Browse Source


shilin 1 year ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ public class Windturbineinfodaytop2Service implements BaseService<Windturbineinf
     public List<Windturbineinfodaytop2> gadaytop5(String wtId,Date beginDate,Date endDate)  {
-        List<Windturbineinfodaytop2> list=null;
+        List<Windturbineinfodaytop2> list=new ArrayList<>();
         if(StringUtils.notEmp(beginDate) &&  StringUtils.notEmp(endDate) &&  StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wtId)){

+ 264 - 278

@@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
 import com.gyee.frame.common.cache.RedisUtils;
-import com.gyee.frame.common.conf.V2Config;
-import com.gyee.frame.common.spring.InitialRunner;
-import com.gyee.frame.util.MathUtil;
-import com.gyee.frame.util.StringUtils;
-import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
-import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException;
 import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
 import javax.annotation.Resource;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -37,280 +23,280 @@ public class WeatherDay5Service {
 		Map<String,Object> result=new HashMap<>();
 		java.util.List<Map<String,Object>> lsmap=new ArrayList<>();
-		if(StringUtils.notEmp(id))
-		{
-			if (InitialRunner.wpmap.containsKey(id)) {
-				Windpowerstation wp = InitialRunner.wpmap.get(id);
-				id=wp.getId();
-			} else if (InitialRunner.pjmap.containsKey(id)) {
-				Project pj = InitialRunner.pjmap.get(id);
-				Windpowerstation wp = InitialRunner.wpmap.get(pj.getWindpowerstationid());
-				id=wp.getId();
-			} else if (InitialRunner.lnmap.containsKey(id)) {
-				Line ln = InitialRunner.lnmap.get(id);
-				Project pj = InitialRunner.pjmap.get(ln.getProjectid());
-				Windpowerstation wp = InitialRunner.wpmap.get(pj.getWindpowerstationid());
-				id=wp.getId();
-			}
-            String weatherStr =null;
-            JsonRootBean jsonRootBean   = null;
-            // weather,forecast,onecall
-            try {
-                StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
-                sb.append(V2Config.getWeatherurl()).append("/meteorological/datas?");
-                if(id.equals("0") || id.equals("-1")  || id.equals("-2"))
-                {
-                    sb.append("&wpid=").append(V2Config.getWeatherqygs());
-                }else {
-                    sb.append("&wpid=").append(id);
-                }
-                sb.append("&model=forecast");
-                String url=String.valueOf(sb);
-                ResponseEntity<JSONObject> resp = restTemplate.getForEntity(url, JSONObject.class);
-                if(StringUtils.notEmp(resp.getBody()))
-                {
-                    weatherStr = resp.getBody().toJSONString();
-                }else
-                {
-                    weatherStr = "";
-                }
-                jsonRootBean = JSONObject.parseObject(weatherStr, new TypeReference<JsonRootBean>(){});
-            } catch (HttpClientErrorException exception) {
-            }
-//			switch(id) {
-//				case "0" :
-//					result.put("name","银川");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NX_QYGS_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "-1" :
-//					result.put("name","银川");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NX_QYGS_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "-2" :
-//					result.put("name","银川");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NX_QYGS_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "MHS_FDC" :
-//					result.put("name","麻黄山");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("MHS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "NSS_FDC" :
-//					result.put("name","牛首山");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NSS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "QS_FDC" :
-//					result.put("name","青山");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("QS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "SBQ_FDC" :
-//					result.put("name","石板泉");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("SBQ_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "XS_FDC" :
-//					result.put("name","香山");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("XS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "DWK_GDC" :
-//					result.put("name","大武口");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("DWK_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "PL_GDC" :
-//					result.put("name","平罗");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("PL_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "XH_GDC" :
-//					result.put("name","宣和");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("XH_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "MCH_GDC" :
-//					result.put("name","马场湖");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("MCH_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				case "HZJ_GDC" :
-//					result.put("name","海子井");
-//					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("HZJ_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
-//					break;
-//				default:
-//					break;
+//		if(StringUtils.notEmp(id))
+//		{
+//			if (InitialRunner.wpmap.containsKey(id)) {
+//				Windpowerstation wp = InitialRunner.wpmap.get(id);
+//				id=wp.getId();
+//			} else if (InitialRunner.pjmap.containsKey(id)) {
+//				Project pj = InitialRunner.pjmap.get(id);
+//				Windpowerstation wp = InitialRunner.wpmap.get(pj.getWindpowerstationid());
+//				id=wp.getId();
+//			} else if (InitialRunner.lnmap.containsKey(id)) {
+//				Line ln = InitialRunner.lnmap.get(id);
+//				Project pj = InitialRunner.pjmap.get(ln.getProjectid());
+//				Windpowerstation wp = InitialRunner.wpmap.get(pj.getWindpowerstationid());
+//				id=wp.getId();
 //			}
-			if(StringUtils.notEmp(jsonRootBean))
-			{
-//				JsonRootBean jsonRootBean = JSONObject.parseObject(weatherStr, new TypeReference<JsonRootBean>() {
-//				});
-				if(null!=jsonRootBean && null!=jsonRootBean.getList() && !jsonRootBean.getList().isEmpty())
-				{
-					for(List weatherReal:jsonRootBean.getList())
-					{
-						Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<>();
-						map.put("time",weatherReal.getDt()*1000);
-						double qxd=weatherReal.getVisibility();
-						map.put("qxd", MathUtil.twoBit(qxd/1000));
-						if(null!=weatherReal.getMain())
-						{
-							Main main=weatherReal.getMain();
-							map.put("wd",main.getTemp());
-							map.put("dqyl",main.getPressure());
-							map.put("sd",main.getHumidity());
-						}
-						if(null!=weatherReal.getClouds())
-						{
-							Clouds clouds=weatherReal.getClouds();
-							//云量
-							map.put("yunliang",clouds.getAll());
-						}
-						if(null!=weatherReal.getSys())
-						{
-							Sys sys=weatherReal.getSys();
-							if(StringUtils.notEmp(sys.getSunrise()))
-							{
-								Date date=new Date(sys.getSunrise()*1000);
-								SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
-								//日出时间
-								map.put("richushijian", "05:56");
-//								map.put("richushijian", sdf.format(date));
-							}
-							if(StringUtils.notEmp(sys.getSunset()))
-							{
-								Date date=new Date(sys.getSunset()*1000);
-								SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
-								//日落时间
-								map.put("riluoshijian", "20:05");
-//								map.put("riluoshijian", sdf.format(date));
-							}
-						}
-						if(null!=weatherReal.getWind())
-						{
-							Wind wind=weatherReal.getWind();
-							map.put("fs",wind.getSpeed());
-							if(StringUtils.notEmp(wind.getDeg()))
-							{
-								double fx=wind.getDeg();
-								map.put("fx",fx);
-//								if(fx>= 11.25 && fx<= 348.76)
+//            String weatherStr =null;
+//            JsonRootBean jsonRootBean   = null;
+//            // weather,forecast,onecall
+//            try {
+//                StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
+//                sb.append(V2Config.getWeatherurl()).append("/meteorological/datas?");
+//                if(id.equals("0") || id.equals("-1")  || id.equals("-2"))
+//                {
+//                    sb.append("&wpid=").append(V2Config.getWeatherqygs());
+//                }else {
+//                    sb.append("&wpid=").append(id);
+//                }
+//                sb.append("&model=forecast");
+//                String url=String.valueOf(sb);
+//                ResponseEntity<JSONObject> resp = restTemplate.getForEntity(url, JSONObject.class);
+//                if(StringUtils.notEmp(resp.getBody()))
+//                {
+//                    weatherStr = resp.getBody().toJSONString();
+//                }else
+//                {
+//                    weatherStr = "";
+//                }
+//                jsonRootBean = JSONObject.parseObject(weatherStr, new TypeReference<JsonRootBean>(){});
+//            } catch (HttpClientErrorException exception) {
+//            }
+////			switch(id) {
+////				case "0" :
+////					result.put("name","银川");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NX_QYGS_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "-1" :
+////					result.put("name","银川");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NX_QYGS_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "-2" :
+////					result.put("name","银川");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NX_QYGS_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "MHS_FDC" :
+////					result.put("name","麻黄山");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("MHS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "NSS_FDC" :
+////					result.put("name","牛首山");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("NSS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "QS_FDC" :
+////					result.put("name","青山");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("QS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "SBQ_FDC" :
+////					result.put("name","石板泉");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("SBQ_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "XS_FDC" :
+////					result.put("name","香山");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("XS_FDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "DWK_GDC" :
+////					result.put("name","大武口");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("DWK_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "PL_GDC" :
+////					result.put("name","平罗");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("PL_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "XH_GDC" :
+////					result.put("name","宣和");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("XH_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "MCH_GDC" :
+////					result.put("name","马场湖");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("MCH_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				case "HZJ_GDC" :
+////					result.put("name","海子井");
+////					weatherStr = redisUtils.get("HZJ_GDC_WEATHER_FORECAST",DATABASE);
+////					break;
+////				default:
+////					break;
+////			}
+//			if(StringUtils.notEmp(jsonRootBean))
+//			{
+////				JsonRootBean jsonRootBean = JSONObject.parseObject(weatherStr, new TypeReference<JsonRootBean>() {
+////				});
+//				if(null!=jsonRootBean && null!=jsonRootBean.getList() && !jsonRootBean.getList().isEmpty())
+//				{
+//					for(List weatherReal:jsonRootBean.getList())
+//					{
+//						Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<>();
+//						map.put("time",weatherReal.getDt()*1000);
+//						double qxd=weatherReal.getVisibility();
+//						map.put("qxd", MathUtil.twoBit(qxd/1000));
+//						if(null!=weatherReal.getMain())
+//						{
+//							Main main=weatherReal.getMain();
+//							map.put("wd",main.getTemp());
+//							map.put("dqyl",main.getPressure());
+//							map.put("sd",main.getHumidity());
+//						}
+//						if(null!=weatherReal.getClouds())
+//						{
+//							Clouds clouds=weatherReal.getClouds();
+//							//云量
+//							map.put("yunliang",clouds.getAll());
+//						}
+//						if(null!=weatherReal.getSys())
+//						{
+//							Sys sys=weatherReal.getSys();
+//							if(StringUtils.notEmp(sys.getSunrise()))
+//							{
+//								Date date=new Date(sys.getSunrise()*1000);
+//								SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
+//								//日出时间
+//								map.put("richushijian", "05:56");
+////								map.put("richushijian", sdf.format(date));
+//							}
+//							if(StringUtils.notEmp(sys.getSunset()))
+//							{
+//								Date date=new Date(sys.getSunset()*1000);
+//								SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
+//								//日落时间
+//								map.put("riluoshijian", "20:05");
+////								map.put("riluoshijian", sdf.format(date));
+//							}
+//						}
+//						if(null!=weatherReal.getWind())
+//						{
+//							Wind wind=weatherReal.getWind();
+//							map.put("fs",wind.getSpeed());
+//							if(StringUtils.notEmp(wind.getDeg()))
+//							{
+//								double fx=wind.getDeg();
+//								map.put("fx",fx);
+////								if(fx>= 11.25 && fx<= 348.76)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","北");
+////								}else if(fx>= 33.76 && fx<= 56.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","东北");
+////								}else if(fx>= 78.76 && fx<= 101.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","东");
+////								}else if(fx>= 123.76 && fx<= 146.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","东南");
+////								}else if(fx>= 168.76 && fx<= 191.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","南");
+////								}else if(fx>= 213.76 && fx<= 236.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","西南");
+////								}else if(fx>= 258.76 && fx<= 281.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","西");
+////								}else if(fx>= 303.76 && fx<= 326.25)
+////								{
+////									map.put("fx","西北");
+////								}
+//							}
+//						}
+//						if(null!=weatherReal.getWeather() && !weatherReal.getWeather().isEmpty())
+//						{
+//							Weather weather=weatherReal.getWeather().get(0);
+//							String icon=weather.getIcon();
+//							if (StringUtils.notEmp(icon))
+//							{
+//								if(icon.equals("01d") || icon.equals("01n"))
+//								{
+//									map.put("tqmc","晴");
+//									map.put("tqtp","01");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("02d") || icon.equals("02n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","北");
-//								}else if(fx>= 33.76 && fx<= 56.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","少云");
+//									map.put("tqtp","02");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("03d") || icon.equals("03n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","东北");
-//								}else if(fx>= 78.76 && fx<= 101.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","多云");
+//									map.put("tqtp","06");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("04d") || icon.equals("04n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","东");
-//								}else if(fx>= 123.76 && fx<= 146.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","阴");
+//									map.put("tqtp","07");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("09d") || icon.equals("09n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","东南");
-//								}else if(fx>= 168.76 && fx<= 191.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","阵雨");
+//									map.put("tqtp","13");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("10d") || icon.equals("10n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","南");
-//								}else if(fx>= 213.76 && fx<= 236.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","雨");
+//									map.put("tqtp","18");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("11d") || icon.equals("11n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","西南");
-//								}else if(fx>= 258.76 && fx<= 281.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","雷雨");
+//									map.put("tqtp","15");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("13d") || icon.equals("13n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","西");
-//								}else if(fx>= 303.76 && fx<= 326.25)
+//									map.put("tqmc","雪");
+//									map.put("tqtp","19");
+//								}else if(icon.equals("50d") || icon.equals("50n"))
 //								{
-//									map.put("fx","西北");
+//									map.put("tqmc","雾");
+//									map.put("tqtp","32");
+//								}else
+//								{
+//									map.put("description","晴");
+//									map.put("tqtp","01");
 //								}
-							}
-						}
-						if(null!=weatherReal.getWeather() && !weatherReal.getWeather().isEmpty())
-						{
-							Weather weather=weatherReal.getWeather().get(0);
-							String icon=weather.getIcon();
-							if (StringUtils.notEmp(icon))
-							{
-								if(icon.equals("01d") || icon.equals("01n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","晴");
-									map.put("tqtp","01");
-								}else if(icon.equals("02d") || icon.equals("02n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","少云");
-									map.put("tqtp","02");
-								}else if(icon.equals("03d") || icon.equals("03n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","多云");
-									map.put("tqtp","06");
-								}else if(icon.equals("04d") || icon.equals("04n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","阴");
-									map.put("tqtp","07");
-								}else if(icon.equals("09d") || icon.equals("09n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","阵雨");
-									map.put("tqtp","13");
-								}else if(icon.equals("10d") || icon.equals("10n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","雨");
-									map.put("tqtp","18");
-								}else if(icon.equals("11d") || icon.equals("11n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","雷雨");
-									map.put("tqtp","15");
-								}else if(icon.equals("13d") || icon.equals("13n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","雪");
-									map.put("tqtp","19");
-								}else if(icon.equals("50d") || icon.equals("50n"))
-								{
-									map.put("tqmc","雾");
-									map.put("tqtp","32");
-								}else
-								{
-									map.put("description","晴");
-									map.put("tqtp","01");
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						lsmap.add(map);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
+//							}
+//						}
+//						lsmap.add(map);
+//					}
+//				}
+//			}
+//		}
 		return  result;

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#spring boot actuator \u76D1\u63A7\u548C\u5065\u5EB7\u68C0\u67E5\u529F\u80FD

+ 5 - 4

@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 --     yeartjsj, dayLYXS, monthLYXS, yearLYXS, dayNHYD, monthNHYD, yearNHYD, daySBKLYL,
 --     monthSBKLYL, yearSBKLYL, dayDXKYXS, monthDXKYXS, yearDXKYXS, dayyxfss, monthyxfss,
 --     yearyxfss, dayxfqr, monthxfqr, yearxfqr, dayjfpl, monthjfpl, yearjfpl, dayglyzxxs,
+--     monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, LEVEL, year, month
     id, windPowerStationId, projectId, lineId, windTurbineId, recordDate, dayfdl, monthfdl,
     yearfdl, dayllfdl, monthllfdl, yearllfdl, dayfs, monthfs, yearfs, daygl, monthgl,
@@ -1330,12 +1330,12 @@
     yeartjsj, dayLYXS, monthLYXS, yearLYXS, dayNHYD, monthNHYD, yearNHYD, daySBKLYL,
     monthSBKLYL, yearSBKLYL, dayDXKYXS, monthDXKYXS, yearDXKYXS, dayyxfss, monthyxfss,
     yearyxfss, dayxfqr, monthxfqr, yearxfqr, dayjfpl, monthjfpl, yearjfpl, dayglyzxxs,
-    monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, "LEVEL", year, month
+    monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, LEVEL, year, month
      from windturbineinfodaytop2  where  type=2
     <if test="wpId != null">
      and windpowerstationid = #{wpId}
-     and year=#{year} and month=#{month} order by "LEVEL" desc
+     and year=#{year} and month=#{month} order by LEVEL desc
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@
         yeartjsj, dayLYXS, monthLYXS, yearLYXS, dayNHYD, monthNHYD, yearNHYD, daySBKLYL,
         monthSBKLYL, yearSBKLYL, dayDXKYXS, monthDXKYXS, yearDXKYXS, dayyxfss, monthyxfss,
         yearyxfss, dayxfqr, monthxfqr, yearxfqr, dayjfpl, monthjfpl, yearjfpl, dayglyzxxs,
-        monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, "LEVEL", year, month
+        monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, LEVEL, year, month
         from windturbineinfodaytop2  where  type=1
         <if test="wtId != null">
             and windTurbineId = #{wtId}
@@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@
         yeartjsj, dayLYXS, monthLYXS, yearLYXS, dayNHYD, monthNHYD, yearNHYD, daySBKLYL,
         monthSBKLYL, yearSBKLYL, dayDXKYXS, monthDXKYXS, yearDXKYXS, dayyxfss, monthyxfss,
         yearyxfss, dayxfqr, monthxfqr, yearxfqr, dayjfpl, monthjfpl, yearjfpl, dayglyzxxs,
-        monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, "LEVEL", year, month
+        monthglyzxxs, yearglyzxxs, type, Rank, LEVEL, year, month
         from windturbineinfodaytop2  where  type=2
         <if test="wtId != null">
             and windTurbineId = #{wtId}