm.manufacturer"
+ :placeholder="`请输入${ruleForm['manufacturer--name--']}`"
+ type="input"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </div>
+ </el-form>
+ <template #footer>
+ <span class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button type="info" size="medium" @click="cancel"
+ >取消</el-button
+ >
+ <el-button
+ type="success"
+ size="medium"
+ @click="submit('ruleFormRef')"
+ >提交</el-button
+ >
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ </el-dialog>
+ </div>
+ <!-- 查看测点 -->
+ <div>
+ <el-dialog
+ title="测点数据"
+ v-model="dialogPoint"
+ width="70%"
+ top="15vh"
+ @close="close"
+ custom-class="modal"
+ >
+ <div class="query mg-b-8">
+ <div class="query-items">
+ <div class="query-item" style="width: 150px">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="searchwidget"
+ size="small"
+ clearable
+ placeholder="部件"
+ @change="filterDataWidget"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div class="query-item" style="width: 150px">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="searchpointdes"
+ size="small"
+ clearable
+ placeholder="测点描述"
+ @change="filterDataPointDes"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div class="query-item" style="width: 150px">
+ <div class="lable">测点类型:</div>
+ <div class="search-input">
+ <el-select v-model="pointtype" @change="getPointByType">
+ <el-option key="AI" value="AI" label="AI" />
+ <el-option key="DI" value="DI" label="DI" />
+ </el-select>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="df-table">
+ <el-table :data="filterPointData" class="custom-table" height="55vh">
+ <el-table-column
+ type="index"
+ label="序号"
+ align="center"
+ width="50"
+ />
+ <el-table-column
+ prop="widget"
+ align="center"
+ label="部件"
+ width="150"
+ />
+ <el-table-column prop="point" align="center" label="测点名" />
+ <el-table-column prop="pointdes" align="center" label="测点描述" />
+ <el-table-column
+ prop="uniformcode"
+ align="center"
+ label="统一编码"
+ width="120"
+ />
+ <el-table-column
+ prop="model"
+ align="center"
+ label="风机型号"
+ width="120"
+ />
+ </el-table>
+ </div>
+ </el-dialog>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+export default {
+ data() {
+ return {
+ station: "",
+ stationdisabled: false, //场站是否可编辑
+ option: null, //新增true 编辑false
+ stationArray: [],
+ tableData: [],
+ dialogTitle: "", //编辑或新增标题
+ dialogShow: false, //编辑弹窗
+ dialogPoint: false, //测点弹窗
+ codedisabled: false,
+ pointtype: "AI", //测点类型
+ pointData: [], //测点数据
+ filterPointData: [],
+ searchwidget: "",
+ searchpointdes: "",
+ ruleForm: {
+ station: "",
+ "station--name--": "场站",
+ id: "",
+ "id--name--": "风机编号",
+ name: "",
+ "name--name--": "风机名称",
+ model: "",
+ "model--name--": "风机型号",
+ projectid: "",
+ "projectid--name--": "期次",
+ lineid: "",
+ "lineid--name--": "线路",
+ longitude: "",
+ "longitude--name--": "经度",
+ latitude: "",
+ "latitude--name--": "经度",
+ manufacturer: "",
+ "manufacturer--name--": "风机厂商",
+ },
+ rules: {
+ name: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ id: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ station: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ model: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ longitude: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ latitude: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ manufacturer: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ projectid: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ lineid: [
+ {
+ required: true,
+ message: "不可为空",
+ trigger: "blur",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.getChangeZhan();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // 获取场站列表
+ getChangeZhan() {
+ const that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ method: "GET",
+ subUrl: "basic/station/all",
+ success(res) {
+ that.stationArray = res.data;
+ that.station = that.stationArray[0].id;
+ that.getTableData();
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ // 获取场站列表
+ getTableData() {
+ const that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ method: "GET",
+ subUrl: "basic/windturbine/all",
+ data: {
+ station: that.station,
+ },
+ success(res) {
+ that.tableData = res.data;
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ // 取消新增或编辑
+ cancel() {
+ this.dialogShow = false;
+ },
+ // 关闭测点弹窗
+ close(){
+ this.dialogPoint = false;
+ },
+ //新增
+ insertItem() {
+ this.resetForm();
+ this.dialogShow = true;
+ this.dialogTitle = "新增";
+ this.codedisabled = false;
+ this.stationdisabled = false;
+ },
+ // 编辑某一条
+ editItem({ row }) {
+ for (let key in row) {
+ if (key !== "time") {
+ this.ruleForm[key] = row[key];
+ }
+ }
+ this.dialogShow = true;
+ this.dialogTitle = "编辑";
+ this.codedisabled = true;
+ this.stationdisabled = true;
+ },
+ // 提交编辑或者新增数据
+ submit(formName = "") {
+ const that = this;
+ that.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
+ if (valid) {
+ let data = {};
+ for (let key in that.ruleForm) {
+ if (key.indexOf("--name--") === -1) {
+ data[key] = that.ruleForm[key];
+ }
+ }
+ that.API.request({
+ method: "POST",
+ subUrl: "basic/windturbine/" + (that.option ? "insert" : "edit"),
+ data,
+ success() {
+ that.BASE.showMsg({
+ type: "success",
+ msg: `${that.option ? "新增" : "编辑"}成功`,
+ });
+ that.dialogShow = false;
+ that.getChangeZhan();
+ },
+ });
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //查看测点
+ getPoint(row) {
+ const that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ subUrl: "point/list",
+ data: {
+ wtId: row.row.id,
+ },
+ success(res) {
+ that.pointData = res.data;
+ that.filterPoint();
+ that.dialogPoint = true;
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ //根据测点类型查看
+ getPointByType() {
+ this.filterPoint();
+ },
+ //过滤AI/DI
+ filterPoint() {
+ this.filterPointData = [];
+ this.pointData.forEach((el) => {
+ if (el.pointtype == this.pointtype) this.filterPointData.push(el);
+ });
+ },
+ //输入过滤
+ filterDataWidget() {
+ this.searchpointdes = '';
+ this.filterPointData = [];
+ if (this.searchwidget) {
+ this.pointData.forEach(el => {
+ if (
+ el.widget.indexOf(this.searchwidget) !== -1 &&
+ this.pointtype == el.pointtype
+ )
+ this.filterPointData.push(el);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.filterPoint();
+ }
+ },
+ //输入过滤
+ filterDataPointDes() {
+ this.searchwidget= '';
+ this.filterPointData = [];
+ if (this.searchpointdes) {
+ this.pointData.forEach(el => {
+ if (
+ el.pointdes.indexOf(this.searchpointdes) !== -1 &&
+ this.pointtype == el.pointtype
+ )
+ this.filterPointData.push(el);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.filterPoint();
+ }
+ },
+ // 渲染 rules 中文描述
+ renderRules() {
+ for (let key in this.rules) {
+ this.rules[key].forEach((ele) => {
+ ele.message = `${this.ruleForm[key + "--name--"]}` + ele.message;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // 重置表单并且重置表单效验
+ resetForm() {
+ this.dialogTitle = "";
+ this.ruleForm.id && delete this.ruleForm.id;
+ for (let key in this.ruleForm) {
+ if (key.indexOf("--name--") === -1) {
+ this.ruleForm[key] = "";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+<style lang="less" scpoed>
+.el-form {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: start;
+ align-items: center;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ margin-left: 20px;
+ .inlineItem {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: start;
+ align-items: center;
+ height: 80px;
+ .el-form-item {
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 40px;
+ margin-top: 40px;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-items: center;
+ .el-input__count {
+ background: rgba(83, 98, 104, 0.2);
+ color: #b3bdc0;
+ }
+ .el-input {
+ width: 220px;
+ }
+ .el-select {
+ width: 220px;
+ }
+ }
+ }