param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project) # find the App.xaml file $appxaml = $project.ProjectItems | where {$_.Name -eq "App.xaml"} $appxamlPath = ($appxaml.Properties | where {$_.Name -eq "LocalPath"}).Value # find the CSPROJ file $projectPath = ($project.Properties | where {$_.Name -eq "LocalPath"}).Value + $project.Name + ".csproj" $namespace = $project.Properties.Item("RootNamespace").Value # DEBUG ONLY #$namespace = "Univ" #$projectPath = "C:\MvvmLight\TEMPO2\AllPlatformsNoVm\Univ\Univ.Windows\Univ.Windows.csproj" # DEBUG ONLY $isUniversal = $false $sharedFolderPath = $null if ($appxamlPath -eq $null) { # Might be a universal project, try it $pathElements = $projectPath.Split('\') $appxamlPath = "" $lastElement = "" for ($i = 0; $i -le $pathElements.Length - 3; $i++) { $sharedFolderPath += $pathElements[$i] + "/" $appxamlPath += $pathElements[$i] + "/" $lastElement = $pathElements[$i] } $appxamlPath += $lastElement + ".Shared/App.xaml" # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("New appxamlPath " + $appxamlPath, 'TEST', 'OK') if (Test-Path $appxamlPath) { $isUniversal = $true # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("UNIVERSAL", 'TEST', 'OK') } else { $appxamlPath = $null } } if ($appxamlPath -eq $null) { # TODO Xamarin # add the required .NET assembly: Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Cannot find App.xaml in this project, no other changes made. If you are installing in a PCL, please use "MVVM Light Libs Only" instead.', 'Warning', 'OK') } else { $projectXml = New-Object xml $projectXml.Load($projectPath) $propertyGroups = $projectXml.SelectNodes("//*") | where { $_.Name -eq "PropertyGroup" } $found = "Nothing" foreach ($propertyGroup in $propertyGroups) { $targetFrameworkProfile = $propertyGroup.SelectNodes("//*") | where {$_.Name -eq "TargetFrameworkProfile" } if ($targetFrameworkProfile -ne $null) { if ($targetFrameworkProfile.InnerText -eq "WindowsPhone71") { $found = "wp71" break } } $targetFrameworkIdentifier = $propertyGroup.SelectNodes("//*") | where {$_.Name -eq "TargetFrameworkIdentifier" } if ($targetFrameworkIdentifier -ne $null) { if ($targetFrameworkIdentifier.InnerText -eq "WindowsPhone") { $found = "wp8" break } if ($targetFrameworkIdentifier.InnerText -eq "Silverlight") { $version = $propertyGroup.SelectNodes("//*") | where {$_.Name -eq "TargetFrameworkVersion" } if ($version -ne $null) { if ($version.InnerText -eq "v4.0") { $found = "sl4" break } if ($version.InnerText -eq "v5.0") { $found = "sl5" break } } $found = "sl" break } } $outputType = $propertyGroup.SelectNodes("//*") | where {$_.Name -eq "OutputType" } if ($outputType -ne $null) { if ($outputType.InnerText -eq "AppContainerExe") { $found = "win8" break } if ($outputType.InnerText -eq "WinExe") { $version = $propertyGroup.SelectNodes("//*") | where {$_.Name -eq "TargetFrameworkVersion" } if ($version -ne $null) { if ($version.InnerText -eq "v3.5") { $found = "wpf35" break } if ($version.InnerText -eq "v4.0") { $found = "wpf4" break } if ($version.InnerText -eq "v4.5") { $found = "wpf45" break } } $found = "wpf" break } } } # load App.xaml as XML $appXamlXml = New-Object xml $appXamlXml.Load($appxamlPath) #$comment = $appXamlXml.CreateComment($found) #$appXamlXml.AppendChild($comment) #$comment2 = $appXamlXml.CreateComment($projectPath) #$appXamlXml.AppendChild($comment2) $resources = $appXamlXml.SelectNodes("//*") | where { $_.Name -eq "Application.Resources" } if ($resources -eq $null) { $resources = $appXamlXml.CreateNode("element", "Application.Resources", "") $app = $appXamlXml.SelectNodes("//*") | where { $_.Name -eq "Application" } if ($app -eq $null) { break } $app.AppendChild($resources) } $xmlnsPrefix = "clr-namespace:" if ($found -eq "win8") { $xmlnsPrefix = "using:" } $vml = $appXamlXml.CreateNode("element", "vm:ViewModelLocator", $xmlnsPrefix + $namespace + ".ViewModel") $vml.SetAttribute("Key", "", "Locator") if ($found -ne "win8") { $app = $appXamlXml.ChildNodes | where { $_.Name -eq "Application" } # Check presence of design time XMLNS $dWasFound = $app.HasAttribute("xmlns:d") if (!$dWasFound) { $app.SetAttribute("xmlns:d", "") } # Check presence of Ignorable attribute on Application element $ignorable = $app.GetAttribute("Ignorable", "") if ($ignorable -ne "") { $allIgnorables = $ignorable.Split(' ') $dWasFound = "False" foreach ($ign in $allIgnorables) { if ($ign -eq "d") { $dWasFound = "True" } } if ($dWasFound -eq "False") { $app.SetAttribute("Ignorable", "", $ignorable + " d") } } else { $app.SetAttribute("Ignorable", "", "d") } $attribute = $appXamlXml.CreateAttribute("d", "IsDataSource", ""); $attribute.Value = "True"; $vml.Attributes.Append($attribute) } $mergedDictionaries = $resources.SelectNodes("//*") | where { $_.Name -eq "ResourceDictionary" } if ($mergedDictionaries -eq $null) { # Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Found Resources, no merged, checking Locator now', 'Warning', 'OK') $existingLocator = $resources.SelectNodes("//*") | where { $_.Name -eq "vm:ViewModelLocator" } if ($existingLocator -eq $null) { # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("No locator found") $resources.AppendChild($vml) } } else { # Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Found Resources, merged, checking Locator now', 'Warning', 'OK') $existingLocator = $mergedDictionaries.SelectNodes("//*") | where { $_.Name -eq "vm:ViewModelLocator" } # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($existingLocator -ne $null) if ($existingLocator -eq $null) { # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("No locator found") $mergedDictionaries[0].AppendChild($vml) } } $appXamlXml.Save($appxamlPath) if ($isUniversal) { # add the required .NET assembly: Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('This is a Universal application. You need to move the ViewModel folder manually. See for details') $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application $ie.Navigate("") $ie.Visible = $true } }