@@ -3,16 +3,25 @@
<img :src="require('@assets/png/3dback.png')" class="i3dback" />
<!-- <img :src="require('@assets/png/3dcloud.png')" class="i3dcloud" /> -->
- <ThreeModel1 class="three-model-layer" @when="when"></ThreeModel1>
+ <ThreeModel1
+ class="three-model-layer"
+ :data="mapSource"
+ @when="when"
+ ></ThreeModel1>
<div class="sand-table-left" v-if="showPanel">
- <PanelSand class="left-panel" title="气象预测" subTitle="AM10:52 实况">
- <weather class="pd-t-16" />
+ <PanelSand
+ class="left-panel"
+ title="气象预测"
+ :subTitle="timeStr + '实况'"
+ >
+ <weather class="pd-t-16" :data="tqmap1" />
- <PanelSand class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="等级评估">
+ <PanelSand class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="健康推荐">
<RankTable :data="levelTableData"></RankTable>
- <PanelSand class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="等级评估">
- <RankTable :data="levelTableData"></RankTable>
+ <PanelSand class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="停机信息">
+ <RankTable :data="sels" @rowClick="clickRow"></RankTable>
+ <!-- <ComTable :data="sels"></ComTable> -->
<PanelSandToolbar class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="部件">
<template v-slot:tools>
@@ -48,25 +57,36 @@
- <PanelSand class="right-panel mg-t-16" title="板块标题">
- <div class="person-info-box mg-t-16">
+ <PanelSand class="right-panel mg-t-16" title="工单管理">
+ <div
+ class="person-info-box mg-t-16 animated a0"
+ :class="peopleClass"
+ v-if="workData.data[0]"
+ >
class="header mg-r-8 bg-green"
- :src="require('@assets/logo.png')"
+ style="width: 75px; height: 75px"
+ :src="workData.data[workDataIndex].imgurl"
<div class="person-info">
- <div class="green font-lg" style="font-weight: bold">张三</div>
+ <div class="green font-lg" style="font-weight: bold">
+ {{ workData.data[workDataIndex].laborname }}
+ </div>
<div class="white font-sm">
- <span>职务:高级检修工</span>
- <span class="mg-l-16">当前任务编号 000000</span>
+ <span>职务:{{ workData.data[workDataIndex].jobcode }}</span>
+ <!-- <span class="mg-l-16">当前任务编号 000000</span> -->
<div class="white font-sm">
- 平均检修时间 <span class="green">5</span> 小时
+ <!-- 平均检修时间 <span class="green">5</span> 小时 -->
+ 开始时间
+ <span class="green">{{
+ workData.data[workDataIndex].starttime
+ }}</span>
<div class="table mg-t-8">
- <Table :data="tableData" />
+ <Table :data="workData" />
<PanelSandToolbar class="right-panel mg-t-16" title="风险隐患详情">
@@ -83,20 +103,179 @@
<div class="sand-table-bottom" v-if="showPanel">
- <Ppanel title="利用小时"></Ppanel>
- <Ppanel title="设备可利用率" class="stb-p"></Ppanel>
- <Ppanel title="MTBF" class="stb-p"></Ppanel>
- <Ppanel title="MTTR" class="stb-p"></Ppanel>
- <Ppanel title="MTTF" class="stb-p"></Ppanel>
+ <!-- <Ppanel
+ title="利用小时"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_dxkyss)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_dxkyss < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.ydxkyss"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.tb_dxkyss < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="gxkmap.tb_dxkyss < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.hb_dxkyss < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="gxkmap.hb_dxkyss < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel title="设备可利用率"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_sbklyl)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_sbklyl < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.ysbklyl"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_sbklyl < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="gxkmap.hb_sbklyl < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_sbklyl < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="gxkmap.tb_sbklyl < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="MTBF"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_mtbf)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_mtbf < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.mtbf"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_mtbf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="gxkmap.hb_mtbf < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_mtbf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="gxkmap.tb_mtbf < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="MTTR"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_mttr)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_mttr < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.mttr"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_mttr < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="gxkmap.hb_mttr < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_mttr < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="gxkmap.tb_mttr < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="MTTF"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_mttf)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_mttf < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.mttf"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_mttf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="gxkmap.hb_mttf < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_mttf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="gxkmap.tb_mttf < 0 ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow' : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'"
+ ></Ppanel> -->
+ <Ppanel
+ title="利用小时"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_dxkyss)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_dxkyss < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.ydxkyss"
+ :data1Icon="
+ gxkmap.tb_dxkyss < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'
+ "
+ :data1IconClass="
+ gxkmap.tb_dxkyss < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ :data2Icon="
+ gxkmap.hb_dxkyss < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'
+ "
+ :data2IconClass="
+ gxkmap.hb_dxkyss < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="设备可利用率"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_sbklyl)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_sbklyl < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.ysbklyl"
+ :data1Icon="
+ gxkmap.hb_sbklyl < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'
+ "
+ :data1IconClass="
+ gxkmap.hb_sbklyl < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ :data2Icon="
+ gxkmap.tb_sbklyl < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'
+ "
+ :data2IconClass="
+ gxkmap.tb_sbklyl < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="MTBF"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_mtbf)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_mtbf < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.mtbf"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_mtbf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="
+ gxkmap.hb_mtbf < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_mtbf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="
+ gxkmap.tb_mtbf < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="MTTR"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_mttr)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_mttr < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.mttr"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_mttr < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="
+ gxkmap.hb_mttr < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_mttr < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="
+ gxkmap.tb_mttr < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ ></Ppanel>
+ <Ppanel
+ title="MTTF"
+ class="stb-p"
+ :data="riseNumber(gxkmap.bg_mttf)"
+ :dataColor="gxkmap.bg_mttf < 0 ? '#f25656' : '#05BB4C'"
+ :days="gxkmap.mttf"
+ :data1Icon="gxkmap.hb_mttf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data1IconClass="
+ gxkmap.hb_mttf < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ :data2Icon="gxkmap.tb_mttf < 0 ? 'svg-arrow-dpwn-1' : 'svg-arrow-up-1'"
+ :data2IconClass="
+ gxkmap.tb_mttf < 0
+ ? 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-yellow'
+ : 'svg-icon-sm svg-icon-green'
+ "
+ ></Ppanel>
- <!-- bounceInUp, -->
- custom-class="modal animated bounceIn"
+ title="查看视频"
+ :custom-class="videoDialogClass"
- @closed="dialogVideoUrl = ''"
+ :before-close="
+ (done) => {
+ videoDialogClass = 'modal animated a1 bounceOut';
+ delaylyFn(450, done);
+ }
+ "
+ @closed="
+ dialogVideoUrl = '';
+ videoDialogClass = 'modal animated a1 bounceIn';
+ "
@@ -105,6 +284,47 @@
+ <el-dialog
+ title="停机详情"
+ :custom-class="tableDialogClass"
+ v-model="showTableDialog"
+ width="80%"
+ :destroy-on-close="true"
+ :before-close="
+ (done) => {
+ tableDialogClass = 'modal animated a1 fadeOutLeftBig';
+ delaylyFn(450, done);
+ }
+ "
+ @closed="
+ dialogVideoUrl = '';
+ tableDialogClass = 'modal animated a1 fadeInLeftBig';
+ "
+ >
+ <el-form style="margin: 30px 0" label-width="120px" inline>
+ <el-form-item label="风机ID" style="width: 45%; margin-bottom: 25px">
+ <el-input v-model="tableItem.windTurbineId" readonly></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="所属风场" style="width: 45%; margin-bottom: 25px">
+ <el-input v-model="tableItem.wpName" readonly></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="停机类型" style="width: 45%; margin-bottom: 25px">
+ <el-input v-model="tableItem.statusName" readonly></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="停机时间" style="width: 45%; margin-bottom: 25px">
+ <el-input v-model="tableItem.stopTime" readonly></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="恢复时间" style="width: 45%; margin-bottom: 25px">
+ <el-input v-model="tableItem.startTime" readonly></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item
+ label="停机时长(小时)"
+ style="width: 45%; margin-bottom: 25px"
+ >
+ <el-input v-model="tableItem.stopHours" readonly></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-form>
+ </el-dialog>
@@ -136,11 +356,23 @@ export default {
// 数据
data() {
+ const that = this;
return {
videoShow: true,
showPanel: false,
exchangeBtn: false,
exchangeBtn1: false,
+ timmer1: null,
+ showTableDialog: false,
+ videoDialogClass: "modal animated a1 bounceIn",
+ tableDialogClass: "modal animated a1 fadeInLeftBig",
+ peopleClass: "",
+ timeStr: "",
+ wpId: "0",
+ tqmap1: {},
+ gxkmap: {},
+ tableItem: {},
+ mapSource: {},
videoArray: [
@@ -193,65 +425,48 @@ export default {
total: 100,
- tableData: {
+ workDataIndex: 0,
+ workData: {
column: [
- name: "标题",
- field: "v1",
+ name: "人员",
+ field: "laborname",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
+ click(e, row) {
+ that.changePeople(row.index);
+ },
- name: "标题",
- field: "v2",
+ name: "职务",
+ field: "jobcode",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
+ click(e, row) {
+ that.changePeople(row.index);
+ },
- name: "标题",
- field: "v3",
+ name: "开始时间",
+ field: "starttime",
width: "150px",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
+ click(e, row) {
+ that.changePeople(row.index);
+ },
- name: "标题",
- field: "v4",
+ name: "原因",
+ field: "problem",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
+ click(e, row) {
+ that.changePeople(row.index);
+ },
- data: [
- {
- v1: "内容内容",
- v2: "内容内容",
- v3: "内容内容内容内容内容",
- v4: "内容内容",
- is_light: false,
- },
- {
- v1: "内容内容",
- v2: "内容内容",
- v3: "内容内容内容内容内容",
- v4: "内容内容",
- is_light: false,
- },
- {
- v1: "内容内容",
- v2: "内容内容",
- v3: "内容内容内容内容内容",
- v4: "内容内容",
- is_light: false,
- },
- {
- v1: "内容内容",
- v2: "内容内容",
- v3: "内容内容内容内容内容",
- v4: "内容内容",
- is_light: false,
- },
- ],
+ data: [],
levelTableData: {
column: [
@@ -296,8 +511,22 @@ export default {
+ sels: {
+ column: [
+ {
+ name: "风机编号",
+ field: "windTurbineId",
+ },
+ {
+ name: "时间",
+ field: "stopTime",
+ },
+ ],
+ data: [],
+ },
// 函数
methods: {
openVideoDialog(item) {
@@ -306,12 +535,109 @@ export default {
this.showVideoDialog = true;
+ getWtInfo() {
+ let that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ method: "POST",
+ subUrl: "sandtable/findWtInfo",
+ data: {
+ wpId: that.wpId,
+ },
+ success(res) {
+ console.log(11111, res);
+ that.tqmap1 = res.data.tqmap1;
+ res.data.sels.forEach((ele) => {
+ ele.stopTime = new Date(ele.stopTime).formatDate(
+ "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
+ );
+ ele.startTime = new Date(ele.stopTime).formatDate(
+ "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
+ );
+ });
+ that.sels.data = res.data.sels;
+ that.gxkmap = res.data.gxkmap;
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ // 获取中部地图数据
+ getWpHealthInfo() {
+ let that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ method: "POST",
+ subUrl: "sandtable/judgeWpHealth",
+ data: {
+ wpId: that.wpId,
+ },
+ success(res) {
+ that.mapSource = res.data;
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ // 获取中部地图数据
+ getTop4Info() {
+ let that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ method: "GET",
+ baseURL: "",
+ subUrl: "equoperationrecord/top4",
+ data: {
+ stId: that.wpId,
+ },
+ success(res) {
+ res.data.forEach((ele, index) => {
+ ele.index = index;
+ });
+ that.workData.data = res.data;
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ clickRow(row) {
+ this.tableItem = row;
+ this.showTableDialog = true;
+ },
+ delaylyFn(time, fn) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ fn();
+ }, time);
+ },
+ riseNumber(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ return (number - number * 2) / 100;
+ } else {
+ return number / 100;
+ }
+ },
+ // 切换人员展示
+ changePeople(index) {
+ if (!this.peopleAnmLock && this.workDataIndex !== index) {
+ this.peopleAnmLock = true;
+ this.peopleClass = "fadeOutRight";
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.workDataIndex = index;
+ this.peopleClass = "fadeInRight";
+ this.peopleAnmLock = false;
+ }, 150);
+ }
+ },
when: function () {
this.showPanel = true;
exchange: function () {
this.exchangeBtn = !this.exchangeBtn;
exchange1: function () {
this.exchangeBtn1 = !this.exchangeBtn1;
@@ -321,7 +647,13 @@ export default {
// 创建前
created() {
- // 创建后
+ this.getWtInfo();
+ this.getWpHealthInfo();
+ this.getTop4Info();
+ this.timeStr = new Date().formatDate("MM-dd hh:mm");
+ this.timmer1 = setInterval(() => {
+ this.timeStr = new Date().formatDate("MM-dd hh:mm");
+ });
beforeMount() {
// 渲染前
@@ -335,6 +667,11 @@ export default {
updated() {
// 数据更新后
+ unmounted() {
+ clearInterval(this.timmer1);
+ this.timmer1 = null;
+ },
@@ -450,6 +787,10 @@ export default {
margin-left: -1.481vh;
margin-bottom: -1.481vh;
+ tr {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
.com-table thead tr th,
.com-table tr td {
padding: 0.556vh 0;
@@ -457,8 +798,12 @@ export default {
- .animated {
- // animation-duration: 0.5s;
+ .animated.a0 {
+ animation-duration: 0.35s;
+ }
+ .animated.a1 {
+ animation-duration: 0.5s;
.el-overlay {
@@ -480,22 +825,24 @@ export default {
animation-duration: 0;
@keyframes dialog-fade-in {
0% {
- transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
- opacity: 1;
+ transform: translate3d(-1000%, -1000%, 0);
+ opacity: 0;
100% {
- transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(-1000%, -1000%, 0);
opacity: 1;
@keyframes dialog-fade-out {
0% {
- transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+ // transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(-1000%, -1000%, 0);
opacity: 1;
100% {
- transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0);
+ // transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(-1000%, -1000%, 0);
opacity: 0;