@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
</el-pagination> -->
- <el-dialog title="查看详情" top="50px" :visible.sync="showDialog" width="95%" @closed="(res) =>{ this.form.dateArea=[this.fmtDate(new Date(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24))), this.fmtDate(new Date()) ];this.detailsTableData=[]; }">
+ <el-dialog title="查看详情" top="50px" :modal-append-to-body="false" :visible.sync="showDialog" width="95%" @closed="(res) =>{ this.form.dateArea=[this.fmtDate(new Date(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24))), this.fmtDate(new Date()) ];this.detailsTableData=[]; }">
<div class="searchBox">
<el-form ref="form" :model="form" inline label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="点名:">
@@ -180,21 +180,29 @@ export default {
methods: {
// 获取表格数据
- getTableData (skipLoading) {
- if (!skipLoading) {
- this.$store.commit("loadingStore", true);
- }
- this.API.get("datacenter/realtimeData?tableid=" + this.tableid + "&pointId=" + this.form.pointId + "&pointName=" + this.form.pointName + "&pageNum=" + this.currentPage + "&pageSize=" + this.pagesizereal).then((res) => {
- res.data.forEach(ele => {
- ele.timeDate = this.fmtDate(new Date(ele.time));
- if (ele.value > 0) {
- ele.value = parseFloat(ele.value).toFixed(4);
- }
- });
- this.tableData = res.data || [];
- this.currentPageTotal = res.count || [];
- if (!skipLoading) {
- this.$store.commit("loadingStore", false);
+ getTableData (showLoading) {
+ let that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ showLoading, // 请求是否显示加载中遮罩层,默认 false ,可缺省
+ baseURL: "",
+ subUrl: "datacenter/realtimeData", // 请求接口地址,必传项
+ timeout: 10000, // 请求超时时间,默认 3s ,可缺省
+ data: {
+ tableid: that.tableid || "JSFW",
+ pointId: that.form.pointId,
+ pointName: that.form.pointName,
+ pageNum: that.currentPage,
+ pageSize: that.pagesizereal
+ },
+ success (res) {
+ res.data.forEach(ele => {
+ ele.timeDate = that.fmtDate(new Date(ele.time));
+ if (ele.value > 0) {
+ ele.value = parseFloat(ele.value).toFixed(4);
+ }
+ });
+ that.tableData = res.data || [];
+ that.currentPageTotal = res.count || [];
@@ -212,26 +220,38 @@ export default {
// 获取详情
getDetails () {
- if (!this.form.dateArea || !this.form.dateArea.length) {
+ let that = this;
+ if (!that.form.dateArea || !that.form.dateArea.length) {
} else {
- this.$store.commit("loadingStore", true);
- let begin = (this.form.dateArea.length ? this.form.dateArea[0] : '');
- let end = (this.form.dateArea.length ? this.form.dateArea[1] : '');
+ let begin = (that.form.dateArea.length ? that.form.dateArea[0] : '');
+ let end = (that.form.dateArea.length ? that.form.dateArea[1] : '');
- this.API.get("datacenter/historyData?pointId=" + this.pointId + "&begin=" + begin + "&end=" + end + (this.form.interval ? ("&interval=" + this.form.interval) : '')).then((res) => {
- if (res.data.length) {
- res.data.forEach(ele => {
- ele.timeDate = this.fmtDate(new Date(ele.time));
- if (ele.value > 0) {
- ele.value = parseFloat(ele.value).toFixed(4);
- }
- });
- this.detailsTableData = res.data || [];
- } else {
- Message.warning("所选日期区间之内暂无数据,请重试");
+ let data = {};
+ data.pointId = that.pointId;
+ data.begin = begin;
+ data.end = end;
+ if (that.form.interval) data.interval = that.form.interval;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ showLoading: true, // 请求是否显示加载中遮罩层,默认 false ,可缺省
+ baseURL: "",
+ subUrl: "datacenter/historyData", // 请求接口地址,必传项
+ timeout: 10000, // 请求超时时间,默认 3s ,可缺省
+ data,
+ success (res) {
+ if (res.data.length) {
+ res.data.forEach(ele => {
+ ele.timeDate = that.fmtDate(new Date(ele.time));
+ if (ele.value > 0) {
+ ele.value = parseFloat(ele.value).toFixed(4);
+ }
+ });
+ that.detailsTableData = res.data || [];
+ } else {
+ Message.warning("所选日期区间之内暂无数据,请重试");
+ }
- this.$store.commit("loadingStore", false);
@@ -255,13 +275,26 @@ export default {
let tableid = this.tableid;
let pointId = this.form.pointId || '';
let pointName = this.form.pointName || '';
- this.API.get("datacenter/realtimeExport?tableid=" + tableid + "&pointId=" + pointId + "&pointName=" + pointName).then(res => {
- const { export_json_to_excel } = require('@tools/excel/Export2Excel.js'); // 注意这个Export2Excel路径
- const tHeader = ['点名', '描述']; // 上面设置Excel的表格第一行的标题
- const filterVal = ['id', 'name']; // 上面的index、nickName、name是tableData里对象的属性key值
- const list = res.data; //把要导出的数据tableData存到list
- const data = this.formatJson(filterVal, list);
- export_json_to_excel(tHeader, data, '导出的Excel'); // 最后一个是表名字
+ let that = this;
+ that.API.requestData({
+ showLoading, // 请求是否显示加载中遮罩层,默认 false ,可缺省
+ baseURL: "",
+ subUrl: "datacenter/realtimeExport", // 请求接口地址,必传项
+ timeout: 10000, // 请求超时时间,默认 3s ,可缺省
+ data: {
+ tableid,
+ pointId,
+ pointName,
+ },
+ success (res) {
+ const { export_json_to_excel } = require('@tools/excel/Export2Excel.js'); // 注意这个Export2Excel路径
+ const tHeader = ['点名', '描述']; // 上面设置Excel的表格第一行的标题
+ const filterVal = ['id', 'name']; // 上面的index、nickName、name是tableData里对象的属性key值
+ const list = res.data; //把要导出的数据tableData存到list
+ const data = that.formatJson(filterVal, list);
+ export_json_to_excel(tHeader, data, '导出的Excel'); // 最后一个是表名字
+ }
} else {
const { export_json_to_excel } = require('@tools/excel/Export2Excel.js'); // 注意这个Export2Excel路径