GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Platform.XML 80 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Platform</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding">
  8. <summary>
  9. Base class for bindings in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.TopSource">
  13. <summary>
  14. The source at the "top" of the property chain.
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.TopTarget">
  18. <summary>
  19. The target at the "top" of the property chain.
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.Detach">
  23. <summary>
  24. Instructs the Binding instance to stop listening to value changes and to
  25. remove all listeneners.
  26. </summary>
  27. </member>
  28. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.ForceUpdateValueFromSourceToTarget">
  29. <summary>
  30. Forces the Binding's value to be reevaluated. The target value will
  31. be set to the source value.
  32. </summary>
  33. </member>
  34. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.ForceUpdateValueFromTargetToSource">
  35. <summary>
  36. Forces the Binding's value to be reevaluated. The source value will
  37. be set to the target value.
  38. </summary>
  39. </member>
  40. <member name="E:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.ValueChanged">
  41. <summary>
  42. Occurs when the value of the databound property changes.
  43. </summary>
  44. </member>
  45. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.Mode">
  46. <summary>
  47. The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  48. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  49. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  50. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  51. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.
  52. </summary>
  53. </member>
  54. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.Source">
  55. <summary>
  56. Gets the source object for the binding.
  57. </summary>
  58. </member>
  59. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding.Target">
  60. <summary>
  61. Gets the target object for the binding.
  62. </summary>
  63. </member>
  64. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2">
  65. <summary>
  66. Creates a binding between two properties. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the source property raises the PropertyChanged event
  67. and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be synchronized with the source property. If
  68. the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the target property raises the PropertyChanged event and the BindingMode is
  69. TwoWay, the source property will also be synchronized with the target property.
  70. </summary>
  71. <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source property that is being databound.</typeparam>
  72. <typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target property that is being databound. If the source type
  73. is not the same as the target type, an automatic conversion will be attempted. However only
  74. simple types can be converted. For more complex conversions, use the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertSourceToTarget(System.Func{`0,`1})"/>
  75. and <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertTargetToSource(System.Func{`1,`0})"/> methods to define custom converters.</typeparam>
  76. </member>
  77. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.#ctor(System.Object,System.String,System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  78. <summary>
  79. Initializes a new instance of the Binding class for which the source and target properties
  80. are located in different objects.
  81. </summary>
  82. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  83. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  84. <param name="sourcePropertyName">The name of the source property for the binding.</param>
  85. <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  86. BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
  87. <param name="targetPropertyName">The name of the target property for the binding.</param>
  88. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  89. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  90. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  91. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  92. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  93. </member>
  94. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.#ctor(System.Object,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{`0}},System.Object,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{`1}},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  95. <summary>
  96. Initializes a new instance of the Binding class for which the source and target properties
  97. are located in different objects.
  98. </summary>
  99. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  100. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  101. <param name="sourcePropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the source property. It can be
  102. a simple expression "() => [source].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() => [source].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  103. <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  104. BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
  105. <param name="targetPropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the target property. It can be
  106. a simple expression "() => [target].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() => [target].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  107. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  108. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  109. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  110. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  111. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  112. </member>
  113. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertSourceToTarget(System.Func{`0,`1})">
  114. <summary>
  115. Defines a custom conversion method for a binding. To be used when the
  116. binding's source property is of a different type than the binding's
  117. target property, and the conversion cannot be done automatically (simple
  118. values).
  119. </summary>
  120. <param name="convert">A func that will be called with the source
  121. property's value, and will return the target property's value.</param>
  122. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  123. </member>
  124. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertTargetToSource(System.Func{`1,`0})">
  125. <summary>
  126. Defines a custom conversion method for a two-way binding. To be used when the
  127. binding's target property is of a different type than the binding's
  128. source property, and the conversion cannot be done automatically (simple
  129. values).
  130. </summary>
  131. <param name="convertBack">A func that will be called with the source
  132. property's value, and will return the target property's value.</param>
  133. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  134. <remarks>This method is inactive on OneTime or OneWay bindings.</remarks>
  135. </member>
  136. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.Detach">
  137. <summary>
  138. Instructs the Binding instance to stop listening to value changes and to
  139. remove all listeneners.
  140. </summary>
  141. </member>
  142. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ForceUpdateValueFromSourceToTarget">
  143. <summary>
  144. Forces the Binding's value to be reevaluated. The target value will
  145. be set to the source value.
  146. </summary>
  147. </member>
  148. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ForceUpdateValueFromTargetToSource">
  149. <summary>
  150. Forces the Binding's value to be reevaluated. The source value will
  151. be set to the target value.
  152. </summary>
  153. </member>
  154. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateSourceTrigger(System.String)">
  155. <summary>
  156. Define when the binding should be evaluated when the bound source object
  157. is a control. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  158. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  159. use this method to define which of the control's events should be observed.
  160. </summary>
  161. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that should be observed
  162. to update the binding's value.</param>
  163. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  164. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  165. on a OneTime binding. Such bindings cannot be updated. This exception can
  166. also be thrown when the source object is null or has already been
  167. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  168. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">When the eventName parameter is null
  169. or is an empty string.</exception>
  170. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">When the requested event does not exist on the
  171. source control.</exception>
  172. </member>
  173. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateSourceTrigger">
  174. <summary>
  175. Define that the binding should be evaluated when the bound control's source property changes.
  176. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  177. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  178. use this method to specify that the binding must be updated when the property changes.
  179. </summary>
  180. <remarks>At this point, this method is inactive on iOS. Use
  181. <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateSourceTrigger(System.String)"/> instead.</remarks>
  182. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  183. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  184. on a OneTime binding. Such bindings cannot be updated. This exception can
  185. also be thrown when the source object is null or has already been
  186. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  187. </member>
  188. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateSourceTrigger(GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode)">
  189. <summary>
  190. Define when the binding should be evaluated when the bound source object
  191. is a control. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  192. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  193. use this method to define which of the control's events should be observed.
  194. </summary>
  195. <param name="mode">Defines the binding's update mode. Use
  196. <see cref="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode.LostFocus"/> to update the binding when
  197. the source control loses the focus. You can also use
  198. <see cref="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode.PropertyChanged"/> to update the binding
  199. when the source control's property changes.
  200. NOTE: At this time the PropertyChanged mode is inactive on iOS. Use
  201. <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateSourceTrigger(System.String)"/> instead.
  202. </param>
  203. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  204. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  205. on a OneTime binding. Such bindings cannot be updated. This exception can
  206. also be thrown when the source object is null or has already been
  207. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  208. </member>
  209. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateSourceTrigger``1(System.String)">
  210. <summary>
  211. Define when the binding should be evaluated when the bound source object
  212. is a control. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  213. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  214. use this method to define which of the control's events should be observed.
  215. </summary>
  216. <remarks>Use this method when the event requires a specific EventArgs type
  217. instead of the standard EventHandler.</remarks>
  218. <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The type of the EventArgs used by this control's event.</typeparam>
  219. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that should be observed
  220. to update the binding's value.</param>
  221. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  222. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  223. on a OneTime binding. Such bindings cannot be updated. This exception can
  224. also be thrown when the source object is null or has already been
  225. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  226. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">When the eventName parameter is null
  227. or is an empty string.</exception>
  228. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">When the requested event does not exist on the
  229. source control.</exception>
  230. </member>
  231. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateTargetTrigger">
  232. <summary>
  233. Define that the binding should be evaluated when the bound control's target property changes.
  234. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  235. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  236. use this method to specify that the binding must be updated when the property changes.
  237. </summary>
  238. <remarks>At this point, this method is inactive on iOS. Use
  239. <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateTargetTrigger(System.String)"/> instead.</remarks>
  240. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  241. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  242. on a OneTime or a OneWay binding. This exception can
  243. also be thrown when the target object is null or has already been
  244. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  245. </member>
  246. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateTargetTrigger(GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode)">
  247. <summary>
  248. Define when the binding should be evaluated when the bound target object
  249. is a control. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  250. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  251. use this method to define which of the control's events should be observed.
  252. </summary>
  253. <param name="mode">Defines the binding's update mode. Use
  254. <see cref="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode.LostFocus"/> to update the binding when
  255. the source control loses the focus. You can also use
  256. <see cref="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode.PropertyChanged"/> to update the binding
  257. when the source control's property changes.
  258. NOTE: At this time the PropertyChanged mode is inactive on iOS. Use
  259. <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateTargetTrigger(System.String)"/> instead.
  260. </param>
  261. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  262. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  263. on a OneTime or a OneWay binding. This exception can
  264. also be thrown when the source object is null or has already been
  265. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  266. </member>
  267. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateTargetTrigger(System.String)">
  268. <summary>
  269. Define when the binding should be evaluated when the bound target object
  270. is a control. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  271. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  272. use this method to define which of the control's events should be observed.
  273. </summary>
  274. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that should be observed
  275. to update the binding's value.</param>
  276. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  277. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  278. on a OneTime or a OneWay binding. This exception can
  279. also be thrown when the source object is null or has already been
  280. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  281. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">When the eventName parameter is null
  282. or is an empty string.</exception>
  283. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">When the requested event does not exist on the
  284. target control.</exception>
  285. </member>
  286. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.UpdateTargetTrigger``1(System.String)">
  287. <summary>
  288. Define when the binding should be evaluated when the bound target object
  289. is a control. Because Xamarin controls are not DependencyObjects, the
  290. bound property will not automatically update the binding attached to it. Instead,
  291. use this method to define which of the control's events should be observed.
  292. </summary>
  293. <remarks>Use this method when the event requires a specific EventArgs type
  294. instead of the standard EventHandler.</remarks>
  295. <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The type of the EventArgs used by this control's event.</typeparam>
  296. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that should be observed
  297. to update the binding's value.</param>
  298. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  299. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called
  300. on a OneTime or OneWay binding. This exception can
  301. also be thrown when the target object is null or has already been
  302. garbage collected before this method is called.</exception>
  303. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">When the eventName parameter is null
  304. or is an empty string.</exception>
  305. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">When the requested event does not exist on the
  306. target control.</exception>
  307. </member>
  308. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.WhenSourceChanges(System.Action)">
  309. <summary>
  310. Defines an action that will be executed every time that the binding value
  311. changes.
  312. </summary>
  313. <param name="callback">The action that will be executed when the binding changes.</param>
  314. <returns>The Binding instance.</returns>
  315. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When WhenSourceChanges is called on
  316. a binding which already has a target property set.</exception>
  317. </member>
  318. <member name="E:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ValueChanged">
  319. <summary>
  320. Occurs when the value of the databound property changes.
  321. </summary>
  322. </member>
  323. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.Value">
  324. <summary>
  325. Gets the current value of the binding.
  326. </summary>
  327. </member>
  328. <member name="T:System.Windows.IWeakEventListener">
  329. <summary>
  330. Provides event listening support for classes that expect to receive events
  331. through the WeakEvent pattern and a WeakEventManager.
  332. </summary>
  333. </member>
  334. <member name="M:System.Windows.IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type,System.Object,System.EventArgs)">
  335. <summary>
  336. Receives events from the centralized event manager.
  337. </summary>
  338. <param name="managerType">The type of the WeakEventManager calling this method.</param>
  339. <param name="sender">Object that originated the event.</param>
  340. <param name="e">Event data.</param>
  341. <returns>true if the listener handled the event. It is considered an error by the
  342. WeakEventManager handling in WPF to register a listener for an event that the
  343. listener does not handle. Regardless, the method should return false if it receives
  344. an event that it does not recognize or handle.
  345. </returns>
  346. </member>
  347. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode">
  348. <summary>
  349. The mode of the <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2"/>.
  350. </summary>
  351. </member>
  352. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode.Default">
  353. <summary>
  354. A default binding is a one way binding.
  355. </summary>
  356. </member>
  357. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode.OneTime">
  358. <summary>
  359. A one time binding. The binding's value will be set when the
  360. binding is created but subsequent changes will be ignored/
  361. </summary>
  362. </member>
  363. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode.OneWay">
  364. <summary>
  365. A one way binding, where the changes to the source
  366. property will update the target property, but changes to the
  367. target property don't affect the source property.
  368. </summary>
  369. </member>
  370. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode.TwoWay">
  371. <summary>
  372. A two way binding, where the changes to the source
  373. property will update the target property, and vice versa.
  374. </summary>
  375. </member>
  376. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions">
  377. <summary>
  378. Defines extension methods used to add data bindings and commands between Xamarin
  379. Android and iOS elements.
  380. </summary>
  381. </member>
  382. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetBinding``2(System.Object,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{``0}},System.Object,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{``1}},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  383. <summary>
  384. Sets a data binding between two properties. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the source property raises the PropertyChanged event
  385. and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be synchronized with the source property. If
  386. the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the target property raises the PropertyChanged event and the BindingMode is
  387. TwoWay, the source property will also be synchronized with the target property.
  388. </summary>
  389. <remarks>This class allows for a different TSource and TTarget and is able to perform simple
  390. type conversions automatically. This is useful if the source property and the target
  391. property are of different type.
  392. If the type conversion is complex, please use the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertSourceToTarget(System.Func{`0,`1})"/>
  393. and <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertTargetToSource(System.Func{`1,`0})"/> methods to configure the binding.
  394. It is very possible that TSource and TTarget are the same type in which case no conversion occurs.</remarks>
  395. <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the property that is being databound before conversion.</typeparam>
  396. <typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the property that is being databound after conversion.</typeparam>
  397. <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  398. BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
  399. <param name="targetPropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the target property. It can be
  400. a simple expression "() =&gt; [target].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() =&gt; [target].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  401. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  402. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  403. <param name="sourcePropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the source property. It can be
  404. a simple expression "() =&gt; [source].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() =&gt; [source].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  405. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  406. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  407. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  408. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  409. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  410. <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
  411. </member>
  412. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetBinding``1(System.Object,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{``0}},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  413. <summary>
  414. Creates a <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2"/> with a source property but without a target.
  415. This type of bindings is useful for the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetCommand``2(System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command.RelayCommand{``0},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding)"/>
  416. and <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetCommand``2(System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command.RelayCommand{``0},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding)"/> methods, to use as CommandParameter
  417. binding.
  418. </summary>
  419. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  420. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  421. <param name="sourcePropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the source property. It can be
  422. a simple expression "() =&gt; [source].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() =&gt; [source].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  423. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  424. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  425. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  426. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  427. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  428. <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the bound property.</typeparam>
  429. <returns>The created binding instance.</returns>
  430. </member>
  431. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetBinding``2(System.Object,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{``0}},System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{``1}},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  432. <summary>
  433. Sets a data binding between two properties of the same object. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties
  434. and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be notified of changes to the source property. If
  435. the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties and the BindingMode is
  436. TwoWay, the source will also be notified of changes to the target's properties.
  437. </summary>
  438. <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source property that is being databound.</typeparam>
  439. <typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target property that is being databound. If the source type
  440. is not the same as the target type, an automatic conversion will be attempted. However only
  441. simple types can be converted. For more complex conversions, use the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertSourceToTarget(System.Func{`0,`1})"/>
  442. and <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertTargetToSource(System.Func{`1,`0})"/> methods to define custom converters.</typeparam>
  443. <param name="targetPropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the target property. It can be
  444. a simple expression "() =&gt; [target].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() =&gt; [target].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  445. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  446. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  447. <param name="sourcePropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the source property. It can be
  448. a simple expression "() =&gt; [source].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() =&gt; [source].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
  449. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  450. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  451. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  452. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  453. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  454. <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
  455. </member>
  456. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetBinding``2(System.Object,System.String,System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  457. <summary>
  458. Sets a data binding between two properties. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the source property raises the PropertyChanged event
  459. and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be synchronized with the source property. If
  460. the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the target property raises the PropertyChanged event and the BindingMode is
  461. TwoWay, the source property will also be synchronized with the target property.
  462. </summary>
  463. <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source property that is being databound.</typeparam>
  464. <typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target property that is being databound. If the source type
  465. is not the same as the target type, an automatic conversion will be attempted. However only
  466. simple types can be converted. For more complex conversions, use the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertSourceToTarget(System.Func{`0,`1})"/>
  467. and <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertTargetToSource(System.Func{`1,`0})"/> methods to define custom converters.</typeparam>
  468. <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  469. BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
  470. <param name="targetPropertyName">The name of the target property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
  471. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  472. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  473. <param name="sourcePropertyName">The name of the source property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
  474. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  475. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  476. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  477. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  478. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  479. <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
  480. </member>
  481. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetBinding``2(System.Object,System.String,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.BindingMode)">
  482. <summary>
  483. Sets a data binding between two properties of the same object. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties
  484. and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be notified of changes to the source property. If
  485. the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties and the BindingMode is
  486. TwoWay, the source will also be notified of changes to the target's properties.
  487. </summary>
  488. <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source property that is being databound.</typeparam>
  489. <typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target property that is being databound. If the source type
  490. is not the same as the target type, an automatic conversion will be attempted. However only
  491. simple types can be converted. For more complex conversions, use the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertSourceToTarget(System.Func{`0,`1})"/>
  492. and <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2.ConvertTargetToSource(System.Func{`1,`0})"/> methods to define custom converters.</typeparam>
  493. <param name="targetPropertyName">The name of the target property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
  494. <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
  495. BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
  496. <param name="sourcePropertyName">The name of the source property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
  497. <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
  498. created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
  499. if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
  500. property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
  501. implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
  502. <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
  503. </member>
  504. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetCommand``2(System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command.RelayCommand{``0},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding)">
  505. <summary>
  506. Sets a generic RelayCommand to an object and actuate the command when a specific event is raised. This method
  507. should be used when the event uses an EventHandler&lt;TEventArgs&gt;.
  508. </summary>
  509. <typeparam name="T">The type of the CommandParameter that will be passed to the RelayCommand.</typeparam>
  510. <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The type of the event's arguments.</typeparam>
  511. <param name="element">The element to which the command is added.</param>
  512. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that will be subscribed to to actuate the command.</param>
  513. <param name="command">The command that must be added to the element.</param>
  514. <param name="commandParameterBinding">A <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2">Binding</see> instance subscribed to
  515. the CommandParameter that will passed to the RelayCommand. Depending on the Binding, the CommandParameter
  516. will be observed and changes will be passed to the command, for example to update the CanExecute.</param>
  517. </member>
  518. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetCommand``1(System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command.RelayCommand{``0},GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding)">
  519. <summary>
  520. Sets a generic RelayCommand to an object and actuate the command when a specific event is raised. This method
  521. can only be used when the event uses a standard EventHandler.
  522. </summary>
  523. <typeparam name="T">The type of the CommandParameter that will be passed to the RelayCommand.</typeparam>
  524. <param name="element">The element to which the command is added.</param>
  525. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that will be subscribed to to actuate the command.</param>
  526. <param name="command">The command that must be added to the element.</param>
  527. <param name="commandParameterBinding">A <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding`2">Binding</see> instance subscribed to
  528. the CommandParameter that will passed to the RelayCommand. Depending on the Binding, the CommandParameter
  529. will be observed and changes will be passed to the command, for example to update the CanExecute.</param>
  530. </member>
  531. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.SetCommand(System.Object,System.String,GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command.RelayCommand)">
  532. <summary>
  533. Sets a non-generic RelayCommand to an object and actuate the command when a specific event is raised. This method
  534. can only be used when the event uses a standard EventHandler.
  535. </summary>
  536. <param name="element">The element to which the command is added.</param>
  537. <param name="eventName">The name of the event that will be subscribed to to actuate the command.</param>
  538. <param name="command">The command that must be added to the element.</param>
  539. </member>
  540. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.GetController``1(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection{``0},System.Func{Foundation.NSString,UIKit.UITableViewCell},System.Action{UIKit.UITableViewCell,``0,Foundation.NSIndexPath})">
  541. <summary>
  542. Creates a new <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1"/> for a given <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1"/>.
  543. </summary>
  544. <typeparam name="T">The type of the items contained in the collection.</typeparam>
  545. <param name="collection">The collection that the adapter will be created for.</param>
  546. <param name="createCellDelegate">A delegate to a method creating or reusing a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/>.
  547. The cell will then be passed to the bindCellDelegate
  548. delegate to set the elements' properties.</param>
  549. <param name="bindCellDelegate">A delegate to a method taking a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/>
  550. and setting its elements' properties according to the item
  551. passed as second parameter.
  552. The cell must be created first in the createCellDelegate
  553. delegate.</param>
  554. <returns>A controller adapted to the collection passed in parameter.</returns>
  555. </member>
  556. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Extensions.GetController``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Func{Foundation.NSString,UIKit.UITableViewCell},System.Action{UIKit.UITableViewCell,``0,Foundation.NSIndexPath})">
  557. <summary>
  558. Creates a new <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1"/> for a given <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/>.
  559. </summary>
  560. <typeparam name="T">The type of the items contained in the list.</typeparam>
  561. <param name="list">The list that the adapter will be created for.</param>
  562. <param name="createCellDelegate">A delegate to a method creating or reusing a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/>.
  563. The cell will then be passed to the bindCellDelegate
  564. delegate to set the elements' properties.</param>
  565. <param name="bindCellDelegate">A delegate to a method taking a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/>
  566. and setting its elements' properties according to the item
  567. passed as second parameter.
  568. The cell must be created first in the createCellDelegate
  569. delegate.</param>
  570. <returns>A controller adapted to the collection passed in parameter.</returns>
  571. </member>
  572. <member name="T:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager">
  573. <summary>
  574. Provides an implementation so that you can use the
  575. "weak event listener" pattern to attach listeners
  576. for the <see cref="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PropertyChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)"/> event.
  577. </summary>
  578. </member>
  579. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.AddListener(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged,System.Windows.IWeakEventListener,System.String)">
  580. <summary>
  581. Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners on the specified source.
  582. </summary>
  583. <param name="source">The object with the event.</param>
  584. <param name="listener">The object to add as a listener.</param>
  585. <param name="propertyName">The name of the property that exists on
  586. source upon which to listen for changes.</param>
  587. </member>
  588. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(System.Windows.IWeakEventListener)">
  589. <summary>
  590. Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners on the
  591. specified source.
  592. </summary>
  593. <param name="listener">The object to remove as a listener.</param>
  594. </member>
  595. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.StartListening(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged)">
  596. <summary>
  597. Begin listening for the <see cref="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PropertyChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)"/> event on
  598. the provided source.
  599. </summary>
  600. <param name="source">The object on which to start listening
  601. for <see cref="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PropertyChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)"/>.</param>
  602. </member>
  603. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.StopListening(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged)">
  604. <summary>
  605. Stop listening for the <see cref="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PropertyChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)"/> event on the
  606. provided source.
  607. </summary>
  608. <param name="source">The object on which to start listening for
  609. <see cref="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PropertyChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)"/>.</param>
  610. </member>
  611. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PropertyChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)">
  612. <summary>
  613. The method that handles the <see cref="E:System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged"/> event.
  614. </summary>
  615. <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
  616. <param name="args">A <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs"/> that
  617. contains the event data.</param>
  618. </member>
  619. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PrivateAddListener(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged,System.Windows.IWeakEventListener,System.String)">
  620. <summary>
  621. Private method to add the specified listener to the list of listeners
  622. on the specified source.
  623. </summary>
  624. <param name="source">The object with the event.</param>
  625. <param name="listener">The object to add as a listener.</param>
  626. <param name="propertyName">The name of the property that exists
  627. on source upon which to listen for changes.</param>
  628. </member>
  629. <member name="M:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.PrivateRemoveListener(System.Windows.IWeakEventListener)">
  630. <summary>
  631. Private method to remove the specified listener from the list of listeners
  632. on the specified source.
  633. </summary>
  634. <param name="listener">The object to remove as a listener.</param>
  635. </member>
  636. <member name="P:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager.Instance">
  637. <summary>
  638. Get the current instance of <see cref="T:System.Windows.PropertyChangedEventManager"/>
  639. </summary>
  640. </member>
  641. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode">
  642. <summary>
  643. Defines how a <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.Binding"/> is updated by a source control.
  644. </summary>
  645. </member>
  646. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode.LostFocus">
  647. <summary>
  648. Defines that the binding should be updated when the control
  649. loses the focus.
  650. </summary>
  651. </member>
  652. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.UpdateTriggerMode.PropertyChanged">
  653. <summary>
  654. Defines that the binding should be updated when the control's
  655. bound property changes.
  656. </summary>
  657. </member>
  658. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1">
  659. <summary>
  660. A <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewController"/> that can be used as an iOS view. After setting
  661. the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.DataSource"/> and the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.BindCellDelegate"/> and <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.CreateCellDelegate"/>
  662. properties, the controller can be loaded. If the DataSource is an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged"/>,
  663. changes to the collection will be observed and the UI will automatically be updated.
  664. </summary>
  665. <remarks>Credits go to Frank A Krueger for the initial idea and the inspiration
  666. for this class. Frank gracefully accepted to let me add his code (with a few changes)
  667. to MVVM Light.
  668. <para></para>
  669. </remarks>
  670. <typeparam name="T">The type of the items contained in the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.DataSource"/>.</typeparam>
  671. </member>
  672. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.SelectedItemPropertyName">
  673. <summary>
  674. The <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.SelectedItem"/> property's name.
  675. </summary>
  676. </member>
  677. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.#ctor">
  678. <summary>
  679. Initializes a new instance of this class with a plain style.
  680. </summary>
  681. </member>
  682. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.#ctor(UIKit.UITableViewStyle)">
  683. <summary>
  684. Initializes a new instance of this class with a specific style.
  685. </summary>
  686. <param name="tableStyle">The style that will be used for this controller.</param>
  687. </member>
  688. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ViewDidLoad">
  689. <summary>
  690. Overrides the <see cref="M:UIKit.UIViewController.ViewDidLoad"/> method.
  691. </summary>
  692. </member>
  693. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.BindCell(UIKit.UITableViewCell,System.Object,Foundation.NSIndexPath)">
  694. <summary>
  695. Binds a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/> to an item's properties.
  696. If a <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.BindCellDelegate"/> is available, this delegate will be used.
  697. If not, a simple text will be shown.
  698. </summary>
  699. <param name="cell">The cell that will be prepared.</param>
  700. <param name="item">The item that should be used to set the cell up.</param>
  701. <param name="indexPath">The <see cref="T:Foundation.NSIndexPath"/> for this cell.</param>
  702. </member>
  703. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.CreateCell(Foundation.NSString)">
  704. <summary>
  705. Creates a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/> corresponding to the reuseId.
  706. If it is set, the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.CreateCellDelegate"/> delegate will be used.
  707. </summary>
  708. <param name="reuseId">A reuse identifier for the cell.</param>
  709. <returns>The created cell.</returns>
  710. </member>
  711. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.CreateSource">
  712. <summary>
  713. Created the ObservableTableSource for this controller.
  714. </summary>
  715. <returns>The created ObservableTableSource.</returns>
  716. </member>
  717. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.OnRowSelected(System.Object,Foundation.NSIndexPath)">
  718. <summary>
  719. Called when a row gets selected. Raises the SelectionChanged event.
  720. </summary>
  721. <param name="item">The selected item.</param>
  722. <param name="indexPath">The NSIndexPath for the selected row.</param>
  723. </member>
  724. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.RaisePropertyChanged(System.String)">
  725. <summary>
  726. Raises the <see cref="E:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.PropertyChanged"/> event.
  727. </summary>
  728. <param name="propertyName">The name of the property that changed.</param>
  729. </member>
  730. <member name="E:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.SelectionChanged">
  731. <summary>
  732. Occurs when a new item gets selected in the list.
  733. </summary>
  734. </member>
  735. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.AddAnimation">
  736. <summary>
  737. When set, specifies which animation should be used when rows change.
  738. </summary>
  739. </member>
  740. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.BindCellDelegate">
  741. <summary>
  742. A delegate to a method taking a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/>
  743. and setting its elements' properties according to the item
  744. passed as second parameter.
  745. The cell must be created first in the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.CreateCellDelegate"/>
  746. delegate.
  747. </summary>
  748. </member>
  749. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.CreateCellDelegate">
  750. <summary>
  751. A delegate to a method creating or reusing a <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewCell"/>.
  752. The cell will then be passed to the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.BindCellDelegate"/>
  753. delegate to set the elements' properties.
  754. </summary>
  755. </member>
  756. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.DataSource">
  757. <summary>
  758. The data source of this list controller.
  759. </summary>
  760. </member>
  761. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.DeleteAnimation">
  762. <summary>
  763. When set, specifieds which animation should be used when a row is deleted.
  764. </summary>
  765. </member>
  766. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetHeightForFooterDelegate">
  767. <summary>
  768. When set, returns the height of the view that will be used for the TableView's footer.
  769. </summary>
  770. <seealso cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetViewForFooterDelegate"/>
  771. </member>
  772. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetHeightForHeaderDelegate">
  773. <summary>
  774. When set, returns the height of the view that will be used for the TableView's header.
  775. </summary>
  776. <seealso cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetViewForHeaderDelegate"/>
  777. </member>
  778. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetViewForFooterDelegate">
  779. <summary>
  780. When set, returns a view that can be used as the TableView's footer.
  781. </summary>
  782. <seealso cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetHeightForFooterDelegate"/>
  783. </member>
  784. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetViewForHeaderDelegate">
  785. <summary>
  786. When set, returns a view that can be used as the TableView's header.
  787. </summary>
  788. <seealso cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.GetHeightForHeaderDelegate"/>
  789. </member>
  790. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.SelectedItem">
  791. <summary>
  792. Gets the TableView's selected item.
  793. Changes to that property's value raise the PropertyChanged event.
  794. </summary>
  795. </member>
  796. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.TableSource">
  797. <summary>
  798. The source of the TableView.
  799. </summary>
  800. </member>
  801. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.TableView">
  802. <summary>
  803. Overrides <see cref="P:UIKit.UITableViewController.TableView"/>.
  804. Sets or gets the controllers TableView. If you use a TableView
  805. placed in the UI manually, use this property's setter to assign
  806. your TableView to this controller.
  807. </summary>
  808. </member>
  809. <member name="E:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.PropertyChanged">
  810. <summary>
  811. Occurs when a property of this instance changes.
  812. </summary>
  813. </member>
  814. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1">
  815. <summary>
  816. A <see cref="T:UIKit.UITableViewSource"/> that handles changes to the underlying
  817. data source if this data source is an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged"/>.
  818. </summary>
  819. <typeparam name="T2">The type of the items that the data source contains.</typeparam>
  820. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  821. </member>
  822. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.#ctor(GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController{`1})">
  823. <summary>
  824. Initializes an instance of this class.
  825. </summary>
  826. <param name="controller">The controller associated to this instance.</param>
  827. </member>
  828. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.GetCell(UIKit.UITableView,Foundation.NSIndexPath)">
  829. <summary>
  830. Attempts to dequeue or create a cell for the list.
  831. </summary>
  832. <param name="tableView">The TableView that is the cell's parent.</param>
  833. <param name="indexPath">The NSIndexPath for the cell.</param>
  834. <returns>The created or recycled cell.</returns>
  835. </member>
  836. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.GetHeightForFooter(UIKit.UITableView,System.nint)">
  837. <summary>
  838. When called, checks if the ObservableTableViewController{T}.GetHeightForFooter
  839. delegate has been set. If yes, calls that delegate to get the TableView's footer height.
  840. </summary>
  841. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  842. <param name="section">The section index.</param>
  843. <returns>The footer's height.</returns>
  844. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  845. </member>
  846. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.GetHeightForHeader(UIKit.UITableView,System.nint)">
  847. <summary>
  848. When called, checks if the ObservableTableViewController{T}.GetHeightForHeader
  849. delegate has been set. If yes, calls that delegate to get the TableView's header height.
  850. </summary>
  851. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  852. <param name="section">The section index.</param>
  853. <returns>The header's height.</returns>
  854. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  855. </member>
  856. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.GetViewForFooter(UIKit.UITableView,System.nint)">
  857. <summary>
  858. When called, checks if the ObservableTableViewController{T}.GetViewForFooter
  859. delegate has been set. If yes, calls that delegate to get the TableView's footer.
  860. </summary>
  861. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  862. <param name="section">The section index.</param>
  863. <returns>The UIView that should appear as the section's footer.</returns>
  864. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  865. </member>
  866. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.GetViewForHeader(UIKit.UITableView,System.nint)">
  867. <summary>
  868. When called, checks if the ObservableTableViewController{T}.GetViewForHeader
  869. delegate has been set. If yes, calls that delegate to get the TableView's header.
  870. </summary>
  871. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  872. <param name="section">The section index.</param>
  873. <returns>The UIView that should appear as the section's header.</returns>
  874. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  875. </member>
  876. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.NumberOfSections(UIKit.UITableView)">
  877. <summary>
  878. Overrides the <see cref="M:UIKit.UITableViewSource.NumberOfSections(UIKit.UITableView)"/> method.
  879. </summary>
  880. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  881. <returns>The number of sections of the UITableView.</returns>
  882. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  883. </member>
  884. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.RowSelected(UIKit.UITableView,Foundation.NSIndexPath)">
  885. <summary>
  886. Overrides the <see cref="M:UIKit.UITableViewSource.RowSelected(UIKit.UITableView,Foundation.NSIndexPath)"/> method
  887. and notifies the associated <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1"/>
  888. that a row has been selected, so that the corresponding events can be raised.
  889. </summary>
  890. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  891. <param name="indexPath">The row's NSIndexPath.</param>
  892. </member>
  893. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers.ObservableTableViewController`1.ObservableTableSource`1.RowsInSection(UIKit.UITableView,System.nint)">
  894. <summary>
  895. Overrides the <see cref="M:UIKit.UITableViewSource.RowsInSection(UIKit.UITableView,System.nint)"/> method
  896. and returns the number of rows in the associated data source.
  897. </summary>
  898. <param name="tableView">The active TableView.</param>
  899. <param name="section">The active section.</param>
  900. <returns>The number of rows in the data source.</returns>
  901. <remarks>In the current implementation, only one section is supported.</remarks>
  902. </member>
  903. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase">
  904. <summary>
  905. A base class to be used with the <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService"/> when
  906. using Storyboards.
  907. </summary>
  908. </member>
  909. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
  910. <summary>
  911. A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects;
  912. Called by the runtime.
  913. </summary>
  914. <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
  915. <remarks>Check the remarks on <see cref="M:UIKit.UIViewController.#ctor(System.IntPtr)"/></remarks>
  916. </member>
  917. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
  918. <summary>
  919. A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver
  920. object.
  921. </summary>
  922. <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
  923. <remarks>Check the remarks on <see cref="M:UIKit.UIViewController.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)"/></remarks>
  924. </member>
  925. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
  926. <summary>
  927. Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely
  928. allocate the object.
  929. </summary>
  930. <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
  931. <remarks>Check the remarks on <see cref="M:UIKit.UIViewController.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)"/></remarks>
  932. </member>
  933. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase.#ctor(System.String,Foundation.NSBundle)">
  934. <summary>
  935. Initializes an instance of this class.
  936. </summary>
  937. <param name="nibName">The NIB name, or null.
  938. This parameter can be null.</param>
  939. <param name="bundle">The bundle where the search for the NIB takes place,
  940. if you pass null, this searches for the NIB on the main bundle.
  941. This parameter can be null.</param>
  942. <remarks>Check the remarks on <see cref="M:UIKit.UIViewController.#ctor(System.String,Foundation.NSBundle)"/></remarks>
  943. </member>
  944. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase.#ctor">
  945. <summary>
  946. Initializes an instance of this class.
  947. </summary>
  948. </member>
  949. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.ControllerBase.NavigationParameter">
  950. <summary>
  951. The parameter passed to this controller by the
  952. <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String,System.Object)"/> method.
  953. </summary>
  954. </member>
  955. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService">
  956. <summary>
  957. An implementation of <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.IDialogService"/> allowing
  958. to display simple dialogs to the user. Note that this class
  959. uses the built in Windows Phone dialogs which may or may not
  960. be sufficient for your needs. Using this class is easy
  961. but feel free to develop your own IDialogService implementation
  962. if needed.
  963. </summary>
  964. </member>
  965. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService.ShowError(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Action)">
  966. <summary>
  967. Displays information about an error.
  968. </summary>
  969. <param name="message">The message to be shown to the user.</param>
  970. <param name="title">The title of the dialog box. This may be null.</param>
  971. <param name="buttonText">The text shown in the only button
  972. in the dialog box. If left null, the text "OK" will be used.</param>
  973. <param name="afterHideCallback">A callback that should be executed after
  974. the dialog box is closed by the user.</param>
  975. <returns>A Task allowing this async method to be awaited.</returns>
  976. <remarks>Displaying dialogs in iOS is synchronous. As such,
  977. this method will be executed synchronously even though it can be awaited
  978. for cross-platform compatibility purposes.</remarks>
  979. </member>
  980. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService.ShowError(System.Exception,System.String,System.String,System.Action)">
  981. <summary>
  982. Displays information about an error.
  983. </summary>
  984. <param name="error">The exception of which the message must be shown to the user.</param>
  985. <param name="title">The title of the dialog box. This may be null.</param>
  986. <param name="buttonText">The text shown in the only button
  987. in the dialog box. If left null, the text "OK" will be used.</param>
  988. <param name="afterHideCallback">A callback that should be executed after
  989. the dialog box is closed by the user.</param>
  990. <returns>A Task allowing this async method to be awaited.</returns>
  991. <remarks>Displaying dialogs in iOS is synchronous. As such,
  992. this method will be executed synchronously even though it can be awaited
  993. for cross-platform compatibility purposes.</remarks>
  994. </member>
  995. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService.ShowMessage(System.String,System.String)">
  996. <summary>
  997. Displays information to the user. The dialog box will have only
  998. one button with the text "OK".
  999. </summary>
  1000. <param name="message">The message to be shown to the user.</param>
  1001. <param name="title">The title of the dialog box. This may be null.</param>
  1002. <returns>A Task allowing this async method to be awaited.</returns>
  1003. <remarks>Displaying dialogs in Android is synchronous. As such,
  1004. this method will be executed synchronously even though it can be awaited
  1005. for cross-platform compatibility purposes.</remarks>
  1006. </member>
  1007. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService.ShowMessage(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Action)">
  1008. <summary>
  1009. Displays information to the user. The dialog box will have only
  1010. one button.
  1011. </summary>
  1012. <param name="message">The message to be shown to the user.</param>
  1013. <param name="title">The title of the dialog box. This may be null.</param>
  1014. <param name="buttonText">The text shown in the only button
  1015. in the dialog box. If left null, the text "OK" will be used.</param>
  1016. <param name="afterHideCallback">A callback that should be executed after
  1017. the dialog box is closed by the user.</param>
  1018. <returns>A Task allowing this async method to be awaited.</returns>
  1019. <remarks>Displaying dialogs in Android is synchronous. As such,
  1020. this method will be executed synchronously even though it can be awaited
  1021. for cross-platform compatibility purposes.</remarks>
  1022. </member>
  1023. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService.ShowMessage(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Action{System.Boolean})">
  1024. <summary>
  1025. Displays information to the user. The dialog box will have only
  1026. one button.
  1027. </summary>
  1028. <param name="message">The message to be shown to the user.</param>
  1029. <param name="title">The title of the dialog box. This may be null.</param>
  1030. <param name="buttonConfirmText">The text shown in the "confirm" button
  1031. in the dialog box. If left null, the text "OK" will be used.</param>
  1032. <param name="buttonCancelText">The text shown in the "cancel" button
  1033. in the dialog box. If left null, the text "Cancel" will be used.</param>
  1034. <param name="afterHideCallback">A callback that should be executed after
  1035. the dialog box is closed by the user. The callback method will get a boolean
  1036. parameter indicating if the "confirm" button (true) or the "cancel" button
  1037. (false) was pressed by the user.</param>
  1038. <returns>A Task allowing this async method to be awaited. The task will return
  1039. true or false depending on the dialog result.</returns>
  1040. <remarks>Displaying dialogs in Android is synchronous. As such,
  1041. this method will be executed synchronously even though it can be awaited
  1042. for cross-platform compatibility purposes.</remarks>
  1043. </member>
  1044. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.DialogService.ShowMessageBox(System.String,System.String)">
  1045. <summary>
  1046. Displays information to the user in a simple dialog box. The dialog box will have only
  1047. one button with the text "OK". This method should be used for debugging purposes.
  1048. </summary>
  1049. <param name="message">The message to be shown to the user.</param>
  1050. <param name="title">The title of the dialog box. This may be null.</param>
  1051. <returns>A Task allowing this async method to be awaited.</returns>
  1052. <remarks>Displaying dialogs in Android is synchronous. As such,
  1053. this method will be executed synchronously even though it can be awaited
  1054. for cross-platform compatibility purposes.</remarks>
  1055. </member>
  1056. <member name="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService">
  1057. <summary>
  1058. Xamarin iOS implementation of <see cref="T:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.INavigationService"/>.
  1059. This implementation can be used in Xamarin iOS applications (not Xamarin Forms).
  1060. </summary>
  1061. <remarks>For this navigation service to work properly, it should be initialized
  1062. using the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Initialize(UIKit.UINavigationController)"/> method, with the application's
  1063. <see cref="T:UIKit.UINavigationController"/>.</remarks>
  1064. </member>
  1065. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.RootPageKey">
  1066. <summary>
  1067. The key that is returned by the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.CurrentPageKey"/> property
  1068. when the current UIViewController is the root controller.
  1069. </summary>
  1070. </member>
  1071. <member name="F:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.UnknownPageKey">
  1072. <summary>
  1073. The key that is returned by the <see cref="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.CurrentPageKey"/> property
  1074. when the current UIViewController is not found.
  1075. This can be the case when the navigation wasn't managed by this NavigationService,
  1076. for example when it is directly triggered in the Storyboard.
  1077. </summary>
  1078. </member>
  1079. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.GoBack">
  1080. <summary>
  1081. If possible, discards the current page and displays the previous page
  1082. on the navigation stack.
  1083. </summary>
  1084. </member>
  1085. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String)">
  1086. <summary>
  1087. Displays a new page corresponding to the given key.
  1088. Make sure to call the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Type)"/>
  1089. or <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Func{System.Object,UIKit.UIViewController})"/>
  1090. method first.
  1091. </summary>
  1092. <param name="pageKey">The key corresponding to the page
  1093. that should be displayed.</param>
  1094. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">When this method is called for
  1095. a key that has not been configured earlier.</exception>
  1096. </member>
  1097. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String,System.Object)">
  1098. <summary>
  1099. Displays a new page corresponding to the given key,
  1100. and passes a parameter to the new page's constructor.
  1101. Make sure to call the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Type)"/>
  1102. or <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Func{System.Object,UIKit.UIViewController})"/>
  1103. method first.
  1104. </summary>
  1105. <param name="pageKey">The key corresponding to the page
  1106. that should be displayed.</param>
  1107. <param name="parameter">The parameter that should be passed
  1108. to the new page's constructor.</param>
  1109. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">When this method is called for
  1110. a key that has not been configured earlier.</exception>
  1111. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When this method is called for
  1112. a page that doesn't have a suitable constructor (i.e.
  1113. a constructor with a parameter corresponding to the
  1114. navigation parameter's type).</exception>
  1115. </member>
  1116. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Type)">
  1117. <summary>
  1118. Adds a key/page pair to the navigation service.
  1119. This method will create a new controller on demand, using
  1120. reflection. You can use <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Func{System.Object,UIKit.UIViewController})"/>
  1121. if you need more fine-grained control over the controller's creation.
  1122. </summary>
  1123. <param name="key">The key that will be used later
  1124. in the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String,System.Object)"/> methods.</param>
  1125. <param name="controllerType">The type of the controller corresponding to the key.</param>
  1126. </member>
  1127. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.Func{System.Object,UIKit.UIViewController})">
  1128. <summary>
  1129. Adds a key/page pair to the navigation service.
  1130. This method allows the caller to have fine grained control over the controller's
  1131. creation.
  1132. </summary>
  1133. <param name="key">The key that will be used later
  1134. in the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String,System.Object)"/> methods.</param>
  1135. <param name="createAction">A Func returning the controller corresponding
  1136. to the given key.</param>
  1137. </member>
  1138. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Configure(System.String,System.String)">
  1139. <summary>
  1140. Adds a key/page pair to the navigation service.
  1141. This method should be used when working with Storyboard for the UI.
  1142. </summary>
  1143. <param name="key">The key that will be used later
  1144. in the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String,System.Object)"/> methods.</param>
  1145. <param name="storyboardId">The idea of the UIViewController
  1146. in the Storyboard. Use the storyboardIdentifier/restorationIdentifier property
  1147. in the *.storyboard document.</param>
  1148. </member>
  1149. <member name="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.Initialize(UIKit.UINavigationController)">
  1150. <summary>
  1151. Initialized the navigation service. This method must be called
  1152. before the <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String)"/> or
  1153. <see cref="M:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.NavigateTo(System.String,System.Object)"/> methods are called.
  1154. </summary>
  1155. <param name="navigation">The application's navigation controller.</param>
  1156. </member>
  1157. <member name="P:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views.NavigationService.CurrentPageKey">
  1158. <summary>
  1159. The key corresponding to the currently displayed page.
  1160. </summary>
  1161. </member>
  1162. </members>
  1163. </doc>