@@ -4,41 +4,40 @@
<!-- 通用查询映射结果 -->
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.ims.eval.entity.OrganizationEvaluationInfo">
- <id column="id" property="id"/>
- <result column="organization_evaluation_id" property="organizationEvaluationId"/>
- <result column="indicator_id" property="indicatorId"/>
- <result column="indicator_dictionary_id" property="indicatorDictionaryId"/>
- <result column="option_code" property="optionCode"/>
- <result column="is_quantified" property="isQuantified"/>
- <result column="quantified_value" property="quantifiedValue"/>
- <result column="non_quantified_value" property="nonQuantifiedValue"/>
- <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/>
- <result column="create_by" property="createBy"/>
- <result column="update_time" property="updateTime"/>
- <result column="update_by" property="updateBy"/>
- <result column="remark" property="remark"/>
+ <id column="id" property="id" />
+ <result column="organization_evaluation_id" property="organizationEvaluationId" />
+ <result column="indicator_id" property="indicatorId" />
+ <result column="indicator_dictionary_id" property="indicatorDictionaryId" />
+ <result column="option_code" property="optionCode" />
+ <result column="is_quantified" property="isQuantified" />
+ <result column="quantified_value" property="quantifiedValue" />
+ <result column="non_quantified_value" property="nonQuantifiedValue" />
+ <result column="create_time" property="createTime" />
+ <result column="create_by" property="createBy" />
+ <result column="update_time" property="updateTime" />
+ <result column="update_by" property="updateBy" />
+ <result column="remark" property="remark" />
<!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
<sql id="Base_Column_List">
- id
- , organization_evaluation_id, indicator_id, indicator_dictionary_id, option_code, is_quantified, quantified_value, non_quantified_value, create_time, create_by, update_time, update_by, remark
+ id, organization_evaluation_id, indicator_id, indicator_dictionary_id, option_code, is_quantified, quantified_value, non_quantified_value, create_time, create_by, update_time, update_by, remark
- <!-- <update id="updateEvaluationInfo">-->
+<!-- <update id="updateEvaluationInfo">-->
- <!-- <foreach collection="evaluationInfos" item="item" index="index" separator=";">-->
- <!-- <trim suffixOverrides=",">-->
- <!-- UPDATE organization_evaluation_info-->
- <!-- SET quantified_Value = ${item.quantifiedValue},-->
- <!-- non_Quantified_Value = '${item.nonQuantifiedValue}'-->
- <!-- WHERE id = '${item.id}'-->
- <!-- </trim>-->
- <!-- </foreach>-->
+<!-- <foreach collection="evaluationInfos" item="item" index="index" separator=";">-->
+<!-- <trim suffixOverrides=",">-->
+<!-- UPDATE organization_evaluation_info-->
+<!-- SET quantified_Value = ${item.quantifiedValue},-->
+<!-- non_Quantified_Value = '${item.nonQuantifiedValue}'-->
+<!-- WHERE id = '${item.id}'-->
+<!-- </trim>-->
+<!-- </foreach>-->
- <!-- </update>-->
+<!-- </update>-->
<select id="selectListEvaluationInfoId"
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
inner join organization_evaluation_rule oer on oer.id = ei.organization_evaluation_rule_id
inner join organization_evaluation oe on oe.id = ei.organization_evaluation_id
left join indicator i on ei.indicator_id = i.id
- left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
+ left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
left join bin_stage be on i.bin_stage = be.id
left join bin_section bn on i.bin_section = bn.id
left join indicator_type it on i.indicator_type_id = it.id
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@
<if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
- and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
+ and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
<if test="optionCode !=null and optionCode !=''">
@@ -87,20 +86,17 @@
<if test="dept !=null and dept !=''">
- and dd.key_name = #{dept}
+ and dd.key_name = #{dept}
<if test="organizationId !=null and organizationId !=''">
- and oer.organization_id = #{organizationId}
+ and oer.organization_id = #{organizationId}
- and id.option_code not in
- order by
- be.order_num,oer.organization_short_name,bn.order_num,ri.order_num,id.child_code,id.option_code,id.option_order
- asc
+ order by be.order_num,oer.organization_short_name,bn.order_num,ri.order_num,id.child_code,id.option_code,id.option_order asc
@@ -160,7 +156,7 @@
inner join organization_evaluation_rule oer on oer.id = ei.organization_evaluation_rule_id
inner join organization_evaluation oe on oe.id = ei.organization_evaluation_id
left join indicator i on ei.indicator_id = i.id
- left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
+ left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
left join bin_stage be on i.bin_stage = be.id
left join bin_section bn on i.bin_section = bn.id
left join indicator_type it on i.indicator_type_id = it.id
@@ -169,7 +165,7 @@
<if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
- and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
+ and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
<if test="optionCode !=null and optionCode !=''">
@@ -177,41 +173,37 @@
<if test="dept !=null and dept !=''">
- and dd.key_name like CONCAT('%',#{dept},'%')
+ and dd.key_name like CONCAT('%',#{dept},'%')
<if test="organizationShortName !=null and organizationShortName !=''">
- and oer.organization_short_name like CONCAT('%',#{organizationShortName},'%')
+ and oer.organization_short_name like CONCAT('%',#{organizationShortName},'%')
<if test="indicatorName !=null and indicatorName !=''">
- and i.indicator_name like CONCAT('%',#{indicatorName},'%')
+ and i.indicator_name like CONCAT('%',#{indicatorName},'%')
<if test="binSection !=null and binSection !=''">
- and bn.id = #{binSection}
+ and bn.id = #{binSection}
<if test="isQuantified !=null and isQuantified !=''">
- and ei.is_quantified = #{isQuantified}
+ and ei.is_quantified = #{isQuantified}
<if test="organizationId !=null and organizationId !=''">
- and oer.organization_id = #{organizationId}
+ and oer.organization_id = #{organizationId}
- and id.option_code not in
and id.is_show = true
- order by
- oer.organization_short_name,be.order_num,oer.organization_short_name,bn.order_num,ri.order_num,id.option_order
- asc
+ order by oer.organization_short_name,be.order_num,oer.organization_short_name,bn.order_num,ri.order_num,id.option_order asc
- <select id="selectByIdAndEvaluationInfoId"
- resultType="com.ims.eval.entity.dto.response.OrganizationEvaluationInfoResDTO">
+ <select id="selectByIdAndEvaluationInfoId" resultType="com.ims.eval.entity.dto.response.OrganizationEvaluationInfoResDTO">
@@ -243,7 +235,7 @@
inner join organization_evaluation_rule oer on oer.id = ei.organization_evaluation_rule_id
inner join organization_evaluation oe on oe.id = ei.organization_evaluation_id
left join indicator i on ei.indicator_id = i.id
- left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
+ left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
left join bin_stage be on i.bin_stage = be.id
left join bin_section bn on i.bin_section = bn.id
left join indicator_type it on i.indicator_type_id = it.id
@@ -251,21 +243,21 @@
inner join data_dictionary dd on dd.data_key = i.dept_id
- <if test="id !=null and id !=''">
- and ei.id = #{id}
- </if>
+ <if test="id !=null and id !=''">
+ and ei.id = #{id}
+ </if>
- <if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
- and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
- </if>
+ <if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
+ and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
+ </if>
- <if test="optionCode !=null and optionCode !=''">
- and id.option_code = #{optionCode}
- </if>
+ <if test="optionCode !=null and optionCode !=''">
+ and id.option_code = #{optionCode}
+ </if>
- <if test="indicatorId !=null and indicatorId !=''">
- and i.id = #{indicatorId}
- </if>
+ <if test="indicatorId !=null and indicatorId !=''">
+ and i.id = #{indicatorId}
+ </if>
@@ -275,33 +267,32 @@
<select id="selectEvaluationIndicatorList" resultType="java.util.Map">
- select DISTINCT i.id,i.indicator_name,ri.order_num from organization_evaluation_info ei
+ select DISTINCT i.id,i.indicator_name,ri.order_num from organization_evaluation_info ei
LEFT JOIN evaluate_rule_info ri on ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
LEFT JOIN evaluate_rule er on er.id = ri.evaluate_rule_id
INNER JOIN indicator i on i.id = ri.indicator_id
<if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
- and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
+ and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
<if test="binSection !=null and binSection !=''">
- and er.bin_section = #{binSection}
+ and er.bin_section = #{binSection}
<if test="binStage !=null and binStage !=''">
- and er.bin_stage = #{binStage}
+ and er.bin_stage = #{binStage}
- order by ri.order_num asc
+ order by ri.order_num asc
- <select id="selectEvaluationInfoList"
- resultType="com.ims.eval.entity.dto.response.OrganizationEvaluationInfoResDTO">
+ <select id="selectEvaluationInfoList" resultType="com.ims.eval.entity.dto.response.OrganizationEvaluationInfoResDTO">
@@ -336,7 +327,7 @@
inner join organization_evaluation_rule oer on oer.id = ei.organization_evaluation_rule_id
inner join organization_evaluation oe on oe.id = ei.organization_evaluation_id
left join indicator i on ei.indicator_id = i.id
- left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
+ left join evaluate_rule_info ri on ri.indicator_id = i.id and ei.evaluate_rule_info_id = ri.id
left join bin_stage be on i.bin_stage = be.id
left join bin_section bn on i.bin_section = bn.id
left join indicator_type it on i.indicator_type_id = it.id
@@ -345,12 +336,12 @@
<if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
- and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
+ and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
<if test="indicatorId !=null and indicatorId !=''">
- and ei.indicator_id = #{indicatorId}
+ and ei.indicator_id = #{indicatorId}
@@ -360,21 +351,22 @@
<if test="binStage !=null and binStage !=''">
- and be.id = #{binStage}
+ and be.id = #{binStage}
<if test="organizationId !=null and organizationId !=''">
- and oer.organization_id = #{organizationId}
+ and oer.organization_id = #{organizationId}
<if test="organizationShortName !=null and organizationShortName !=''">
- and oer.organization_short_name like CONCAT('%',#{organizationShortName},'%')
+ and oer.organization_short_name like CONCAT('%',#{organizationShortName},'%')
- and id.option_code not in
order by oer.order_num asc
@@ -389,10 +381,10 @@
<if test="organizationEvaluationId !=null and organizationEvaluationId !=''">
- and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
+ and ei.organization_evaluation_id = #{organizationEvaluationId}
<if test="deptId !=null and deptId !=''">
- and ei.dept_id = #{deptId}
+ and ei.dept_id = #{deptId}
<if test="state !=null">
AND ei.state in
@@ -417,4 +409,5 @@
order by oei.organization_id asc