@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div class="sand-table" id="sandTable">
<img :src="require('@assets/png/3dback.png')" class="i3dback" />
- <!-- <img :src="require('@assets/png/3dcloud.png')" class="i3dcloud" /> -->
+ <img :src="require('@assets/png/3dcloud.png')" class="i3dcloud" />
<!-- <StBack></StBack> -->
<!-- <ThreeModel1
@@ -9,8 +9,12 @@
></ThreeModel1> -->
+ <!-- 地图总览 -->
+ <SvgMap> </SvgMap>
<div class="sand-table-left">
- <PanelSand
+ <!-- <PanelSand
:subTitle="timeStr + '实况'"
@@ -21,15 +25,35 @@
- </PanelSand>
+ </PanelSand> -->
<PanelSand class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="健康推荐">
<RankTable :data="rmls" @rowClick="clickHealthRow"></RankTable>
- <PanelSand class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="停机信息">
+ <PanelSandToolbar class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="部件">
+ <template v-slot:tools>
+ <div class="exchange" @click="changeBjSwitch">
+ <span :class="bjSwitch ? 'gray' : 'green'">库存</span>
+ <i class="green fa fa-exchange mg-l-8 mg-r-8"></i>
+ <span :class="bjSwitch ? 'green' : 'gray'">记录</span>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template v-slot:default>
+ <RadarPieChart
+ height="20.6vh"
+ :list="bjChartData.slice(11)"
+ title="部件情况"
+ />
+ </template>
+ </PanelSandToolbar>
+ </div>
+ <div class="sand-table-right">
+ <PanelSand class="right-panel mg-t-16" title="停机信息">
<RankTable :data="sels" @rowClick="clickStopRow"></RankTable>
<!-- <ComTable :data="sels"></ComTable> -->
- <PanelSandToolbar class="left-panel mg-t-16" title="隐患情况">
+ <PanelSandToolbar class="right-panel mg-t-16" title="隐患情况">
<template v-slot:tools>
<div class="exchange" @click="changeWarnSwitch">
<span :class="warnSwitch ? 'gray' : 'green'">预警</span>
@@ -40,7 +64,7 @@
<template v-slot:default>
- :list="warnChartData"
+ :list="warnChartData"
@@ -159,6 +183,7 @@
@@ -435,6 +460,7 @@
+import SvgMap from "../../views/Home/components/map/svg-map-nx copy.vue";
import ThreeModel1 from "./component/ThreeModel1.vue";
import PanelSand from "@com/coms/panel/panel-sand.vue";
import PanelSandToolbar from "@com/coms/panel/panel-sand-toolbar.vue";
@@ -470,6 +496,7 @@ export default {
+ SvgMap,
// 数据
data() {
@@ -509,76 +536,7 @@ export default {
gxkmap: {},
tableItem: {},
mapSource: {},
- videoArray1: [
- // [
- // { code: "NSS_FDC_ZK", class: "", switch: true },
- // { code: "NSS_FDC_ZK", class: "", switch: true },
- // ],
- // [
- // { code: "NSS_FDC_ZK", class: "", switch: true },
- // { code: "QS_FDC_ZK", class: "", switch: true },
- // ],
- // [
- // { code: "QS_FDC_ZK", class: "", switch: true },
- // { code: "QS_FDC_ZK", class: "", switch: true },
- // ],
- [
- { code: "SBQ_FDC_SC", class: "", switch: true },
- { code: "NSS_FDC_SC", class: "", switch: true },
- ],
- [
- { code: "QS_FDC_SC", class: "", switch: true },
- { code: "MHS_FDC_SC", class: "", switch: true },
- ],
- [
- { code: "XS_FDC_SC", class: "", switch: true },
- { code: "PL_GDC_SC", class: "", switch: true },
- ],
- ],
- videoArray: [
- [
- {
- url: "",
- token: "?token=SBQ_FDC_SC&autoplay=true",
- class: "",
- switch: true,
- },
- {
- url: "",
- token: "?token=NSS_FDC_SC&autoplay=true",
- class: "",
- switch: true,
- },
- ],
- [
- {
- url: "",
- token: "?token=QS_FDC_SC&autoplay=true",
- class: "",
- switch: true,
- },
- {
- url: "",
- token: "?token=MHS_FDC_SC&autoplay=true",
- class: "",
- switch: true,
- },
- ],
- [
- {
- url: "",
- token: "?token=XS_FDC_SC&autoplay=true",
- class: "",
- switch: true,
- },
- {
- url: "",
- token: "?token=PL_GDC_SC&autoplay=true",
- class: "",
- switch: true,
- },
- ],
- ],
showVideoDialog: false,
dialogVideoUrl: "",
warnChartData: [],
@@ -596,48 +554,6 @@ export default {
workDataIndex: 0,
- workData: {
- column: [
- {
- name: "人员",
- field: "laborname",
- is_num: false,
- is_light: false,
- click(e, row) {
- that.changePeople(row.index);
- },
- },
- {
- name: "职务",
- field: "jobcode",
- is_num: false,
- is_light: false,
- click(e, row) {
- that.changePeople(row.index);
- },
- },
- {
- name: "开始时间",
- field: "starttime",
- width: "150px",
- is_num: false,
- is_light: false,
- click(e, row) {
- that.changePeople(row.index);
- },
- },
- {
- name: "原因",
- field: "problem",
- is_num: false,
- is_light: false,
- click(e, row) {
- that.changePeople(row.index);
- },
- },
- ],
- data: [],
- },
sels: {
column: [
@@ -753,90 +669,18 @@ export default {
this.gxkmap = res.data.gxkmap;
this.weatherChart = weatherChart;
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "POST",
- // subUrl: "sandtable/findWtInfo",
- // data: {
- // wpId: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // res.data.tqmap5.ls.forEach((ele) => {
- // ele.time = new Date(ele.time).formatDate("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm");
- // });
- // const keys = ["wd", "sd"];
- // let weatherChart = [
- // {
- // title: "温度",
- // smooth: true,
- // value: [],
- // },
- // {
- // title: "湿度",
- // smooth: true,
- // value: [],
- // },
- // ];
- // keys.forEach((key, keyIndex) => {
- // res.data.tqmap5.ls.forEach((ele) => {
- // weatherChart[keyIndex].value.push({
- // text: ele.time,
- // value: ele[key],
- // });
- // });
- // });
- // that.tqmap1 = res.data.tqmap1;
- // that.tqmap5 = res.data.tqmap5.ls;
- // res.data.sels.forEach((ele) => {
- // ele.stopTime = new Date(ele.stopTime).formatDate(
- // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
- // );
- // ele.startTime = new Date(ele.stopTime).formatDate(
- // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
- // );
- // });
- // res.data.rmls.forEach((ele) => {
- // ele.recodedate = new Date(ele.recodedate).formatDate(
- // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
- // );
- // });
- // that.sels.data = res.data.sels;
- // that.rmls.data = res.data.rmls;
- // that.gxkmap = res.data.gxkmap;
- // that.weatherChart = weatherChart;
- // },
- // });
// 获取中部地图数据
- getWpHealthInfo() {
- api
- .sandtableJudgeWpHealth({
- wpId: this.wpId,
- })
- .then((res) => {
- this.mapSource = res.data;
- });
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "POST",
- // subUrl: "sandtable/judgeWpHealth",
- // data: {
- // wpId: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // that.mapSource = res.data;
- // },
- // });
- },
+ // getWpHealthInfo() {
+ // api
+ // .sandtableJudgeWpHealth({
+ // wpId: this.wpId,
+ // })
+ // .then((res) => {
+ // this.mapSource = res.data;
+ // });
+ // },
// 获取报警玫瑰图
getWarnMGT() {
@@ -855,27 +699,6 @@ export default {
this.warnChartData = warnChartData;
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "GET",
- // baseURL: "",
- // subUrl: "alarm/count/query/alltotal",
- // data: {
- // stationid: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // let warnChartData = [];
- // for (let key in res.data) {
- // const ele = res.data[key];
- // warnChartData.push({
- // value: ele.count,
- // name: ele.relatePartsText,
- // });
- // }
- // that.warnChartData = warnChartData;
- // },
- // });
// 获取故障玫瑰图
@@ -895,27 +718,6 @@ export default {
this.warnChartData = warnChartData;
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "GET",
- // baseURL: "",
- // subUrl: "shutdown/count/alltotal",
- // data: {
- // stId: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // let warnChartData = [];
- // for (let key in res.data) {
- // const ele = res.data[key];
- // warnChartData.push({
- // value: ele.count,
- // name: ele.type,
- // });
- // }
- // that.warnChartData = warnChartData;
- // },
- // });
// 获取库存玫瑰图
@@ -935,27 +737,6 @@ export default {
this.bjChartData = bjChartData;
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "GET",
- // baseURL: "",
- // subUrl: "inventory/groupcount",
- // data: {
- // stId: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // let bjChartData = [];
- // for (let key in res.data) {
- // const ele = res.data[key];
- // bjChartData.push({
- // value: ele.curbal,
- // name: ele.description,
- // });
- // }
- // that.bjChartData = bjChartData;
- // },
- // });
// 获取记录玫瑰图
@@ -975,60 +756,22 @@ export default {
this.bjChartData = bjChartData;
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "GET",
- // baseURL: "",
- // subUrl: "equoperationrecord/equupdatecount",
- // data: {
- // stId: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // let bjChartData = [];
- // for (let key in res.data) {
- // const ele = res.data[key];
- // bjChartData.push({
- // value: ele.count,
- // name: ele.description,
- // });
- // }
- // that.bjChartData = bjChartData;
- // },
- // });
// 获取中部地图数据
- getTop4Info() {
- api
- .equoperationrecordTop4({
- stId: this.wpId,
- })
- .then((res) => {
- res.data.forEach((ele, index) => {
- ele.index = index;
- ele.jobcode = ele.jobcode || "------";
- });
- this.workData.data = res.data;
- });
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "GET",
- // baseURL: "",
- // subUrl: "equoperationrecord/top4",
- // data: {
- // stId: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // res.data.forEach((ele, index) => {
- // ele.index = index;
- // ele.jobcode = ele.jobcode || "------";
- // });
- // that.workData.data = res.data;
- // },
- // });
- },
+ // getTop4Info() {
+ // api
+ // .equoperationrecordTop4({
+ // stId: this.wpId,
+ // })
+ // .then((res) => {
+ // res.data.forEach((ele, index) => {
+ // ele.index = index;
+ // ele.jobcode = ele.jobcode || "------";
+ // });
+ // this.workData.data = res.data;
+ // });
+ // },
// 获取主要指标
getWpMainInfo() {
@@ -1040,20 +783,6 @@ export default {
this.mainInfo = res.data;
this.showMainInfoDialog = true;
- // let that = this;
- // that.API.requestData({
- // method: "GET",
- // baseURL: "",
- // subUrl: "benchmark/zyzb",
- // data: {
- // windPowerStation: that.wpId,
- // },
- // success(res) {
- // that.mainInfo = res.data;
- // that.showMainInfoDialog = true;
- // },
- // });
clickStopRow(row) {
@@ -1081,63 +810,6 @@ export default {
return number / 100;
- // 切换人员展示
- changePeople(index) {
- if (!this.peopleAnmLock && this.workDataIndex !== index) {
- this.peopleAnmLock = true;
- this.peopleClass = "fadeOutRight";
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.workDataIndex = index;
- this.peopleClass = "fadeInRight";
- this.peopleAnmLock = false;
- }, 150);
- }
- },
- // 点击风场或者光伏
- clickMapItem(videoArray, wpId) {
- this.wpId = wpId;
- // this.videoArray.forEach((pEle, pIndex) => {
- // pEle.forEach((cEle, cIndex) => {
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // // 设置隐藏动画
- // cEle.class = "animated a1 flipOutX";
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // // 修改 token
- // cEle.token =
- // "?token=" + videoArray[pIndex + cIndex] + "&autoplay=true";
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // // 设置显示动画
- // cEle.class = "animated a1 flipInX";
- // }, 150);
- // }, 350);
- // }, (pIndex + cIndex + pIndex) * 150);
- // });
- // });
- this.videoArray1.forEach((pEle, pIndex) => {
- pEle.forEach((cEle, cIndex) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- // 设置隐藏动画
- cEle.class = "animated a1 flipOutX";
- setTimeout(() => {
- // 修改 token
- cEle.code = videoArray[pIndex + cIndex];
- setTimeout(() => {
- // 设置显示动画
- cEle.class = "animated a1 flipInX";
- }, 150);
- }, 350);
- }, (pIndex + cIndex + pIndex) * 150);
- });
- });
- this.getWtInfo();
- this.getWpHealthInfo();
- this.getTop4Info();
- this.getWarnMGT();
- this.getRepertoryMGT();
- this.getWpMainInfo();
- },
// 页面跳转
jumpUrl(url) {
@@ -1171,8 +843,8 @@ export default {
created() {
- this.getWpHealthInfo();
- this.getTop4Info();
+ // this.getWpHealthInfo();
+ // this.getTop4Info();
this.timeStr = new Date().formatDate("MM-dd hh:mm");
@@ -1226,10 +898,12 @@ export default {
.left-panel {
width: 360px;
+ margin-bottom: 150px;
.right-panel {
width: 36.852vh;
+ margin-bottom: 150px;
.three-model-layer {