@@ -7,19 +7,16 @@ import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.common.StringUtils;
import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.contant.Contant;
import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.init.CacheContext;
import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.model.auto.*;
-import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.model.vo.FjjxbVo;
-import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.model.vo.FjjxbmxVo;
-import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.model.vo.WxsslVo;
-import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.service.auto.IEquipmentdaydetailedService;
-import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.service.auto.IEquipmentdayinfoService;
+import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.model.vo.*;
+import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.service.auto.*;
import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.util.DateUtils;
import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.util.SortUtils;
import com.gyee.benchmarkingimpala.util.taos.EdosUtil;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchUpdateUtils;
-import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@@ -32,11 +29,25 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class BenchmarkingService {
+ private final String TYPE_DATE = "date";
+ private final String TYPE_WIND = "wind";
+ private final String TYPE_PROJECT = "project";
+ private final String TYPE_LINE = "line";
+ private final String TYPE_WINDTURBINE = "windturbine";
private EdosUtil edosUtil = new EdosUtil();
private IEquipmentdayinfoService equipmentdayinfoService;
private IEquipmentdaydetailedService equipmentdaydetailedService;
+ @Autowired
+ private IDutyscheduleService dutyscheduleService;
+ @Autowired
+ private IOperationrecordService operationrecordService;
+ @Autowired
+ private IBenchmarkingbetweenService benchmarkingbetweenService;
@@ -172,6 +183,167 @@ public class BenchmarkingService {
+ * 保存值际操作指令表
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ */
+ public void saveOperationrecord(String beginDate,String endDate) throws ParseException {
+ List<String> days = getDays(beginDate, endDate);
+ for (String day : days) {
+ Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(day);
+ Date startOfDay = DateUtils.getStartOfDay(date);
+ Date endOfDay = DateUtils.getEndOfDay(date);
+ Map<String, Object> params1 = new HashMap<>();
+ params1.put("createdate", date);
+ List<Dutyschedule> dutyList = dutyscheduleService.listByMap(params1);
+ params1.remove("createdate");
+ params1.put("time",date);
+ operationrecordService.removeByMap(params1);
+ Map<String, Map<String, Windturbinetestingpointai2>> wtpointMap = CacheContext.wtpAimap;
+ String[] points = Contant.opePoints.split(",");
+ List<Windturbine> wtls = CacheContext.wtls;
+ List<OpeVo> resuList = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Windturbine wt : wtls) {
+ if (wt.getWindpowerstationid().endsWith("GDC")){
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (String point : points) {
+ Windturbinetestingpointai2 windturbinetestingpointai2 = wtpointMap.get(wt.getId()).get(point);
+ try {
+ List<PointData> pointDatas = edosUtil.getHistoryDatasRaw(windturbinetestingpointai2.getId(), startOfDay.getTime()/1000, endOfDay.getTime()/1000);
+ pointDatas.stream().forEach(pointData -> {
+ OpeVo vo = new OpeVo();
+ vo.setWtid(wt.getId());
+ vo.setTime(DateUtils.parseLongToDate(pointData.getPointTime()*1000));
+ vo.setValue(pointData.getPointValueInDouble());
+ resuList.add(vo);
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (Dutyschedule duty : dutyList) {
+ for (OpeVo vo : resuList) {
+ if (isTimeRange(duty,vo.getTime())) {
+ Operationrecord operationrecord = new Operationrecord();
+ operationrecord.setDutyname(duty.getName());
+ operationrecord.setWtid(vo.getWtid());
+ operationrecord.setTime(vo.getTime());
+ operationrecord.setValue(vo.getValue());
+ operationrecordService.save(operationrecord);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 保存值际五损
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ */
+ public void saveBeanchmarkList(String beginDate,String endDate) throws Exception {
+ List<String> days = getDays(beginDate, endDate);
+ for (String day : days) {
+ Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(day);
+ Date startOfDay = DateUtils.getStartOfDay(date);
+ Date endOfDay = DateUtils.getEndOfDay(date);
+ Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
+ params.put("theday", date);
+ benchmarkingbetweenService.removeByMap(params);
+ Map<String, Object> params1 = new HashMap<>();
+ params1.put("createdate", date);
+ List<Dutyschedule> dutyList = dutyscheduleService.listByMap(params1);
+ String[] points = Contant.benchPoints.split(",");
+ Map<String, Windpowerstationtestingpoint2> wpmap = CacheContext.wppointmap.get("0");
+ SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ Map<String, Map<String, Double>> remap = new HashMap<>();
+ for (Dutyschedule dutyschedule : dutyList) {
+ String[] begins = dutyschedule.getBegin().split(",");
+ String[] ends = dutyschedule.getEnd().split(",");
+ Map<String, Double> map = new HashMap<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < begins.length; i++) {
+ Date begin = df.parse(day + " " + begins[i] + ":00");
+ Date end = df.parse(day + " " + ends[i] + ":00");
+ for (String point : points) {
+ Windpowerstationtestingpoint2 windpowerstationtestingpoint2 = wpmap.get(point);
+ List<PointData> maxs = edosUtil.getHistStat(windpowerstationtestingpoint2.getCode(), begin.getTime() / 1000, end.getTime() / 1000, (long) 1, null, 0);
+ List<PointData> mins = edosUtil.getHistStat(windpowerstationtestingpoint2.getCode(), begin.getTime() / 1000, end.getTime() / 1000, (long) 1, null, 1);
+ double ssdl = 0;
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxs) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mins)) {
+ ssdl = (maxs.get(0).getPointValueInDouble() - mins.get(0).getPointValueInDouble()) / 10000;
+ }
+ if (!map.containsKey(point)) {
+ map.put(point, ssdl);
+ } else {
+ map.put(point, map.get(point) + ssdl);
+ }
+ }
+ Windpowerstationtestingpoint2 windpowerstationtestingpoint2 = wpmap.get("RFDL");
+ List<PointData> maxs = edosUtil.getHistStat(windpowerstationtestingpoint2.getCode(), begin.getTime() / 1000, end.getTime() / 1000, (long) 1, null, 0);
+ List<PointData> mins = edosUtil.getHistStat(windpowerstationtestingpoint2.getCode(), begin.getTime() / 1000, end.getTime() / 1000, (long) 1, null, 1);
+ double fdl = 0;
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxs) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mins)) {
+ fdl = maxs.get(0).getPointValueInDouble() - mins.get(0).getPointValueInDouble();
+ }
+ if (!map.containsKey("RFDL")) {
+ map.put("RFDL", fdl);
+ } else {
+ map.put("RFDL", map.get("RFDL") + fdl);
+ }
+ remap.put(dutyschedule.getName(), map);
+ }
+ }
+ Set<String> dutyset = remap.keySet();
+ for (String duty : dutyset) {
+ Benchmarkingbetween bench = new Benchmarkingbetween();
+ bench.setDutyname(duty);
+ bench.setTheday(date);
+ Map<String, Double> pointmap = remap.get(duty);
+ bench.setPerformanceloss(pointmap.get("RSDJZSDL") + pointmap.get("RSSTZSDL") + pointmap.get("RXNZSDL") + pointmap.get("RSQXZSDL"));
+ bench.setFaultloss(pointmap.get("RGZZSDL") + pointmap.get("RSZZSDL"));
+ bench.setMainloss(pointmap.get("RJXZSDL") + pointmap.get("RLZZSDL"));
+ bench.setRationingloss(pointmap.get("RQFZSDL") + pointmap.get("RXDZSDL"));
+ bench.setInvolvesloss(pointmap.get("RWZZSDL") + pointmap.get("RTZZSDL"));
+ bench.setGeneratity(pointmap.get("RFDL"));
+ bench.setTheoreticalgeneratity(bench.getPerformanceloss() + bench.getFaultloss() + bench.getMainloss() + bench.getRationingloss() + bench.getInvolvesloss() + bench.getGeneratity());
+ benchmarkingbetweenService.save(bench);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 判断实际操作指令时间是否属于某个值班
+ * @param duty
+ * @param time
+ * @return
+ * @throws ParseException
+ */
+ private boolean isTimeRange(Dutyschedule duty,Date time) throws ParseException {
+ SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
+ Date now = df.parse(df.format(time));
+ String[] begins=duty.getBegin().split(",");
+ String[] ends=duty.getEnd().split(",");
+ for (int i=0 ; i<begins.length;i++) {
+ Date begin = df.parse(begins[i]);
+ Date end = df.parse(ends[i]);
+ Calendar nowTime = Calendar.getInstance();
+ nowTime.setTime(now);
+ Calendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance();
+ beginTime.setTime(begin);
+ Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();
+ endTime.setTime(end);
+ if (nowTime.before(endTime) && nowTime.after(beginTime)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
* 获取两日期间日期list
* @param beginDate
@@ -452,6 +624,7 @@ public class BenchmarkingService {
List<Project> projects = CacheContext.projects.stream().filter(i -> wpids.contains(i.getWindpowerstationid())).collect(Collectors.toList());
return projects;
* 根据项目查询线路列表
* @param projects
@@ -601,13 +774,11 @@ public class BenchmarkingService {
- List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList);
+ List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList,TYPE_DATE);
return wxsslVoList;
* 场际对标
* @param wpids
@@ -625,102 +796,91 @@ public class BenchmarkingService {
- List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList);
+ List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList,TYPE_WIND);
return wxsslVoList;
-// /**
-// * 项目对标
-// * @param wpids
-// * @param projectids
-// * @param beginDate
-// * @param endDate
-// * @return
-// */
-// public List<WxsslVo> xmdb(String wpids, String projectids, String beginDate, String endDate) {
-// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-// sb.append("select projectid as name ,sum(genecapacity) fdl,sum(therogenecapacity) llfdl,sum(daynhwhssdl) jxssdl,sum(daynhgzssdl) gzssdl,sum(daynhxdssdl) xdssdl,sum(daynhqfdl) xnssdl,sum(daynhcfdl) slssdl " +
-// " from gyee_test.equipmentdayinfo where recorddate>=to_date('");
-// sb.append(beginDate).append("','yyyy-MM-dd') and recorddate<=to_date('");
-// sb.append(endDate).append("','yyyy-MM-dd') ");
-// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wpids)){
-// sb.append(" and (");
-// String[] wpArray = wpids.split(",");
-// for (String s : wpArray) {
-// sb.append(" windpowerstationid = '").append(s).append("' or");
-// }
-// sb = new StringBuilder(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2));
-// sb.append(")");
-// }
-// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(projectids)){
-// sb.append(" and (");
-// String[] wpArray = wpids.split(",");
-// for (String s : wpArray) {
-// sb.append(" projectid = '").append(s).append("' or");
-// }
-// sb = new StringBuilder(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2));
-// sb.append(")");
-// }
-// sb.append(" group by projectid");
-// List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(sb);
-// return wxsslVoList;
-// }
-// /**
-// * 线路对标
-// * @param wpids
-// * @param projectids
-// * @param lineids
-// * @param beginDate
-// * @param endDate
-// * @return
-// */
-// public List<WxsslVo> xldb(String wpids, String projectids, String lineids, String beginDate, String endDate) {
-// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-// sb.append("select lineid as name ,sum(genecapacity) fdl,sum(therogenecapacity) llfdl,sum(daynhwhssdl) jxssdl,sum(daynhgzssdl) gzssdl,sum(daynhxdssdl) xdssdl,sum(daynhqfdl) xnssdl,sum(daynhcfdl) slssdl " +
-// " from gyee_test.equipmentdayinfo where recorddate>=to_date('");
-// sb.append(beginDate).append("','yyyy-MM-dd') and recorddate<=to_date('");
-// sb.append(endDate).append("','yyyy-MM-dd') ");
-// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wpids)){
-// sb.append(" and (");
-// String[] wpArray = wpids.split(",");
-// for (String s : wpArray) {
-// sb.append(" windpowerstationid = '").append(s).append("' or");
-// }
-// sb = new StringBuilder(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2));
-// sb.append(")");
-// }
-// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(projectids)){
-// sb.append(" and (");
-// String[] wpArray = wpids.split(",");
-// for (String s : wpArray) {
-// sb.append(" projectid = '").append(s).append("' or");
-// }
-// sb = new StringBuilder(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2));
-// sb.append(")");
-// }
-// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lineids)){
-// sb.append(" and (");
-// String[] wpArray = wpids.split(",");
-// for (String s : wpArray) {
-// sb.append(" lineid = '").append(s).append("' or");
-// }
-// sb = new StringBuilder(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2));
-// sb.append(")");
-// }
-// sb.append(" group by lineid");
-// List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(sb);
-// return wxsslVoList;
-// }
- private List<WxsslVo> getWxsslSortVos(QueryWrapper<Equipmentdayinfo> qw,List<WxsslVo> resultList) {
+ /**
+ * 项目对标
+ * @param wpids
+ * @param projectids
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ * @return
+ */
+ public List<WxsslVo> xmdb(String wpids, String projectids, String beginDate, String endDate) {
+ List<WxsslVo> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
+ QueryWrapper<Equipmentdayinfo> qw = new QueryWrapper<>();
+ qw.select("projectid,sum(genecapacity) genecapacity,sum(therogenecapacity) therogenecapacity,sum(daynhwhssdl) daynhwhssdl,sum(daynhgzssdl) daynhgzssdl,sum(daynhxdssdl) daynhxdssdl,sum(daynhqfdl) daynhqfdl,sum(daynhcfdl) daynhcfdl");
+ qw.ge("recorddate",DateUtils.parseDate(beginDate)).le("recorddate",DateUtils.parseDate(endDate));
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wpids)){
+ List<String> wpList = Arrays.asList(wpids.split(","));
+ qw.in("windpowerstationid",wpList);
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(projectids)){
+ List<String> projectList = Arrays.asList(projectids.split(","));
+ qw.in("projectid",projectList);
+ }
+ qw.groupBy("projectid");
+ List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList,TYPE_PROJECT);
+ return wxsslVoList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 线路对标
+ * @param wpids
+ * @param projectids
+ * @param lineids
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ * @return
+ */
+ public List<WxsslVo> xldb(String wpids, String projectids, String lineids, String beginDate, String endDate) {
+ List<WxsslVo> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
+ QueryWrapper<Equipmentdayinfo> qw = new QueryWrapper<>();
+ qw.select("lineid,sum(genecapacity) genecapacity,sum(therogenecapacity) therogenecapacity,sum(daynhwhssdl) daynhwhssdl,sum(daynhgzssdl) daynhgzssdl,sum(daynhxdssdl) daynhxdssdl,sum(daynhqfdl) daynhqfdl,sum(daynhcfdl) daynhcfdl");
+ qw.ge("recorddate",DateUtils.parseDate(beginDate)).le("recorddate",DateUtils.parseDate(endDate));
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wpids)){
+ List<String> wpList = Arrays.asList(wpids.split(","));
+ qw.in("windpowerstationid",wpList);
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(projectids)){
+ List<String> projectList = Arrays.asList(projectids.split(","));
+ qw.in("projectid",projectList);
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lineids)){
+ List<String> lineList = Arrays.asList(lineids.split(","));
+ qw.in("lineid",lineList);
+ }
+ qw.groupBy("lineid");
+ List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList,TYPE_LINE);
+ return wxsslVoList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 根据查询条件和类型,查询处五项损失并封装到结果list
+ * @param qw
+ * @param resultList
+ * @param type
+ * @return
+ */
+ private List<WxsslVo> getWxsslSortVos(QueryWrapper<Equipmentdayinfo> qw, List<WxsslVo> resultList, String type) {
List<Equipmentdayinfo> list = equipmentdayinfoService.list(qw);
WxsslVo vo = new WxsslVo();
- vo.setId(i.getId());
+ if (type.equals(TYPE_WIND)){
+ vo.setId(i.getWindpowerstationid());
+ }else if(type.equals(TYPE_PROJECT)){
+ vo.setId(i.getProjectid());
+ }else if(type.equals(TYPE_LINE)){
+ vo.setId(i.getLineid());
+ }else if(type.equals(TYPE_WINDTURBINE)){
+ vo.setId(i.getWindturbineid());
+ }
@@ -792,6 +952,92 @@ public class BenchmarkingService {
return resultList;
+ /**
+ * 值际操作指令list
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ * @return
+ */
+ public List<Operation> findOperecords(String beginDate, String endDate) {
+ List<Operation> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
+ Date begin = DateUtils.parseDate(beginDate);
+ Date end = DateUtils.getEndOfDay(DateUtils.parseDate(endDate));
+ List<Operationrecord> opeList = operationrecordService.listByBeginAndEnd(begin, end);
+ QueryWrapper<Dutyschedule> wrapper = new QueryWrapper();
+ wrapper.select("max(id) id,name,max(begin) begin,max(end) end,max(createdate) createdate");
+ wrapper.le("createdate",end).ge("createdate",begin).groupBy("name");
+ List<Dutyschedule> dutyList= dutyscheduleService.list(wrapper);
+ for (Dutyschedule duty : dutyList) {
+ Operation ope = new Operation();
+ ope.setNameOfDuty(duty.getName());
+ List<Operationrecord> opeVos= opeList.stream().filter(v -> v.getDutyname().equals(duty.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ ope.setStartCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==1.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setStopCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==2.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setResetCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==3.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setMaintainCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==4.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setUnmaintainCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==5.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setGpmaintainCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==6.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setGpfaultCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==7.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setGponsiteinvolvementMaintainCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==8.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setGponsiteinvolvementFaultCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==9.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setGpoffsiteaffectedgridCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==100).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setGpweatherOutsideCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==11.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ ope.setUngpCount(opeVos.stream().filter(vo -> vo.getValue()==12.0).collect(Collectors.toList()).size());
+ resultList.add(ope);
+ }
+ return resultList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 值际点击钻取
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ * @param dutyname
+ * @param direct
+ * @return
+ */
+ public List<Operationrecord> drillOperecords(String beginDate, String endDate, String dutyname, String direct) {
+ Date begin = DateUtils.parseDate(beginDate);
+ Date end = DateUtils.getEndOfDay(DateUtils.parseDate(endDate));
+ List<Operationrecord> opeList = operationrecordService.listByBeginAndEnd(begin,end);
+ List<Operationrecord> resuList = opeList.stream().filter(ope -> ope.getDutyname().equals(dutyname) && ope.getValue() == Double.parseDouble(direct)).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ return resuList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 值际五项损失
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ * @return
+ */
+ public List<Benchmarkingbetween> findbenchlist(String beginDate, String endDate) {
+ Date begin = DateUtils.parseDate(beginDate);
+ Date end = DateUtils.parseDate(endDate);
+ List<Benchmarkingbetween> resuList = benchmarkingbetweenService.findByBeginAndEnd(begin,end);
+ return resuList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 对标管理详情页面
+ * @param id
+ * @param beginDate
+ * @param endDate
+ * @return
+ */
+ public List<WxsslVo> details(String id, String beginDate, String endDate) {
+ List<WxsslVo> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
+ QueryWrapper<Equipmentdayinfo> qw = new QueryWrapper<>();
+ qw.select("windturbineid,sum(genecapacity) genecapacity,sum(therogenecapacity) therogenecapacity,sum(daynhwhssdl) daynhwhssdl,sum(daynhgzssdl) daynhgzssdl,sum(daynhxdssdl) daynhxdssdl,sum(daynhqfdl) daynhqfdl,sum(daynhcfdl) daynhcfdl");
+ qw.ge("recorddate",DateUtils.parseDate(beginDate)).le("recorddate",DateUtils.parseDate(endDate));
+ if (id.endsWith("FDC")){
+ qw.eq("windpowerstationid",id);
+ }else if(id.endsWith("GC")){
+ qw.eq("projectid",id);
+ }else if(id.endsWith("XL")){
+ qw.eq("lineid",id);
+ }
+ qw.groupBy("windturbineid");
+ List<WxsslVo> wxsslVoList = getWxsslSortVos(qw,resultList,TYPE_WINDTURBINE);
+ return wxsslVoList;
+ }