a.id AS "id", a.indicator_name AS "indicatorName", a.indicator_cede AS "indicatorCede", a.unit AS "unit", a.is_quantified AS "isQuantified", a.is_additional AS "isAdditional", a.des AS "des", a.bin_section AS "binSection", a.bin_stage AS "binStage", a.dept AS "dept", a.company AS "company", a.enable AS "enable", a.create_time AS "createTime", a.update_time AS "updateTime", a.create_by AS "createBy", a.update_by AS "updateBy", a.remark AS "remark", a.order_num AS "orderNum" 1=1 AND ( ) AND ( ${sqlMap.df} ) AND ( ${sqlMap.bf} ) AND ( ${sqlMap.baseQuery} ) AND ( ${sqlMap.specQuery} ) AND (${sqlMap.dsf}) indicator_name, indicator_cede, unit, is_quantified, is_additional, des, bin_section, bin_stage, dept, company, enable, create_time, update_time, remark, order_num select get_next_id('indicator','') from dual select #{id} from dual INSERT INTO indicator( ) VALUES ( #{indicatorName , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{indicatorCede , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{unit , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{isQuantified , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{isAdditional , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{des , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{binSection , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{binStage , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{dept , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{company , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{enable , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{createTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP }, #{updateTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP }, #{remark , jdbcType=VARCHAR }, #{orderNum , jdbcType=VARCHAR } ) INSERT INTO indicator( ) select FFF.* from ( select #{item.indicatorName, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "indicatorName", #{item.indicatorCede, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "indicatorCede", #{item.unit, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "unit", #{item.isQuantified, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "isQuantified", #{item.isAdditional, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "isAdditional", #{item.des, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "des", #{item.binSection, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "binSection", #{item.binStage, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "binStage", #{item.dept, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "dept", #{item.company, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "company", #{item.enable, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "enable", #{item.createTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} as "createTime", #{item.updateTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} as "updateTime", #{item.remark, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "remark", #{item.orderNum, jdbcType=VARCHAR} as "orderNum" from dual ) FFF UPDATE indicator SET id = #{id}, indicator_name = #{indicatorName}, indicator_cede = #{indicatorCede}, unit = #{unit}, is_quantified = #{isQuantified}, is_additional = #{isAdditional}, des = #{des}, bin_section = #{binSection}, bin_stage = #{binStage}, dept = #{dept}, company = #{company}, enable = #{enable}, create_time = #{createTime}, update_time = #{updateTime}, update_by = #{updateBy}, remark = #{remark}, order_num = #{orderNum} WHERE id = #{id, jdbcType=VARCHAR} DELETE FROM public.indicator WHERE id = #{id, jdbcType=VARCHAR}