BoosterStation.vue 4.8 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="booster-station">
  3. <div class="btn-group-tabs">
  4. <BtnGroup2
  5. :btnGroups="btnGroups"
  6. :rowIndex="rowIndex"
  7. :index="selectIndex"
  8. @select="select"
  9. ></BtnGroup2>
  10. </div>
  11. <!-- 麻黄山 -->
  12. <MHS class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'MHS_FDC'" />
  13. <!-- 牛首山 -->
  14. <NSS class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'NSS_FDC'" />
  15. <!-- 青山 -->
  16. <QS class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'QS_FDC'" />
  17. <!-- 石板泉 -->
  18. <SBQ class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'SBQ_FDC'" />
  19. <!-- 香山 -->
  20. <XS class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'XS_FDC'" />
  21. <!-- 宋堡第六 -->
  22. <SBDL class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'QS3_FDC'" />
  23. <!-- 大武口 -->
  24. <DWK class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'DWK_GDC'" />
  25. <!-- 平罗一期 -->
  26. <PL1 class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'PL_GDC'" />
  27. <!-- 平罗二期 -->
  28. <PL2 class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'PL2_GDC'" />
  29. <!-- 宣和 -->
  30. <XH class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'XH_GDC'" />
  31. <!-- 马场湖 -->
  32. <MCH class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'MCH_GDC'" />
  33. <!-- 海子井 -->
  34. <HZJ class="booster-station-body" v-if="wpId === 'HZJ_GDC'" />
  35. </div>
  36. </template>
  37. <script>
  38. import BtnGroup2 from "@com/coms/btn/btn-group-double.vue";
  39. import MHS from "../components/boosterstation/mhs.vue";
  40. import NSS from "../components/boosterstation/nss.vue";
  41. import QS from "../components/boosterstation/qs.vue";
  42. import SBQ from "../components/boosterstation/sbq.vue";
  43. import SBDL from "../components/boosterstation/sbdl.vue";
  44. import XS from "../components/boosterstation/xs.vue";
  45. import DWK from "../components/boosterstation/dwk.vue";
  46. import PL1 from "../components/boosterstation/pl1.vue";
  47. import PL2 from "../components/boosterstation/pl2.vue";
  48. import XH from "../components/boosterstation/xh.vue";
  49. import MCH from "../components/boosterstation/mch.vue";
  50. import HZJ from "../components/boosterstation/hzj.vue";
  51. export default {
  52. // 名称
  53. name: "BoosterStation",
  54. // 使用组件
  55. components: {
  56. BtnGroup2,
  57. MHS,
  58. NSS,
  59. QS,
  60. SBQ,
  61. SBDL,
  62. XS,
  63. DWK,
  64. PL1,
  65. PL2,
  66. XH,
  67. MCH,
  68. HZJ
  69. },
  70. // 数据
  71. data() {
  72. return {
  73. wpId: undefined,
  74. selectIndex: 0,
  75. rowIndex: 0,
  76. btnGroups: [
  77. {
  78. icon: "svg-wind-site",
  79. btns: [],
  80. },
  81. {
  82. icon: "svg-photovoltaic",
  83. btns: [],
  84. },
  85. ],
  86. };
  87. },
  88. created() {
  89. let that = this;
  90. that.wpId = that.$route.params.wpId;
  91. that.$nextTick(() => {
  92. that.getWp();
  93. });
  94. },
  95. // 函数
  96. methods: {
  97. select(res) {
  98. this.$router.replace({
  99. path: `/monitor/windsite/boosterstation/${res.code}`,
  100. });
  101. },
  102. getWp() {
  103. let that = this;
  104. that.API.requestData({
  105. method: "GET",
  106. subUrl: "powercompare/windfarmAllAjax",
  107. success(res) {
  108. let btnGroup = [
  109. {
  110. icon: "svg-wind-site",
  111. btns: [],
  112. },
  113. {
  114. icon: "svg-photovoltaic",
  115. btns: [],
  116. },
  117. ];
  118., index) => {
  119. if ("FDC") !== -1) {
  120. btnGroup[0].btns.push({
  121. text:,
  122. code:,
  123. });
  124. } else {
  125. btnGroup[1].btns.push({
  126. text:,
  127. code:,
  128. });
  129. }
  130. });
  131. btnGroup[1].btns.push({
  132. text: '平罗二期光伏电站',
  133. code: 'PL2_GDC',
  134. });
  135. // 当点击为宋六时
  136. btnGroup[0].btns.push({
  137. text: '宋堡第六风电场',
  138. code: 'QS3_FDC',
  139. });
  140. that.btnGroups = btnGroup;
  141. that.renderBtnActiveIndex();
  142. },
  143. });
  144. },
  145. renderBtnActiveIndex() {
  146. this.btnGroups.forEach((pEle, pIndex) => {
  147. pEle.btns.forEach((cEle, cIndex) => {
  148. if (cEle.code === this.wpId) {
  149. this.rowIndex = pIndex;
  150. this.selectIndex = cIndex;
  151. }
  152. });
  153. });
  154. },
  155. },
  156. // 生命周期钩子
  157. beforeCreate() {
  158. // 创建前
  159. },
  160. beforeMount() {
  161. // 渲染前
  162. },
  163. mounted() {
  164. // 渲染后
  165. },
  166. beforeUpdate() {
  167. // 数据更新前
  168. },
  169. updated() {
  170. // 数据更新后
  171. },
  172. watch: {
  173. $route(res) {
  174. this.wpId = res.params.wpId;
  175. if (res.params.wpId) {
  176. this.renderBtnActiveIndex();
  177. }
  178. },
  179. },
  180. };
  181. </script>
  182. <style lang="less" scoped>
  183. .booster-station {
  184. width: 100%;
  185. height: calc(100vh - 90px);
  186. display: flex;
  187. flex-direction: column;
  188. .btn-group-tabs {
  189. display: flex;
  190. flex-direction: row;
  191. }
  192. .booster-station-body {
  193. flex-grow: 1;
  194. margin-top: 20px;
  195. }
  196. }
  197. </style>