resources.js 43 KB

  1. var uiResource = {
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  782. title: "StackedSparkline Setting",
  783. values: {
  784. points: "Points",
  785. colorRange: "ColorRange",
  786. labelRange: "LabelRange",
  787. maximum: "Maximum",
  788. targetRed: "TargetRed",
  789. targetGreen: "TargetGreen",
  790. targetBlue: "TargetBlue",
  791. targetYellow: "TargetYellow",
  792. color: "Color",
  793. highlightPosition: "HighlightPosition",
  794. textOrientation: "TextOrientation",
  795. textSize: "TextSize",
  796. vertical: "Vertical",
  797. setButton: "Set"
  798. }
  799. },
  800. variSparkline: {
  801. title: "VariSparkline Setting",
  802. values: {
  803. variance: "Variance",
  804. reference: "Reference",
  805. mini: "Mini",
  806. maxi: "Maxi",
  807. mark: "Mark",
  808. tickunit: "TickUnit",
  809. colorPositive: "ColorPositive",
  810. colorNegative: "ColorNegative",
  811. legend: "Legend",
  812. vertical: "Vertical",
  813. setButton: "Set"
  814. }
  815. },
  816. monthSparkline: {
  817. title: "MonthSparkline Setting"
  818. },
  819. yearSparkline: {
  820. title: "YearSparkline Setting"
  821. },
  822. monthYear: {
  823. data: "Data",
  824. month: "Month",
  825. year: "Year",
  826. emptyColor: "Empty Color",
  827. startColor: "Start Color",
  828. middleColor: "Middle Color",
  829. endColor: "End Color",
  830. colorRange: "Color Range",
  831. setButton: "set"
  832. },
  833. orientation: {
  834. vertical: "Vertical",
  835. horizontal: "Horizontal"
  836. },
  837. axisType: {
  838. individual: "Individual",
  839. custom: "Custom"
  840. },
  841. emptyCellDisplayType: {
  842. gaps: "Gaps",
  843. zero: "Zero",
  844. connect: "Connect"
  845. },
  846. boxplotClass: {
  847. fiveNS: "5NS",
  848. sevenNS: "7NS",
  849. tukey: "Tukey",
  850. bowley: "Bowley",
  851. sigma: "Sigma3"
  852. },
  853. boxplotStyle: {
  854. classical: "Classical",
  855. neo: "Neo"
  856. },
  857. paretoLabel: {
  858. none: "None",
  859. single: "Single",
  860. cumulated: "Cumulated"
  861. },
  862. spreadStyle: {
  863. stacked: "Stacked",
  864. spread: "Spread",
  865. jitter: "Jitter",
  866. poles: "Poles",
  867. stackedDots: "StackedDots",
  868. stripe: "Stripe"
  869. }
  870. },
  871. slicerTab: {
  872. slicerStyle: {
  873. title: "Slicer Style",
  874. light: {
  875. light1: "light1",
  876. light2: "light2",
  877. light3: "light3",
  878. light5: "light5",
  879. light6: "light6"
  880. },
  881. dark: {
  882. dark1: "dark1",
  883. dark2: "dark2",
  884. dark3: "dark3",
  885. dark5: "dark5",
  886. dark6: "dark6"
  887. }
  888. },
  889. general: {
  890. title: "General",
  891. name: "Name",
  892. captionName: "Caption Name",
  893. itemSorting: {
  894. title: "Item Sorting",
  895. option: {
  896. none: "None",
  897. ascending: "Ascending",
  898. descending: "Descending"
  899. }
  900. },
  901. displayHeader: "Display Header"
  902. },
  903. layout: {
  904. title: "Layout",
  905. columnNumber: "Column Number",
  906. buttonHeight: "Button Height",
  907. buttonWidth: "Button Width"
  908. },
  909. property: {
  910. title: "Property",
  911. moveAndSize: "Move and size with cells",
  912. moveAndNoSize: "Move and don't size with cells",
  913. noMoveAndSize: "Don't move and size with cells",
  914. locked: "Locked"
  915. }
  916. },
  917. colorPicker: {
  918. themeColors: "Theme Colors",
  919. standardColors: "Standard Colors",
  920. noFills: "No Fills"
  921. },
  922. conditionalFormat: {
  923. setButton: "Set",
  924. ruleTypes: {
  925. title: "Type",
  926. highlightCells: {
  927. title: "Highlight Cells Rules",
  928. values: {
  929. cellValue: "Cell Value",
  930. specificText: "Specific Text",
  931. dateOccurring: "Date Occurring",
  932. unique: "Unique",
  933. duplicate: "Duplicate"
  934. }
  935. },
  936. topBottom: {
  937. title: "Top/Bottom Rules",
  938. values: {
  939. top10: "Top10",
  940. average: "Average"
  941. }
  942. },
  943. dataBars: {
  944. title: "Data Bars",
  945. labels: {
  946. minimum: "Minimum",
  947. maximum: "Maximum",
  948. type: "Type",
  949. value: "Value",
  950. appearance: "Appearance",
  951. showBarOnly: "Show Bar Only",
  952. useGradient: "Use Gradien",
  953. showBorder: "Show Border",
  954. barDirection: "Bar Direction",
  955. negativeFillColor: "Negative Color",
  956. negativeBorderColor: "Negative Border",
  957. axis: "Axis",
  958. axisPosition: "Position",
  959. axisColor: "Color"
  960. },
  961. valueTypes: {
  962. number: "Number",
  963. lowestValue: "LowestValue",
  964. highestValue: "HighestValue",
  965. percent: "Percent",
  966. percentile: "Percentile",
  967. automin: "Automin",
  968. automax: "Automax",
  969. formula: "Formula"
  970. },
  971. directions: {
  972. leftToRight: "Left-to-Right",
  973. rightToLeft: "Right-to-Left"
  974. },
  975. axisPositions: {
  976. automatic: "Automatic",
  977. cellMidPoint: "CellMidPoint",
  978. none: "None"
  979. }
  980. },
  981. colorScales: {
  982. title: "Color Scales",
  983. labels: {
  984. minimum: "Minimum",
  985. midpoint: "Midpoint",
  986. maximum: "Maximum",
  987. type: "Type",
  988. value: "Value",
  989. color: "Color"
  990. },
  991. values: {
  992. twoColors: "2-Color Scale",
  993. threeColors: "3-Color Scale"
  994. },
  995. valueTypes: {
  996. number: "Number",
  997. lowestValue: "LowestValue",
  998. highestValue: "HighestValue",
  999. percent: "Percent",
  1000. percentile: "Percentile",
  1001. formula: "Formula"
  1002. }
  1003. },
  1004. iconSets: {
  1005. title: "Icon Sets",
  1006. labels: {
  1007. style: "Style",
  1008. showIconOnly: "Show Icon Only",
  1009. reverseIconOrder: "Reverse Icon Order",
  1010. },
  1011. types: {
  1012. threeArrowsColored: "ThreeArrowsColored",
  1013. threeArrowsGray: "ThreeArrowsGray",
  1014. threeTriangles: "ThreeTriangles",
  1015. threeStars: "ThreeStars",
  1016. threeFlags: "ThreeFlags",
  1017. threeTrafficLightsUnrimmed: "ThreeTrafficLightsUnrimmed",
  1018. threeTrafficLightsRimmed: "ThreeTrafficLightsRimmed",
  1019. threeSigns: "ThreeSigns",
  1020. threeSymbolsCircled: "ThreeSymbolsCircled",
  1021. threeSymbolsUncircled: "ThreeSymbolsUncircled",
  1022. fourArrowsColored: "FourArrowsColored",
  1023. fourArrowsGray: "FourArrowsGray",
  1024. fourRedToBlack: "FourRedToBlack",
  1025. fourRatings: "FourRatings",
  1026. fourTrafficLights: "FourTrafficLights",
  1027. fiveArrowsColored: "FiveArrowsColored",
  1028. fiveArrowsGray: "FiveArrowsGray",
  1029. fiveRatings: "FiveRatings",
  1030. fiveQuarters: "FiveQuarters",
  1031. fiveBoxes: "FiveBoxes"
  1032. },
  1033. valueTypes: {
  1034. number: "Number",
  1035. percent: "Percent",
  1036. percentile: "Percentile",
  1037. formula: "Formula"
  1038. }
  1039. },
  1040. removeConditionalFormat: {
  1041. title: "None"
  1042. }
  1043. },
  1044. operators: {
  1045. cellValue: {
  1046. types: {
  1047. equalsTo: "EqualsTo",
  1048. notEqualsTo: "NotEqualsTo",
  1049. greaterThan: "GreaterThan",
  1050. greaterThanOrEqualsTo: "GreaterThanOrEqualsTo",
  1051. lessThan: "LessThan",
  1052. lessThanOrEqualsTo: "LessThanOrEqualsTo",
  1053. between: "Between",
  1054. notBetween: "NotBetween"
  1055. }
  1056. },
  1057. specificText: {
  1058. types: {
  1059. contains: "Contains",
  1060. doesNotContain: "DoesNotContain",
  1061. beginsWith: "BeginsWith",
  1062. endsWith: "EndsWith"
  1063. }
  1064. },
  1065. dateOccurring: {
  1066. types: {
  1067. today: "Today",
  1068. yesterday: "Yesterday",
  1069. tomorrow: "Tomorrow",
  1070. last7Days: "Last7Days",
  1071. thisMonth: "ThisMonth",
  1072. lastMonth: "LastMonth",
  1073. nextMonth: "NextMonth",
  1074. thisWeek: "ThisWeek",
  1075. lastWeek: "LastWeek",
  1076. nextWeek: "NextWeek"
  1077. }
  1078. },
  1079. top10: {
  1080. types: {
  1081. top: "Top",
  1082. bottom: "Bottom"
  1083. }
  1084. },
  1085. average: {
  1086. types: {
  1087. above: "Above",
  1088. below: "Below",
  1089. equalOrAbove: "EqualOrAbove",
  1090. equalOrBelow: "EqualOrBelow",
  1091. above1StdDev: "Above1StdDev",
  1092. below1StdDev: "Below1StdDev",
  1093. above2StdDev: "Above2StdDev",
  1094. below2StdDev: "Below2StdDev",
  1095. above3StdDev: "Above3StdDev",
  1096. below3StdDev: "Below3StdDev"
  1097. }
  1098. }
  1099. },
  1100. texts: {
  1101. cells: "Format only cells with:",
  1102. rankIn: "Format values that rank in the:",
  1103. inRange: "values in the selected range.",
  1104. values: "Format values that are:",
  1105. average: "the average for selected range.",
  1106. allValuesBased: "Format all cells based on their values:",
  1107. all: "Format all:",
  1108. and: "and",
  1109. formatStyle: "use style",
  1110. showIconWithRules: "Display each icon according to these rules:"
  1111. },
  1112. formatSetting: {
  1113. formatUseBackColor: "BackColor",
  1114. formatUseForeColor: "ForeColor",
  1115. formatUseBorder: "Border"
  1116. }
  1117. },
  1118. cellTypes: {
  1119. title: "Cell Types",
  1120. buttonCellType: {
  1121. title: "ButtonCellType",
  1122. values: {
  1123. marginTop: "Margin-Top",
  1124. marginRight: "Margin-Right",
  1125. marginBottom: "Margin-Bottom",
  1126. marginLeft: "Margin-Left",
  1127. text: "Text",
  1128. backColor: "BackColor"
  1129. }
  1130. },
  1131. checkBoxCellType: {
  1132. title: "CheckBoxCellType",
  1133. values: {
  1134. caption: "Caption",
  1135. textTrue: "TextTrue",
  1136. textIndeterminate: "TextIndeterminate",
  1137. textFalse: "TextFalse",
  1138. textAlign: {
  1139. title: "TextAlign",
  1140. values: {
  1141. top: "Top",
  1142. bottom: "Bottom",
  1143. left: "Left",
  1144. right: "Right"
  1145. }
  1146. },
  1147. isThreeState: "IsThreeState"
  1148. }
  1149. },
  1150. comboBoxCellType: {
  1151. title: "ComboBoxCellType",
  1152. values: {
  1153. editorValueType: {
  1154. title: "EditorValueType",
  1155. values: {
  1156. text: "Text",
  1157. index: "Index",
  1158. value: "Value"
  1159. }
  1160. },
  1161. itemsText: "Items Text",
  1162. itemsValue: "Items Value"
  1163. }
  1164. },
  1165. hyperlinkCellType: {
  1166. title: "HyperlinkCellType",
  1167. values: {
  1168. linkColor: "LinkColor",
  1169. visitedLinkColor: "VisitedLinkColor",
  1170. text: "Text",
  1171. linkToolTip: "LinkToolTip"
  1172. }
  1173. },
  1174. clearCellType: {
  1175. title: "None"
  1176. },
  1177. setButton: "Set"
  1178. },
  1179. sparklineDialog: {
  1180. title: "SparklineEx Setting",
  1181. sparklineExType: {
  1182. title: "Type",
  1183. values: {
  1184. line: "Line",
  1185. column: "Column",
  1186. winLoss: "Win/Loss",
  1187. pie: "Pie",
  1188. area: "Area",
  1189. scatter: "Scatter",
  1190. spread: "Spread",
  1191. stacked: "Stacked",
  1192. bullet: "Bullet",
  1193. hbar: "Hbar",
  1194. vbar: "Vbar",
  1195. variance: "Variance",
  1196. boxplot: "BoxPlot",
  1197. cascade: "Cascade",
  1198. pareto: "Pareto",
  1199. month: "Month",
  1200. year: "Year"
  1201. }
  1202. },
  1203. lineSparkline: {
  1204. dataRange: "Data Range",
  1205. locationRange: "Location Range",
  1206. dataRangeError: "Data range is invalid!",
  1207. singleDataRange: "Data range should be in a single row or column.",
  1208. locationRangeError: "Location range is invalid!"
  1209. },
  1210. bulletSparkline: {
  1211. measure: "Measure",
  1212. target: "Target",
  1213. maxi: "Maxi",
  1214. forecast: "Forecast",
  1215. good: "Good",
  1216. bad: "Bad",
  1217. tickunit: "Tickunit",
  1218. colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
  1219. vertical: "Vertical"
  1220. },
  1221. hbarSparkline: {
  1222. value: "Value",
  1223. colorScheme: "ColorScheme"
  1224. },
  1225. varianceSparkline: {
  1226. variance: "Variance",
  1227. reference: "Reference",
  1228. mini: "Mini",
  1229. maxi: "Maxi",
  1230. mark: "Mark",
  1231. tickunit: "TickUnit",
  1232. colorPositive: "ColorPositive",
  1233. colorNegative: "ColorNegative",
  1234. legend: "Legend",
  1235. vertical: "Vertical"
  1236. },
  1237. monthSparkline: {
  1238. year: "Year",
  1239. month: "Month",
  1240. emptyColor: "Empty Color",
  1241. startColor: "Start Color",
  1242. middleColor: "Middle Color",
  1243. endColor: "End Color",
  1244. colorRange: "Color Range"
  1245. },
  1246. yearSparkline: {
  1247. year: "Year",
  1248. emptyColor: "Empty Color",
  1249. startColor: "Start Color",
  1250. middleColor: "Middle Color",
  1251. endColor: "End Color",
  1252. colorRange: "Color Range"
  1253. }
  1254. },
  1255. slicerDialog: {
  1256. insertSlicer: "Insert Slicer"
  1257. },
  1258. passwordDialog: {
  1259. title: "Password",
  1260. error: "Incorrect Password!"
  1261. },
  1262. tooltips: {
  1263. style: {
  1264. fontBold: "Mark text bold.",
  1265. fontItalic: "Mark text italic",
  1266. fontUnderline: "Underline text.",
  1267. fontOverline: "Overline text.",
  1268. fontLinethrough: "Strikethrough text."
  1269. },
  1270. alignment: {
  1271. leftAlign: "Align text to the left.",
  1272. centerAlign: "Center text.",
  1273. rightAlign: "Align text to the right.",
  1274. topAlign: "Align text to the top.",
  1275. middleAlign: "Align text to the middle.",
  1276. bottomAlign: "Align text to the bottom.",
  1277. decreaseIndent: "Decrease the indent level.",
  1278. increaseIndent: "Increase the indent level."
  1279. },
  1280. border: {
  1281. outsideBorder: "Outside Border",
  1282. insideBorder: "Inside Border",
  1283. allBorder: "All Border",
  1284. leftBorder: "Left Border",
  1285. innerVertical: "Inner Vertical",
  1286. rightBorder: "Right Border",
  1287. topBorder: "Top Border",
  1288. innerHorizontal: "Inner Horizontal",
  1289. bottomBorder: "Bottom Border"
  1290. },
  1291. format: {
  1292. percentStyle: "Percent Style",
  1293. commaStyle: "Comma Style",
  1294. increaseDecimal: "Increase Decimal",
  1295. decreaseDecimal: "Decrease Decimal"
  1296. }
  1297. },
  1298. defaultTexts: {
  1299. buttonText: "Button",
  1300. checkCaption: "Check",
  1301. comboText: "United States,China,Japan",
  1302. comboValue: "US,CN,JP",
  1303. hyperlinkText: "LinkText",
  1304. hyperlinkToolTip: "Hyperlink Tooltip"
  1305. },
  1306. messages: {
  1307. invalidImportFile: "Invalid file, import failed.",
  1308. duplicatedSheetName: "Duplicated sheet name.",
  1309. duplicatedTableName: "Duplicated table name.",
  1310. rowColumnRangeRequired: "Please select a range of row or column.",
  1311. imageFileRequired: "The file must be image!",
  1312. duplicatedSlicerName: "Duplicated slicer name.",
  1313. invalidSlicerName: "Slicer name is not valid."
  1314. },
  1315. contextMenu: {
  1316. cutItem: "Cut",
  1317. copyItem: "Copy",
  1318. pasteItem: "Paste",
  1319. insertItem: "Insert",
  1320. deleteItem: "Delete",
  1321. mergeItem: "Merge",
  1322. unmergeItem: "Unmerge"
  1323. },
  1324. dialog: {
  1325. ok: "OK",
  1326. cancel: "Cancel"
  1327. }
  1328. };