@@ -236,10 +236,18 @@
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
- >其中以{{bjyhcount[0].yhmx}}发生频次最高,为{{bjyhcount[0].count}}次;{{bjyhcount[1].yhmx}}次之,为{{bjyhcount[1].count}}次;{{bjyhcount[2].yhmx}}第三,为{{bjyhcount[0].count}}次。
+ >其中以{{ bjyhcount[0].yhmx }}发生频次最高,为{{
+ bjyhcount[0].count
+ }}次;{{ bjyhcount[1].yhmx }}次之,为{{ bjyhcount[1].count }}次;{{
+ bjyhcount[2].yhmx
+ }}第三,为{{ bjyhcount[0].count }}次。
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
- >其中以{{bjyhcount[3].yhmx}}发生时长最长,为{{bjyhcount[3].times}}分钟;{{bjyhcount[4].yhmx}}次之,为{{bjyhcount[4].yhmx}}分钟;{{bjyhcount[5].yhmx}}第三,为{{bjyhcount[5].yhmx}}分钟。
+ >其中以{{ bjyhcount[3].yhmx }}发生时长最长,为{{
+ bjyhcount[3].times
+ }}分钟;{{ bjyhcount[4].yhmx }}次之,为{{
+ bjyhcount[4].yhmx
+ }}分钟;{{ bjyhcount[5].yhmx }}第三,为{{ bjyhcount[5].yhmx }}分钟。
<div class="logHead">部件隐患对比(次|分钟)</div>
@@ -320,7 +328,7 @@
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2">
- <!-- 其中以(明细故障mwData)发生频次最高,为mwData次;(明细故障mwData)次之,为mwData次;(明细故障mwData)第三,为mwData次。 -->
+ <!-- 其中以(明细故障mwData)发生频次最高,为mwData次;(明细故障mwData)次之,为mwData次;(明细故障mwData)第三,为mwData次。 -->
<div class="logHead">故障分类统计</div>
@@ -484,7 +492,11 @@
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
- <multiple-line-chart :showLegend="true" :hoverType="'axis'" :list="wttragetreportcharts.fdj"/>
+ <multiple-line-chart
+ :showLegend="true"
+ :hoverType="'axis'"
+ :list="wttragetreportcharts.fdj"
+ />
<el-form-item class="imp fw text-indent-2">统计分析:</el-form-item>
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
@@ -498,7 +510,11 @@
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2">
- <multiple-line-chart :showLegend="true" :hoverType="'axis'" :list="wttragetreportcharts.clx"/>
+ <multiple-line-chart
+ :showLegend="true"
+ :hoverType="'axis'"
+ :list="wttragetreportcharts.clx"
+ />
<el-form-item class="imp fw text-indent-2">主轴:</el-form-item>
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
@@ -542,7 +558,11 @@
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
- <multiple-line-chart :showLegend="true" :hoverType="'axis'" :list="wttragetreportcharts.zk"/>
+ <multiple-line-chart
+ :showLegend="true"
+ :hoverType="'axis'"
+ :list="wttragetreportcharts.zk"
+ />
<el-form-item class="imp fw">统计分析:</el-form-item>
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
@@ -593,7 +613,11 @@
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
- <multiple-line-chart :showLegend="true" :hoverType="'axis'" :list="wttragetreportcharts.bj"/>
+ <multiple-line-chart
+ :showLegend="true"
+ :hoverType="'axis'"
+ :list="wttragetreportcharts.bj"
+ />
<el-form-item class="imp fw text-indent-2">统计分析:</el-form-item>
<el-form-item class="text-indent-2"
@@ -798,26 +822,29 @@
<div class="border-b p-5">风机编号:{{ datas.wtname }}</div>
<div class="border-b">量化评级:{{ healthreport.pjjg }}</div>
<div class="border-b">综合排名:{{ zhrank }}</div>
- <normal-radar-chart height="500px" width="500px" :value="pjmxs"/>
- </td>
- <td valign="top">
- <td style="display: flex;justify-content: center">基础指标</td>
- <el-table
- empty-text="暂无数据"
- :data="xnpjmx"
- :header-cell-style="{ color: '#000' }"
- border
- stripe
- max-height="570"
- style="width: 100%"
- >
- <el-table-column prop="lx" label="类型"></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="zb" label="指标"></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="sz" label="数值"></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="pm" label="排名"></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="pf" label="评分"></el-table-column>
- </el-table>
+ <normal-radar-chart
+ height="500px"
+ width="500px"
+ :value="pjmxs"
+ />
+ <td valign="top"></td>
+ <td style="display: flex; justify-content: center">基础指标</td>
+ <el-table
+ empty-text="暂无数据"
+ :data="xnpjmx"
+ :header-cell-style="{ color: '#000' }"
+ border
+ stripe
+ max-height="570"
+ style="width: 100%"
+ >
+ <el-table-column prop="lx" label="类型"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="zb" label="指标"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="sz" label="数值"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="pm" label="排名"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="pf" label="评分"></el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
@@ -887,7 +914,7 @@
import DoubleLineChart from "@com/chart/line/double-line-chart.vue";
-import ScatterLineChart from "@com/chart/combination/scatter-line-chart.vue";
+// import ScatterLineChart from "@com/chart/combination/scatter-line-chart.vue";
import NormalLineChart from "@com/chart/line/normal-line-chart.vue";
import NormalRadarChart from "@com/chart/radar/normal-radar-chart.vue";
import MultipleLineChart from "@com/chart/line/double-line-chart.vue";
@@ -896,7 +923,7 @@ import $ from "jquery";
export default {
components: {
- ScatterLineChart,
+ // ScatterLineChart,
@@ -905,7 +932,6 @@ export default {
return {
datas: {},
healthreport: {},
- glqxnh: {},
// 对风偏差
dfpc: {
nipples: [
@@ -1571,107 +1597,7 @@ export default {
default: () => {},
- created() {
- // Math.floor(Math.random() * 70) + 50
- let obj1 = {
- partname: "曲线偏差率(5-11m/s)",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 15).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 15).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 15).toFixed(2),
- };
- let obj2 = {
- partname: "对风偏差率(5-11m/s)",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10).toFixed(2),
- };
- let obj3 = {
- partname: "小风切入",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.8).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.8).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.8).toFixed(2),
- };
- let obj4 = {
- partname: "小风切出",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.5).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.5).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.5).toFixed(2),
- };
- let obj5 = {
- partname: "部件隐患",
- q1yjkqk: "主轴",
- q2yjkqk: "齿轮箱",
- q3yjkqk: "齿轮箱",
- };
- let obj6 = {
- partname: "故障",
- q1yjkqk: "液压类故障",
- q2yjkqk: "液压类故障",
- q3yjkqk: "传动链",
- };
- let obj7 = {
- partname: "功率对应温度",
- q1yjkqk: "齿轮箱",
- q2yjkqk: "发电机",
- q3yjkqk: "发电机",
- };
- let obj8 = {
- partname: "发电机",
- q1yjkqk: "优",
- q2yjkqk: "良",
- q3yjkqk: "优",
- };
- let obj9 = {
- partname: "齿轮箱",
- q1yjkqk: "良",
- q2yjkqk: "注意",
- q3yjkqk: "注意",
- };
- let obj10 = {
- partname: "变桨",
- q1yjkqk: "注意",
- q2yjkqk: "良",
- q3yjkqk: "良",
- };
- let obj11 = {
- partname: "主轴",
- q1yjkqk: "良",
- q2yjkqk: "良",
- q3yjkqk: "注意",
- };
- let obj12 = {
- partname: "风能利用率",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
- };
- let obj13 = {
- partname: "设备可利用率",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 90).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 90).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 90).toFixed(2),
- };
- let obj14 = {
- partname: "性能评价",
- q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
- q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
- q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
- };
- this.bjzb.push(obj1);
- this.bjzb.push(obj2);
- this.bjzb.push(obj3);
- this.bjzb.push(obj4);
- this.bjzb.push(obj5);
- this.bjzb.push(obj6);
- this.bjzb.push(obj7);
- this.bjzb.push(obj8);
- this.bjzb.push(obj9);
- this.bjzb.push(obj10);
- this.bjzb.push(obj11);
- this.bjzb.push(obj12);
- this.bjzb.push(obj13);
- this.bjzb.push(obj14);
- },
+ created() {},
beforeUpdate() {
var that = this;
that.$nextTick(() => {
@@ -1775,7 +1701,9 @@ export default {
if (res.code == 200) {
that.datas = res.data;
that.healthreport = res.data.healthreport;
+ that.randomInitDate();
+ that.qxpcls = [];
// 功率曲线拟合
let glqxnh = [
@@ -1790,16 +1718,19 @@ export default {
res.data.healthreport.nhglqxs.forEach((item) => {
- glqxnh[0].value.push({
- text: item.speed,
- value: item.bzgl,
- });
- glqxnh[1].value.push({
- text: item.speed,
- value: item.nhgl,
- });
+ if (Number(item.speed) % 1 == 0) {
+ glqxnh[0].value.push({
+ text: item.speed,
+ value: item.bzgl,
+ });
+ glqxnh[1].value.push({
+ text: item.speed,
+ value: item.nhgl,
+ });
+ }
that.glqxnh = glqxnh;
let qxpcls = [
@@ -1813,93 +1744,124 @@ export default {
value: [],
- res.data.healthreport.qxpcls.forEach((item, index) => {
- qxpcls[0].value.push({
- text: new Date(item.date).formatDate("yyyy-MM-dd"),
- value: parseFloat(item.qxpcl.toFixed(2)),
- });
- qxpcls[1].value.push({
- text: new Date(item.date).formatDate("yyyy-MM-dd"),
- value: parseFloat(item.jzz.toFixed(2)),
- });
- });
- that.qxpcls = qxpcls;
+ let qxpcl = res.data.healthreport.qxpcls.sort(that.compare("date"));
+ if (qxpcl != null && qxpcl != undefined) {
+ for (var i = qxpcl.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ qxpcls[0].value.push({
+ text: new Date(qxpcl[i].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM-dd"),
+ value: Number(qxpcl[i].qxpcl).toFixed(2),
+ });
+ qxpcls[1].value.push({
+ text: new Date(qxpcl[i].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM-dd"),
+ value: Number(qxpcl[i].jzz).toFixed(2),
+ });
+ }
+ that.qxpcls = qxpcls;
+ }
// 对风偏差
+ that.dfpc = [];
+ let dfpc = {
+ nipples: [
+ {
+ title: "频次",
+ smooth: true,
+ value: [],
+ },
+ ],
+ dfpclpowers: [
+ {
+ title: "功率",
+ smooth: true,
+ value: [],
+ },
+ ],
+ dfpclSpeeds: [
+ {
+ title: "风速",
+ smooth: true,
+ value: [],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
res.data.healthreport.nipples.forEach((item) => {
let obj = {
text: item.pcl,
value: item.count,
- that.dfpc.nipples[0].value.push(obj);
+ dfpc.nipples[0].value.push(obj);
res.data.healthreport.dfpclpowers.forEach((item) => {
let obj = {
text: item.power,
value: item.dfpcl,
- that.dfpc.dfpclpowers[0].value.push(obj);
+ dfpc.dfpclpowers[0].value.push(obj);
res.data.healthreport.dfpclSpeeds.forEach((item) => {
let obj = {
text: item.speed,
value: item.dfpcl,
- that.dfpc.dfpclSpeeds[0].value.push(obj);
+ dfpc.dfpclSpeeds[0].value.push(obj);
+ that.dfpc = dfpc;
// 部件隐患对比
+ that.bjyhdbs = [];
that.bjyhdbs = res.data.healthreport.bjyhdbs;
// 隐患模型对比
let ybmxdj = res.data.healthreport.yhmxdbs;
- for (let item of ybmxdj) {
- if (item.part.indexOf("传动链")) {
- that.yhbjcount.cdlcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.cdltime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("测风")) {
- that.yhbjcount.cfxtcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.cfxttime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("齿轮箱")) {
- that.yhbjcount.clxcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.clxttime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("发电机")) {
- that.yhbjcount.fdjcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.fdjtime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("变桨")) {
- that.yhbjcount.bjcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.bjtime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("机舱")) {
- that.yhbjcount.jccount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.jctime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("偏航")) {
- that.yhbjcount.phcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.phtime += item.times;
- }
- if (item.part.indexOf("塔底柜")) {
- that.yhbjcount.tdgcount += item.count;
- that.yhbjcount.tdgtime += item.times;
+ if (ybmxdj != null) {
+ for (let item of ybmxdj) {
+ if (item.part.indexOf("传动链")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.cdlcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.cdltime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("测风")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.cfxtcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.cfxttime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("齿轮箱")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.clxcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.clxttime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("发电机")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.fdjcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.fdjtime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("变桨")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.bjcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.bjtime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("机舱")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.jccount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.jctime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("偏航")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.phcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.phtime += item.times;
+ }
+ if (item.part.indexOf("塔底柜")) {
+ that.yhbjcount.tdgcount += item.count;
+ that.yhbjcount.tdgtime += item.times;
+ }
- }
- that.yhmxdbs = ybmxdj;
+ that.yhmxdbs = ybmxdj;
- // 部件隐患数据频次时长统计
- that.bjyhcount = [];
- let ybmxdj1 = Object.assign([], ybmxdj);
- let ybmxdj2 = Object.assign([], ybmxdj);
- let array1 = ybmxdj1.sort(that.compare("count"));
- let array2 = ybmxdj2.sort(that.compare("times"));
- that.bjyhcount.push(array1[0]);
- that.bjyhcount.push(array1[1]);
- that.bjyhcount.push(array1[2]);
- that.bjyhcount.push(array2[0]);
- that.bjyhcount.push(array2[1]);
- that.bjyhcount.push(array2[2]);
+ // 部件隐患数据频次时长统计
+ that.bjyhcount = [];
+ let ybmxdj1 = Object.assign([], ybmxdj);
+ let ybmxdj2 = Object.assign([], ybmxdj);
+ let array1 = ybmxdj1.sort(that.compare("count"));
+ let array2 = ybmxdj2.sort(that.compare("times"));
+ that.bjyhcount.push(array1[0]);
+ that.bjyhcount.push(array1[1]);
+ that.bjyhcount.push(array1[2]);
+ that.bjyhcount.push(array2[0]);
+ that.bjyhcount.push(array2[1]);
+ that.bjyhcount.push(array2[2]);
+ }
that.qrqcs = [];
@@ -1912,125 +1874,130 @@ export default {
- that.sbklyls = res.data.healthreport.sbklyls;
- let sblyl = Object.assign([], res.data.healthreport.sbklyls);
- let sbklyls1 = {
- name: "运行小时",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].yxxs,
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].yxxs,
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].yxxs,
- };
- let sbklyls2 = {
- name: "待机小时",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].djxs,
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].djxs,
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].djxs,
- };
- let sbklyls3 = {
- name: "非计划检修时间",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].fjhjxxs,
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].fjhjxxs,
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].fjhjxxs,
- };
- let sbklyls4 = {
- name: "计划检修时间",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].jhjxxs,
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].jhjxxs,
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].jhjxxs,
- };
- let sbklyls5 = {
- name: "受累小时",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].slxs,
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].slxs,
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].slxs,
- };
- let sbklyls6 = {
- name: "故障次数",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].gzcs == null ? 0 : sblyl[2].gzcs,
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].gzcs == null ? 0 : sblyl[1].gzcs,
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].gzcs == null ? 0 : sblyl[0].gzcs,
- };
- let sbklyls7 = {
- name: "设备可利用率",
- q1ysj: sblyl[2].sbklyl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: sblyl[1].sbklyl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: sblyl[0].sbklyl.toFixed(2),
- };
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls1);
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls2);
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls3);
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls4);
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls5);
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls6);
- that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls7);
+ let sbklyls = res.data.healthreport.sbklyls;
+ that.sbklyls = sbklyls;
+ that.sbklyls2 = [];
+ let sblyl = Object.assign([], sbklyls);
+ if (sblyl != null) {
+ let sbklyls1 = {
+ name: "运行小时",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].yxxs,
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].yxxs,
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].yxxs,
+ };
+ let sbklyls2 = {
+ name: "待机小时",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].djxs,
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].djxs,
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].djxs,
+ };
+ let sbklyls3 = {
+ name: "非计划检修时间",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].fjhjxxs,
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].fjhjxxs,
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].fjhjxxs,
+ };
+ let sbklyls4 = {
+ name: "计划检修时间",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].jhjxxs,
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].jhjxxs,
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].jhjxxs,
+ };
+ let sbklyls5 = {
+ name: "受累小时",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].slxs,
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].slxs,
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].slxs,
+ };
+ let sbklyls6 = {
+ name: "故障次数",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].gzcs == null ? 0 : sblyl[2].gzcs,
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].gzcs == null ? 0 : sblyl[1].gzcs,
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].gzcs == null ? 0 : sblyl[0].gzcs,
+ };
+ let sbklyls7 = {
+ name: "设备可利用率",
+ q1ysj: sblyl[2].sbklyl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: sblyl[1].sbklyl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: sblyl[0].sbklyl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls1);
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls2);
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls3);
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls4);
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls5);
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls6);
+ that.sbklyls2.push(sbklyls7);
- // 风能利用率
- let fnlyl = res.data.healthreport.fnlyls;
- let fnlyl1 = {
- name: "发电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].fdl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].fdl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].fdl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl2 = {
- name: "计划检修损失电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].whdl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].whdl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].whdl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl3 = {
- name: "非计划检修损失电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].gzdl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].gzdl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].gzdl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl4 = {
- name: "受累损失电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].sldl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].sldl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].sldl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl5 = {
- name: "限电损失电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].xddl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].xddl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].xddl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl6 = {
- name: "性能损失电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].xndl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].xndl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].xndl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl7 = {
- name: "理论发电量",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].llfdl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].llfdl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].llfdl.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl8 = {
- name: "平均风速(m/s)",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].speed.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].speed.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].speed.toFixed(2),
- };
- let fnlyl9 = {
- name: "风能利用率",
- q1ysj: fnlyl[2].fnlyl.toFixed(2),
- q2ysj: fnlyl[1].fnlyl.toFixed(2),
- q3ysj: fnlyl[0].fnlyl.toFixed(2),
- };
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl1);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl2);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl3);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl4);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl5);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl6);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl7);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl8);
- that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl9);
+ // 风能利用率
+ let fnlyl = res.data.healthreport.fnlyls;
+ let fnlyl1 = {
+ name: "发电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].fdl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].fdl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].fdl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl2 = {
+ name: "计划检修损失电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].whdl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].whdl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].whdl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl3 = {
+ name: "非计划检修损失电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].gzdl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].gzdl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].gzdl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl4 = {
+ name: "受累损失电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].sldl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].sldl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].sldl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl5 = {
+ name: "限电损失电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].xddl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].xddl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].xddl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl6 = {
+ name: "性能损失电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].xndl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].xndl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].xndl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl7 = {
+ name: "理论发电量",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].llfdl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].llfdl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].llfdl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl8 = {
+ name: "平均风速(m/s)",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].speed.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].speed.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].speed.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let fnlyl9 = {
+ name: "风能利用率",
+ q1ysj: fnlyl[2].fnlyl.toFixed(2),
+ q2ysj: fnlyl[1].fnlyl.toFixed(2),
+ q3ysj: fnlyl[0].fnlyl.toFixed(2),
+ };
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl1);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl2);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl3);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl4);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl5);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl6);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl7);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl8);
+ that.fnlyls.push(fnlyl9);
+ }
// 故障分类
+ that.faultclass = [];
that.faultclass = res.data.healthreport.faultclass;
ednavalue: null,
@@ -2058,6 +2025,7 @@ export default {
// 功率对部件温度影响
+ that.partwds = [];
let partwds = res.data.healthreport.partwds;
let partwd = [];
partwds.forEach((item, i) => {
@@ -2092,27 +2060,35 @@ export default {
// 性能评价结果
that.xnpjjg = [];
let pjmxs = res.data.healthreport.pjjgs;
- let xnpj1 = {
- yf: new Date(pjmxs[2].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM"),
- jb: pjmxs[2].level,
- df: pjmxs[2].score,
- ph: pjmxs[2].rank,
- };
- let xnpj2 = {
- yf: new Date(pjmxs[1].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM"),
- jb: pjmxs[1].level,
- df: pjmxs[1].score,
- ph: pjmxs[1].rank,
- };
- let xnpj3 = {
- yf: new Date(pjmxs[0].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM"),
- jb: pjmxs[0].level,
- df: pjmxs[0].score,
- ph: pjmxs[0].rank,
- };
- that.xnpjjg.push(xnpj1);
- that.xnpjjg.push(xnpj2);
- that.xnpjjg.push(xnpj3);
+ if (pjmxs != null && pjmxs != undefined) {
+ if (pjmxs[2] != undefined) {
+ let xnpj1 = {
+ yf: new Date(pjmxs[2].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM"),
+ jb: pjmxs[2].level,
+ df: pjmxs[2].score,
+ ph: pjmxs[2].rank,
+ };
+ that.xnpjjg.push(xnpj1);
+ }
+ if (pjmxs[1] != undefined) {
+ let xnpj2 = {
+ yf: new Date(pjmxs[1].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM"),
+ jb: pjmxs[1].level,
+ df: pjmxs[1].score,
+ ph: pjmxs[1].rank,
+ };
+ that.xnpjjg.push(xnpj2);
+ }
+ if (pjmxs[0] != undefined) {
+ let xnpj3 = {
+ yf: new Date(pjmxs[0].date).formatDate("yyyy-MM"),
+ jb: pjmxs[0].level,
+ df: pjmxs[0].score,
+ ph: pjmxs[0].rank,
+ };
+ that.xnpjjg.push(xnpj3);
+ }
+ }
// 评价结果明细
that.xnpjmx = [];
@@ -2378,6 +2354,11 @@ export default {
+ fail(err) {
+ that.datas = {};
+ that.healthreport = {};
+ that.bjzb = [];
+ },
// 对象排序
@@ -2392,6 +2373,107 @@ export default {
return val1 > val2 ? -1 : val1 < val2 ? 1 : 0;
+ // 初始化评价展望
+ randomInitDate() {
+ let obj1 = {
+ partname: "曲线偏差率(5-11m/s)",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 15).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 15).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 15).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let obj2 = {
+ partname: "对风偏差率(5-11m/s)",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let obj3 = {
+ partname: "小风切入",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.8).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.8).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.8).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let obj4 = {
+ partname: "小风切出",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.5).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.5).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() + 2.5).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let obj5 = {
+ partname: "部件隐患",
+ q1yjkqk: "主轴",
+ q2yjkqk: "齿轮箱",
+ q3yjkqk: "齿轮箱",
+ };
+ let obj6 = {
+ partname: "故障",
+ q1yjkqk: "液压类故障",
+ q2yjkqk: "液压类故障",
+ q3yjkqk: "传动链",
+ };
+ let obj7 = {
+ partname: "功率对应温度",
+ q1yjkqk: "齿轮箱",
+ q2yjkqk: "发电机",
+ q3yjkqk: "发电机",
+ };
+ let obj8 = {
+ partname: "发电机",
+ q1yjkqk: "优",
+ q2yjkqk: "良",
+ q3yjkqk: "优",
+ };
+ let obj9 = {
+ partname: "齿轮箱",
+ q1yjkqk: "良",
+ q2yjkqk: "注意",
+ q3yjkqk: "注意",
+ };
+ let obj10 = {
+ partname: "变桨",
+ q1yjkqk: "注意",
+ q2yjkqk: "良",
+ q3yjkqk: "良",
+ };
+ let obj11 = {
+ partname: "主轴",
+ q1yjkqk: "良",
+ q2yjkqk: "良",
+ q3yjkqk: "注意",
+ };
+ let obj12 = {
+ partname: "风能利用率",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let obj13 = {
+ partname: "设备可利用率",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 90).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 90).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 90).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ let obj14 = {
+ partname: "性能评价",
+ q1yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
+ q2yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
+ q3yjkqk: (Math.random() * 10 + 75).toFixed(2),
+ };
+ this.bjzb.push(obj1);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj2);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj3);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj4);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj5);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj6);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj7);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj8);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj9);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj10);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj11);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj12);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj13);
+ this.bjzb.push(obj14);
+ },
watch: {