@@ -1,42 +1,103 @@
<div class="swiperBox">
- <el-carousel style="width: 100%; margin: 5vh 0" trigger="click" type="card" height="80vh" :autoplay="false" indicator-position="none" :initial-index="1" arrow="none" @change="changeSwiper">
+ <el-carousel
+ style="width: 100%; margin: 5vh 0"
+ trigger="click"
+ type="card"
+ height="80vh"
+ :autoplay="false"
+ indicator-position="none"
+ :initial-index="1"
+ arrow="none"
+ @change="changeSwiper"
+ >
<!-- card-1 -->
- <!-- <el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)"> -->
<el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
<div class="itemBox">
<p class="itemTitle">
- 记录查询
- 数据查询
+ 原始数据查询
+ <i
+ class="itemMoreBtn el-icon-more"
+ @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')"
+ ></i>
- <div class="df-table" @click="jumpUrl('/others/realSearch')">
- <div class="sjcx-item" v-for="(value, key) in wppointColumn" :key="key">
- <div class="sjcx-name">{{value}}</div>
- <div class="sjcx-value">{{wppointnum[key]}}</div>
- </div>
+ <div class="df-table">
+ <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData1" :pageSize="20" >
+ </ComTable>
+ <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData2" :pageSize="20">
+ </ComTable>
+ <!-- <div class="imageBox">
+ <div class="imgItem" @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')">
+ <el-image class="img" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <p class="imgTitle">测点数据查询</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="imgItem" @click="jumpUrl('/historySearch')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
+ <p class="imgTitle">测点历史数据查询</p>
+ </div>
+ </div> -->
<!-- card-2 -->
<el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
<div class="itemBox">
<p class="itemTitle">
+ <!-- <i class="itemMoreBtn el-icon-more" @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')"></i> -->
<div class="df-table">
- <div class="sjcx-item" v-for="item in earlyAlarmColumn" :key="item" @click="jumpUrl(item.url)">
- <div class="sjcx-name">{{item.name}}</div>
- <div class="sjcx-value">{{earlyAlarmData[item.key] || '0'}}</div>
- </div>
+ <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData3" :pageSize="20">
+ </ComTable>
+ <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData4" :pageSize="20">
+ </ComTable>
+ <!-- <div class="imageBox1">
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/new/alarmcenter')">
+ <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <p class="imgTitle">预警管理</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/new/tjsj')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img1"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
+ <p class="imgTitle">停机事件管理</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/new/xdgl')">
+ <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <p class="imgTitle">限电管理</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/alarmCenter/boosterAlarm')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img1"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
+ <p class="imgTitle">升压站报警</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/alarmCenter/scadaAlarm')">
+ <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <p class="imgTitle">SCADA报警</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/alarmCenter/customAlarm')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img1"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
+ <p class="imgTitle">自定义报警</p>
+ </div>
+ </div> -->
- <!-- card-2 -->
<!-- card-3 -->
<el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
<div class="itemBox">
@@ -44,14 +105,14 @@
<!-- <i class="itemMoreBtn el-icon-more" @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')"></i> -->
- <div class="df-table">
- <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData3" :pageSize="20">
+ <div class="df-table">
+ <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData5" :pageSize="20">
- </div>
+ </div>
- <!-- <el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)"> -->
<!-- card-4 -->
<!-- <el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
<div class="itemBox">
@@ -73,93 +134,67 @@
<!-- <i class="itemMoreBtn el-icon-more" @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')"></i> -->
<div class="imageBox1">
- <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/others/tjfx')">
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/o统计分析.png" fit="fill" />
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/tjfx')">
<el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
<p class="imgTitle">统计分析</p>
- <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/others/bdzcx')">
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/o表底值查询.png" fit="fill" />
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/新能源日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/bdzcx')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img1"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
<p class="imgTitle">表底值查询</p>
- <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/others/xnyrb')">
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/o新能源日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/xnyrb')">
<el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
<p class="imgTitle">新能源日报</p>
- <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/others/xnyfdscyb')">
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/o新能源月报.png" fit="fill" />
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/新能源日报.png" fit="fill" />
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/xnyfdscyb')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img1"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
<p class="imgTitle">新能源风电生产月报</p>
- <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/others/fdczzdy')">
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/o风场自定义.png" fit="fill" />
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/新能源日报.png" fit="fill" />
- <p class="imgTitle">风电场站自定义</p>
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/missfdrb')">
+ <el-image
+ class="img1"
+ src="./static/img/新能源日报.png"
+ fit="fill"
+ />
+ <p class="imgTitle">动态报表</p>
- <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/others/fdxmzdy')">
- <el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/o风电自定义.png" fit="fill" />
+ <div class="imgItem1" @click="jumpUrl('/missgfrb')">
<el-image class="img1" src="./static/img/oa日报.png" fit="fill" />
- <p class="imgTitle">风电项目自定义</p>
+ <p class="imgTitle">项目动态报表</p>
- <!-- card-3 -->
- <!-- <el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)"> -->
<!-- card-6 -->
<el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
<div class="itemBox">
<p class="itemTitle">
- 数据查询
- </p>
- <div class="df-table" @click="jumpUrl('/others/realSearch')">
- <div class="sjcx-item" v-for="(value, key) in wppointColumn" :key="key">
- <div class="sjcx-name">{{value}}</div>
- <div class="sjcx-value">{{wppointnum[key]}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </el-carousel-item>
- <!-- card-4 -->
- <!-- <el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
- <div class="itemBox">
- <p class="itemTitle">
- 统计分析
- <i class="itemMoreBtn el-icon-more" @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')"></i>
- </p>
- <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData7" :pageSize="20">
- </ComTable>
- <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData8" :pageSize="20">
- </ComTable>
- </div>
- </el-carousel-item> -->
- <!-- card-5 -->
- <el-carousel-item style="padding: 20px; background: rgb(4, 12, 11)">
- <div class="itemBox">
- <p class="itemTitle">
- 专家知识
<!-- <i class="itemMoreBtn el-icon-more" @click="jumpUrl('/realSearch')"></i> -->
- <div class="df-table">
- <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData3" ></ComTable>
- <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData4" :pageSize="20">
+ <div class="df-table">
+ <ComTable height="30vh" :data="tableData6" :pageSize="20">
- </div>
+ </div>
import $ from "jquery";
-import ComTable from "./table.vue";
+import ComTable from "@com/coms/table/table.vue";
export default {
// 名称
name: "cutAnalyse",
@@ -171,36 +206,6 @@ export default {
data() {
const that = this;
return {
- wppointnum: {},
- wppointColumn: {
- MHS_FDC: "麻黄山风电场",
- NSS_FDC: "牛首山风电场",
- QS_FDC: "青山风电场",
- SBQ_FDC: "石板泉风电场",
- XS_FDC: "香山风电场",
- DWK_GDC: "大武口电站",
- PL_GDC: "平罗光伏电站",
- XH_GDC: "宣和光伏发电站",
- MCH_GDC: "马场湖光发伏电站",
- JSFW: "计算服务测点",
- },
- earlyAlarmData: {},
- earlyAlarmColumn: [
- { name: "升压站告警", key: "syzgj", url: "/others/alarmCenter/boosterAlarm" },
- { name: "升压站动作", key: "", url: "/others/alarmCenter/boosterAlarm" },
- { name: "限电事件", key: "xd", url: "/others/alarmCenter/xdgl" },
- { name: "停机事件", key: "tj", url: "/others/alarmCenter/tjsj" },
- { name: "状态转换记录", key: "", url: "" },
- { name: "停机事件管理", key: "tj", url: "/others/alarmCenter/tjsj" },
- { name: "限电管理", key: "xd", url: "/others/alarmCenter/xdgl" },
- { name: "状态转换记录", key: "", url: "" },
- { name: "操作记录", key: "", url: "" },
- { name: "升压站动作", key: "", url: "" },
- { name: "升压站告警", key: "syzgj", url: "/others/alarmCenter/boosterAlarm" },
- { name: "风机告警", key: "fjgj", url: "/others/alarmCenter/scadaAlarm" },
- { name: "风机预警", key: "fjyj", url: "/others/alarmCenter/alarmcenter" },
- { name: "操作记录", key: "", url: "" },
- ],
tableData1: {
column: [
@@ -217,16 +222,21 @@ export default {
is_light: false,
sortable: true,
+ ],
+ data: [],
+ },
+ tableData2: {
+ column: [
name: "设备结构",
- field: "timeDate",
+ field: "pointId",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
sortable: true,
name: "关键参数",
- field: "value",
+ field: "pointName",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
sortable: true,
@@ -234,7 +244,7 @@ export default {
data: [],
- tableData2: {
+ tableData3: {
column: [
name: "状态",
@@ -250,24 +260,31 @@ export default {
is_light: false,
sortable: true,
+ ],
+ data: [],
+ },
+ tableData4: {
+ column: [
name: "类型",
- field: "timeDate",
+ field: "pointId",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
sortable: true,
- name: "等级",
- field: "value",
+ name: "当日数量",
+ field: "pointName",
is_num: false,
is_light: false,
sortable: true,
data: [],
- tableData3: {
+ tableData5: {
column: [
name: "名称",
@@ -286,7 +303,25 @@ export default {
data: [],
- tableData4: {
+ tableData6: {
+ column: [
+ {
+ name: "名称",
+ field: "pointId",
+ is_num: false,
+ is_light: false,
+ sortable: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "数量",
+ field: "pointName",
+ is_num: false,
+ is_light: false,
+ sortable: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ data: [],
+ }, tableData7: {
column: [
name: "名称",
@@ -319,9 +354,12 @@ export default {
.css({ background: "rgb(4, 12, 11)", border: "1px solid #05bb4c" });
for (let i = 0; i < swiperDom.length; i++) {
if (i !== index) {
- swiperDom.eq(i).find(".el-carousel__mask").css({
- background: "rgb(4, 12, 11)",
- });
+ swiperDom
+ .eq(i)
+ .find(".el-carousel__mask")
+ .css({
+ background: "rgb(4, 12, 11)",
+ });
background: "rgb(4, 12, 11)",
border: "1px solid rgba(5, 187, 76, 0.5)",
@@ -343,78 +381,111 @@ export default {
index: 1,
pointId: "青山风电场",
pointName: 3763,
- timeDate: "1号机",
- value: "16.93",
index: 2,
pointId: "石板泉风电场",
pointName: 4500,
- timeDate: "2号机",
- value: "20.56",
index: 3,
pointId: "牛首山风电场",
pointName: 3863,
- timeDate: "3号机",
- value: "38",
index: 4,
pointId: "香山风电场",
pointName: 3654,
- timeDate: "4号机",
- value: "54",
index: 5,
pointId: "麻黄山风电场",
pointName: 1863,
- timeDate: "5号机",
- value: "18",
that.tableData1.data = tableArr1;
console.log("tableData1:", that.tableData1);
- let tableArr2 = [
+ let tableArr2 = [
+ {
+ index: 1,
+ pointId: "1号机",
+ pointName: 16.93,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 2,
+ pointId: "2号机",
+ pointName: 20.56,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 3,
+ pointId: "3号机",
+ pointName: 38,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 4,
+ pointId: "4号机",
+ pointName: 54,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 5,
+ pointId: "5号机",
+ pointName: 18,
+ },
+ ];
+ that.tableData2.data = tableArr2;
+ console.log("tableData2:", that.tableData2);
+ let tableArr3 = [
index: 1,
pointId: "停机事件管理",
- pointName: 11.93,
- timeDate: "升压站动作",
- value: "2",
+ pointName: 16.93,
index: 2,
pointId: "限电管理",
- pointName: 21.56,
- timeDate: "升压站告警",
- value: "5",
+ pointName: 20.56,
index: 3,
pointId: "状态转换记录",
- pointName: 82,
- timeDate: "风机告警",
- value: "3",
+ pointName: 38,
index: 4,
pointId: "操作记录",
pointName: 54,
- timeDate: "风机预警",
- value: "1",
- that.tableData2.data = tableArr2;
- console.log("tableData2:", that.tableData2);
+ that.tableData3.data = tableArr3;
+ let tableArr4 = [
+ {
+ index: 1,
+ pointId: "升压站动作",
+ pointName: 16.93,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 2,
+ pointId: "升压站告警",
+ pointName: 20.56,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 3,
+ pointId: "风机告警",
+ pointName: 38,
+ },
+ {
+ index: 4,
+ pointId: "风机预警",
+ pointName: 54,
+ },
+ ];
+ that.tableData4.data = tableArr4;
- let tableArr3 = [
+ let tableArr5 = [
index: 1,
- pointId: "故障知识列表",
+ pointId: "故障指示列表",
pointName: 16.93,
@@ -432,26 +503,26 @@ export default {
pointId: "预警知识",
pointName: 54,
- {
+ {
index: 5,
pointId: "特征参数",
pointName: 44,
- {
+ {
index: 6,
pointId: "风险辨识知识",
pointName: 24,
- {
+ {
index: 7,
pointId: "作业指导知识",
pointName: 14,
- that.tableData3.data = tableArr3;
- console.log("tableData3:", that.tableData3);
+ that.tableData5.data = tableArr5;
- let tableArr4 = [
+ let tableArr6 = [
index: 1,
pointId: "风电场站自定义",
@@ -473,30 +544,12 @@ export default {
pointName: 54,
- that.tableData4.data = tableArr4;
- console.log("tableData4:", that.tableData4);
- },
- getWppointnum() {
- const that = this;
- that.API.requestData({
- method: "POST",
- subUrl: "yaw/getWppointnum",
- success(res) {
- that.wppointnum = res.data;
- },
- });
- },
- async getEarlyAlarmData() {
- const that = this;
- const {data} = await that.API.requestData({
- method: "GET",
- baseURL: "",
- subUrl: "alarm/count/todaycount",
- success(res) {
- },
- });
- this.earlyAlarmData = data.data;
+ that.tableData6.data = tableArr6;
created() {},
@@ -507,8 +560,6 @@ export default {
- this.getWppointnum();
- this.getEarlyAlarmData();
unmounted() {},
@@ -521,53 +572,30 @@ export default {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
font-size: 20px;
- .df-table {
- /deep/ .com-table thead tr th {
- background-color: rgba(83, 98, 104, 0.2);
- height: 30px;
- line-height: 30px;
- color: #9ca5a8;
- font-weight: 400;
- font-size: 20px !important;
- position: sticky;
- top: 0;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- /deep/ .com-table tbody tr td {
- padding: 4px;
- color: #393a3a;
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 20px !important;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- .sjcx-item:nth-child(2n) {
- background-color: rgba(96, 103, 105, 0.2);
- }
- .sjcx-item:hover {
- color: #05bb4c;
- }
- .sjcx-item {
- cursor: pointer;
- // background-color: #edbf03;
- display: flex;
- height: 6.68vh;
- line-height: 6.68vh;
- font-size: 18pt;
- text-align: center;
- color: #9ca5a8;
- .sjcx-name {
- // background-color:aqua;
- flex: 0 0 50%;
- }
- .sjcx-value {
- // text-align: left;
- // background-color:rosybrown;
- flex: 0 0 50%;
- }
- }
- }
+ /deep/ .com-table thead tr th {
+ background-color: rgba(83, 98, 104, 0.2);
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ color: #9ca5a8;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 20px !important;
+ position: sticky;
+ top: 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+/deep/ .com-table tbody tr td {
+ padding: 4px;
+ color: #393a3a;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 20px !important;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
.itemTitle {
width: 100%;
display: flex;