@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+// import excelHelper from "@/utils/excelHelper";
+export default {
+ data() {
+ return {
+ //风场选择器
+ options: [],
+ //风机日信息等级评估管理表格数据
+ gridData: [],
+ //风机月信息等级评估管理表格数据
+ gridDataMonth: [],
+ //风机年信息等级评估管理表格数据
+ gridDataYear: [],
+ value: "NSS_FDC",
+ value1: "",
+ value2: "",
+ value3: "",
+ yearvalue: "",
+ monthvalue: "",
+ //风机日信息等级评估管理对比框开关
+ dialogTableVisible: false,
+ //风机月信息等级评估管理对比框开关
+ dialogTableVisibleMonth: false,
+ //风机年信息等级评估管理对比框开关
+ dialogTableVisibleYear: false,
+ //elementui组件多选数据包
+ multipleSelection: [],
+ //分页起始页
+ currentPage2: 1,
+ //每页显示数据个数
+ pagesize: 10,
+ //等级评估对标雷达图1数据
+ radarChartData1: [],
+ //等级评估对标雷达图2数据
+ radarChartData2: [],
+ //等级评估雷达图标题名称
+ radarChartName: "",
+ //雷达图数据名称1
+ radatChartWindturbineid1: "",
+ //雷达图数据名称2
+ radatChartWindturbineid2: "",
+ fan1: "",
+ fan2: "",
+ //对比框表格风机编号数据1
+ fanNumber1: "",
+ //对比框表格风机编号数据2
+ fanNumber2: "",
+ //风机日信息等级评估管理页面表格显示开关
+ dailyInformation: true,
+ //风机月信息等级评估管理页面表格显示开关
+ monthlyInformation: false,
+ //风机年信息等级评估管理页面表格显示开关
+ annualInformation: false,
+ activeName: "first",
+ //对比框表格右侧数据
+ sortInOrder: [],
+ //对比框表格左侧数据
+ sortInOrderTop: [],
+ ranking1: "",
+ ranking2: "",
+ score1: "",
+ score2: "",
+ //所需排序值
+ orderByColumn: "windturbineid",
+ //排序,默认为升序asc
+ isAsc: "asc",
+ //获取日信息分页数据
+ total: "",
+ //获取月信息分页数据
+ totalMonth: "",
+ //获取年信息分页数据
+ totalYear: "",
+ //日期昨天
+ updateTime: "",
+ };
+ },
+ created() {
+ //获取风场信息数据
+ this.API.get("/powercompare/windfarmAjax").then((res) => {
+ console.log(res)
+ this.options = res.data;
+ });
+ //获取昨日日期时间
+ var newData = new Date();
+ this.updateTime = this.BASE.getBzDate(newData.getTime(), -1);
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ headStyle() {
+ //表格文字居中显示
+ return "text-align:center";
+ },
+ currentSel() {
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ },
+ //排序方法
+ changeTableSort(column) {
+ //排序方法 column.prop为点击要排序列的数据,将需要排序的值赋给orderByColumn
+ this.orderByColumn = column.prop;
+ //如果column.order为descending(点击排序上箭头),则为降序,若为ascending(点击排序下箭头),则为升序,并将值赋给isAsc
+ if (column.order == "descending") {
+ this.isAsc = "desc";
+ } else if (column.order == "ascending") {
+ this.isAsc = "asc";
+ }
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ },
+ //处理对比框表格数据方法val为点击多选框的数据
+ handleSelectionChange(val) {
+ this.sortInOrder = [];
+ this.sortInOrderTop = [];
+ this.multipleSelection = val;
+ //如果多选框中的数据有两个,那么对其对比框表格赋值并显示
+ if (this.multipleSelection.length == 2) {
+ this.fan1 = this.multipleSelection[0].windturbineid;
+ this.fanNumber1 = "风机编号:" + this.fan1;
+ this.fan2 = this.multipleSelection[1].windturbineid;
+ this.fanNumber2 = "风机编号:" + this.fan2;
+ this.ranking1 = "排名:" + this.fan1.slice(5);
+ this.ranking2 = "排名:" + this.fan2.slice(5);
+ this.score1 = "评分:" + this.fan1.slice(5);
+ this.score2 = "评分:" + this.fan2.slice(5);
+ this.sortInOrderTop.push({
+ lhpj: "量化评级:" + this.multipleSelection[0].level,
+ zhpm: "量化评级:" + this.multipleSelection[1].level,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrderTop.push({
+ lhpj: "综合排名:" + this.multipleSelection[0].rank,
+ zhpm: "综合排名:" + this.multipleSelection[1].rank,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "发电量",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayfdl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayfdl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthfdl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthfdl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearfdl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearfdl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "理论发电量",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayllfdl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayllfdl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthllfdl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthllfdl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearllfdl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearllfdl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "平均功率",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daygl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daygl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthgl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthgl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yeargl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yeargl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "故障损失电量",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daygzssdl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daygzssdl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthgzssdl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthgzssdl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yeargzssdl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yeargzssdl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "限电损失电量",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayxdssdl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayxdssdl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthxdssdl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthxdssdl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearxdssdl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearxdssdl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "维护损失电量",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daywhssdl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daywhssdl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthwhssdl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthwhssdl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearwhssdl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearwhssdl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "故障时间",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daygzsj,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daygzsj,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthgzsj,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthgzsj,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yeargzsj,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yeargzsj,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "维护时间",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daywhsj,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daywhsj,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthwhsj,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthwhsj,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearwhsj,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearwhsj,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "运行时间",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayyxsj,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayyxsj,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthyxsj,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthyxsj,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearyxsj,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearyxsj,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "",
+ index: "停机时间",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daytjsj,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daytjsj,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthtjsj,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthtjsj,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yeartjsj,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yeartjsj,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "性能",
+ index: "平均切入风速",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayxfqr,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayxfqr,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthxfqr,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthxfqr,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearxfqr,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearxfqr,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "性能",
+ index: "性能损失电量",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayxnssdl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayxnssdl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthxnssdl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthxnssdl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearxnssdl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearxnssdl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "性能",
+ index: "拟合优度",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daynhyd,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daynhyd,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthnhyd,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthnhyd,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearnhyd,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearnhyd,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "性能",
+ index: "功率一致性系数",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayglyzxxs,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayglyzxxs,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthglyzxxs,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthglyzxxs,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearglyzxxs,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearglyzxxs,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "可靠性管理",
+ index: "利用小时",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daylyxs,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daylyxs,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthlyxs,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthlyxs,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearlyxs,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearlyxs,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "可靠性管理",
+ index: "设备可利用率",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daysbklyl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daysbklyl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthsbklyl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthsbklyl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearsbklyl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearsbklyl,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "可靠性管理",
+ index: "等效可利用系数",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daydxkyxs,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daydxkyxs,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthdxkyxs,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthdxkyxs,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yeardxkyxs,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yeardxkyxs,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "可靠性管理",
+ index: "有效风时速",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayyxfss,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayyxfss,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthyxfss,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthyxfss,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearyxfss,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearyxfss,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "资源",
+ index: "平均风速",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].dayfs,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].dayfs,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthfs,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthfs,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yearfs,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yearfs,
+ });
+ this.sortInOrder.push({
+ lx: "资源",
+ index: "静风频率",
+ data1: this.multipleSelection[0].daygl,
+ data2: this.multipleSelection[1].daygl,
+ ranking1: this.multipleSelection[0].monthgl,
+ ranking2: this.multipleSelection[1].monthgl,
+ score1: this.multipleSelection[0].yeargl,
+ score2: this.multipleSelection[1].yeargl,
+ });
+ this.radarChartData();
+ }
+ },
+ //点击分页调用方法刷新页面
+ handleSizeChange(val) {
+ this.pagesize = val;
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ },
+ //刷新分页显示当前页数目
+ handleCurrentChange(val) {
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ },
+ //导出excel风机等级评估日数据
+ exportDayData() {
+ excelHelper.exportExcel("daytable", "等级评估日数据", ".xls", true);
+ },
+ //导出excel风机等级评估月数据
+ exportMonthData() {
+ excelHelper.exportExcel("monthtable", "等级评估月数据", ".xls", true);
+ },
+ //导出excel风机等级评估年数据
+ exportYearData() {
+ excelHelper.exportExcel("yeartable", "等级评估年数据", ".xls", true);
+ },
+ //点击打开日对比框方法
+ dialogTableVisibleOpen() {
+ this.dialogTableVisible = true;
+ //多选风机id赋值给radatChartWindturbineid1为雷达图数据1名称
+ this.radatChartWindturbineid1 = this.multipleSelection[0].windturbineid;
+ //多选风机id赋值给radatChartWindturbineid1为雷达图数据2名称
+ this.radatChartWindturbineid2 = this.multipleSelection[1].windturbineid;
+ //调用对应EChart热力图
+ this.$nextTick(function () {
+ this.drawPie("leiDaTu");
+ });
+ },
+ //点击打开月对比框方法
+ dialogTableVisibleOpenMonth() {
+ this.dialogTableVisibleMonth = true;
+ this.radatChartWindturbineid1 = this.multipleSelection[0].windturbineid;
+ this.radatChartWindturbineid2 = this.multipleSelection[1].windturbineid;
+ this.$nextTick(function () {
+ this.drawPie2("leiDaTu2");
+ });
+ },
+ //点击打开年对比框方法
+ dialogTableVisibleOpenYear() {
+ this.dialogTableVisibleYear = true;
+ this.radatChartWindturbineid1 = this.multipleSelection[0].windturbineid;
+ this.radatChartWindturbineid2 = this.multipleSelection[1].windturbineid;
+ this.$nextTick(function () {
+ this.drawPie3("leiDaTu2");
+ });
+ },
+ handleClick(tab) {
+ //根据点击切换判断打开哪个表格的div,tab.name包含所有的切换页面名,根据名字判断打开了哪页。
+ if (tab.name === "first") {
+ this.dailyInformation = true;
+ this.monthlyInformation = false;
+ this.annualInformation = false;
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ } else if (tab.name === "second") {
+ this.dailyInformation = false;
+ this.monthlyInformation = true;
+ this.annualInformation = false;
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ } else if (tab.name === "cord") {
+ this.dailyInformation = false;
+ this.monthlyInformation = false;
+ this.annualInformation = true;
+ this.gradeByDaygData();
+ this.gamonthlistByPage();
+ this.gayearlistByPage();
+ }
+ },
+ gradeByDaygData() {
+ //风机日信息等级评估管理数据
+ let that = this;
+ var page = new URLSearchParams();
+ //页数
+ page.append("pageNum", this.currentPage2);
+ //页面数据个数
+ page.append("pageSize", this.pagesize);
+ //需要排序的参数
+ page.append("orderByColumn", this.orderByColumn);
+ //升序还是降序
+ page.append("isAsc", this.isAsc);
+ //风场id
+ page.append("wpId", this.value);
+ if (this.value1 == "") {
+ this.value1 = this.updateTime;
+ }
+ page.append("recorddate", this.value1);
+ this.API.post("/benchmarking/gadaylistByPage", page).then((res) => {
+ console.log(res);
+ //gridData日表格数据
+ that.gridData = res.data.list;
+ //total日分页数据
+ that.total = res.data.total;
+ });
+ },
+ gamonthlistByPage() {
+ //风机月信息等级评估管理数据
+ let that = this;
+ var pagemonth = new URLSearchParams();
+ pagemonth.append("pageNum", this.currentPage2);
+ pagemonth.append("pageSize", this.pagesize);
+ pagemonth.append("wpId", this.value);
+ if (this.yearvalue == "") {
+ this.yearvalue = this.updateTime.substring(0, 4);
+ // console.log(this.yearvalue);
+ }
+ //年份
+ pagemonth.append("year", this.yearvalue);
+ if (this.value2 == "") {
+ this.value2 = this.updateTime;
+ //判断数据长度是否为2位数,若为2位数截取两位数,一位数则截取一位数
+ if (this.value2.substring(5, 7) < 10) {
+ this.monthvalue = this.value2.substring(6, 7);
+ } else {
+ this.monthvalue = this.value2.substring(5, 7);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.value2.substring(5, 7) < 10) {
+ this.monthvalue = this.value2.substring(6, 7);
+ } else {
+ this.monthvalue = this.value2.substring(5, 7);
+ }
+ }
+ //月份
+ pagemonth.append("month", this.monthvalue);
+ this.API
+ .post("/benchmarking/gamonthlistByPage", pagemonth)
+ .then((res) => {
+ //gridDataMonth月表格数据
+ that.gridDataMonth = res.data.list;
+ //totalMonth月分页数据
+ that.totalMonth = res.data.total;
+ });
+ },
+ gayearlistByPage() {
+ //风机年信息等级评估管理数据
+ let that = this;
+ this.yearvalue = this.value3.toString();
+ var pageyear = new URLSearchParams();
+ pageyear.append("pageNum", this.currentPage2);
+ pageyear.append("pageSize", this.pagesize);
+ pageyear.append("wpId", this.value);
+ if (this.value3 == "") {
+ this.value3 = this.updateTime.substring(0, 4);
+ }
+ pageyear.append("year", this.value3);
+ this.API
+ .post("/benchmarking/gayearlistByPage", pageyear)
+ .then((res) => {
+ //gridDataYear年表格数据
+ that.gridDataYear = res.data.list;
+ //totalYear年分页数据
+ that.totalYear = res.data.total;
+ });
+ },
+ radarChartData() {
+ //获取EChart雷达图数据
+ let that = this;
+ this.API
+ .get(
+ "/benchmarking/wtchart?gaid1=" +
+ this.multipleSelection[0].id +
+ "&gaid2=" +
+ this.multipleSelection[1].id
+ )
+ .then((res) => {
+ console.log(res);
+ var arr1 = [];
+ var name = [];
+ res.data.gaid1.forEach(function (item) {
+ arr1.push({
+ //雷达图数据
+ data1: item.data1,
+ });
+ name.push({
+ //雷达图数据命名
+ name: item.name,
+ });
+ });
+ that.radarChartName = name;
+ console.log(that.radarChartName)
+ //将target雷达图显示容量加入数组中。
+ var target = {
+ max: 15,
+ };
+ //循环遍历数据
+ for (let v = 0; v < that.radarChartName.length; v++) {
+ const returnedTarget = Object.assign(
+ that.radarChartName[v],
+ target
+ );
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
+ that.radarChartData1.push(arr1[i].data1);
+ }
+ var arr2 = [];
+ res.data.gaid2.forEach(function (item) {
+ arr2.push({
+ data1: item.data1,
+ });
+ });
+ for (let j = 0; j < arr2.length; j++) {
+ that.radarChartData2.push(arr2[j].data1);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //风机日信息等级评估管理Echart图
+ drawPie() {
+ var charts;
+ if (charts != null && charts != "" && charts != undefined) {
+ charts.dispose();
+ }
+ charts = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("leiDaTu"));
+ let option = {
+ tooltip: {},
+ legend: {
+ x: "center", //可设定图例在左、右、居中
+ y: "bottom",
+ data: [this.radatChartWindturbineid1, this.radatChartWindturbineid2],
+ },
+ radar: {
+ name: {
+ textStyle: {
+ color: "#fff",//字体颜色
+ backgroundColor: "#999",//图例颜色
+ borderRadius: 3,
+ padding: [3, 5],//距离
+ },
+ },
+ indicator: this.radarChartName,
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: "预算 vs 开销(Budget vs spending)",
+ type: "radar",
+ // areaStyle: {normal: {}},
+ data: [
+ {
+ value: this.radarChartData1,
+ name: this.radatChartWindturbineid1,
+ },
+ {
+ value: this.radarChartData2,
+ name: this.radatChartWindturbineid2,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ charts.clear();
+ charts.setOption(option);
+ },
+ //风机月信息等级评估管理Echart图
+ drawPie2() {
+ var charts2;
+ if (charts2 != null && charts2 != "" && charts2 != undefined) {
+ charts2.dispose();
+ }
+ charts2 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("leiDaTu2"));
+ let option2 = {
+ tooltip: {},
+ legend: {
+ x: "center", //可设定图例在左、右、居中
+ y: "bottom",
+ data: [this.radatChartWindturbineid1, this.radatChartWindturbineid2],
+ },
+ radar: {
+ // shape: 'circle',
+ name: {
+ textStyle: {
+ color: "#fff",
+ backgroundColor: "#999",
+ borderRadius: 3,
+ padding: [3, 5],
+ },
+ },
+ indicator: this.radarChartName,
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: "预算 vs 开销(Budget vs spending)",
+ type: "radar",
+ // areaStyle: {normal: {}},
+ data: [
+ {
+ value: this.radarChartData1,
+ name: this.radatChartWindturbineid1,
+ },
+ {
+ value: this.radarChartData2,
+ name: this.radatChartWindturbineid2,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ charts2.clear();
+ charts2.setOption(option2);
+ },
+ //风机年信息等级评估管理Echart图
+ drawPie3() {
+ var charts3;
+ if (charts3 != null && charts3 != "" && charts3 != undefined) {
+ charts3.dispose();
+ }
+ charts3 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("leiDaTu3"));
+ let option3 = {
+ tooltip: {},
+ legend: {
+ x: "center", //可设定图例在左、右、居中
+ y: "bottom",
+ data: [this.radatChartWindturbineid1, this.radatChartWindturbineid2],
+ },
+ radar: {
+ // shape: 'circle',
+ name: {
+ textStyle: {
+ color: "#fff",
+ backgroundColor: "#999",
+ borderRadius: 3,
+ padding: [3, 5],
+ },
+ },
+ indicator: this.radarChartName,
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: "预算 vs 开销(Budget vs spending)",
+ type: "radar",
+ // areaStyle: {normal: {}},
+ data: [
+ {
+ value: this.radarChartData1,
+ name: this.radatChartWindturbineid1,
+ },
+ {
+ value: this.radarChartData2,
+ name: this.radatChartWindturbineid2,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ charts3.clear();
+ charts3.setOption(option3);
+ },
+ },