PvImmbNwpMapper.xml 5.1 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE mapper
  3. PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
  4. "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
  5. <mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.predict.mapper.PvImmbNwpMapper">
  6. <resultMap type="PvImmbNwp" id="PvImmbNwpResult">
  7. <result property="pvNo" column="pv_no" />
  8. <result property="nwpType" column="nwp_type" />
  9. <result property="fileTime" column="file_time" />
  10. <result property="dataTime" column="data_time" />
  11. <result property="swRadiation" column="sw_radiation" />
  12. <result property="groundTemp" column="ground_temp" />
  13. <result property="temp2m" column="temp_2m" />
  14. <result property="hCloudCover" column="h_cloud_cover" />
  15. <result property="mCloudCover" column="m_cloud_cover" />
  16. <result property="lCloudCover" column="l_cloud_cover" />
  17. <result property="humidity2m" column="humidity_2m" />
  18. <result property="precipitition" column="precipitition" />
  19. <result property="snowfall" column="snowfall" />
  20. <result property="windSpeed" column="wind_speed" />
  21. <result property="windDir" column="wind_dir" />
  22. <result property="groundPressure" column="ground_pressure" />
  23. <result property="humidityRatio2m" column="humidity_ratio_2m" />
  24. <result property="rcsMratioVi" column="rcs_mratio_vi" />
  25. <result property="humidity500" column="humidity_500" />
  26. <result property="dewPoint850" column="dew_point_850" />
  27. <result property="dewPoint2m" column="dew_point_2m" />
  28. <result property="dewPointDeficit" column="dew_point_deficit" />
  29. <result property="dni" column="dni" />
  30. <result property="dfi" column="dfi" />
  31. <result property="weatherCondition" column="weather_condition" />
  32. <result property="dataFlag" column="data_flag" />
  33. </resultMap>
  34. <sql id="selectPvImmbNwpVo">
  35. select pv_no, nwp_type, file_time, data_time, sw_radiation, ground_temp, temp_2m, h_cloud_cover, m_cloud_cover, l_cloud_cover, humidity_2m, precipitition, snowfall, wind_speed, wind_dir, ground_pressure, humidity_ratio_2m, rcs_mratio_vi, humidity_500, dew_point_850, dew_point_2m, dew_point_deficit, dni, dfi, weather_condition, data_flag from pv_immb_nwp
  36. </sql>
  37. <select id="selectPvImmbNwpList" parameterType="PvImmbNwp" resultMap="PvImmbNwpResult">
  38. <include refid="selectPvImmbNwpVo"/>
  39. <where>
  40. <if test="pvNo != null ">and pv_no = #{pvNo}</if>
  41. <if test="nwpType != null ">and nwp_type = #{nwpType}</if>
  42. <if test="fileTime != null ">and file_time = #{fileTime}</if>
  43. <if test="swRadiation != null "> and sw_radiation = #{swRadiation}</if>
  44. <if test="groundTemp != null "> and ground_temp = #{groundTemp}</if>
  45. <if test="temp2m != null "> and temp_2m = #{temp2m}</if>
  46. <if test="hCloudCover != null "> and h_cloud_cover = #{hCloudCover}</if>
  47. <if test="mCloudCover != null "> and m_cloud_cover = #{mCloudCover}</if>
  48. <if test="lCloudCover != null "> and l_cloud_cover = #{lCloudCover}</if>
  49. <if test="humidity2m != null "> and humidity_2m = #{humidity2m}</if>
  50. <if test="precipitition != null "> and precipitition = #{precipitition}</if>
  51. <if test="snowfall != null "> and snowfall = #{snowfall}</if>
  52. <if test="windSpeed != null "> and wind_speed = #{windSpeed}</if>
  53. <if test="windDir != null "> and wind_dir = #{windDir}</if>
  54. <if test="groundPressure != null "> and ground_pressure = #{groundPressure}</if>
  55. <if test="humidityRatio2m != null "> and humidity_ratio_2m = #{humidityRatio2m}</if>
  56. <if test="rcsMratioVi != null "> and rcs_mratio_vi = #{rcsMratioVi}</if>
  57. <if test="humidity500 != null "> and humidity_500 = #{humidity500}</if>
  58. <if test="dewPoint850 != null "> and dew_point_850 = #{dewPoint850}</if>
  59. <if test="dewPoint2m != null "> and dew_point_2m = #{dewPoint2m}</if>
  60. <if test="dewPointDeficit != null "> and dew_point_deficit = #{dewPointDeficit}</if>
  61. <if test="dni != null "> and dni = #{dni}</if>
  62. <if test="dfi != null "> and dfi = #{dfi}</if>
  63. <if test="weatherCondition != null "> and weather_condition = #{weatherCondition}</if>
  64. <if test="dataFlag != null "> and data_flag = #{dataFlag}</if>
  65. <if test="params.beginDataTime != null and params.beginDataTime != '' and params.endDataTime != null and params.endDataTime != ''">
  66. and data_time between to_date(#{params.beginDataTime},'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:MI:SS') and
  67. to_date(#{params.endDataTime},'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:MI:SS')
  68. </if>
  69. <if test="dataTime != null ">and data_time = #{dataTime}</if>
  70. </where>
  71. </select>
  72. <select id="selectPvImmbNwpById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="PvImmbNwpResult">
  73. <include refid="selectPvImmbNwpVo"/>
  74. where pv_no = #{pvNo}
  75. </select>
  76. </mapper>