select windplant_no, wtur_no, data_time, set_time, rate_power, ifstop, outage_type, reason_downtime, overhaul_results from wtg_stop_plant insert into wtg_stop_plant windplant_no, wtur_no, data_time, set_time, rate_power, ifstop, outage_type, reason_downtime, overhaul_results, #{windplantNo}, #{wturNo}, #{dataTime}, #{setTime}, #{ratePower}, #{ifstop}, #{outageType}, #{reasonDowntime}, #{overhaulResults}, insert into wtg_stop_plant(windplant_no, wtur_no, data_time, set_time, rate_power, ifstop, outage_type, reason_downtime) SELECT #{item.windplantNo}, #{item.wturNo}, #{item.dataTime}, #{item.setTime}, #{item.ratePower}, #{item.ifstop}, #{item.outageType}, #{item.reasonDowntime} FROM DUAL update wtg_stop_plant wtur_no = #{wturNo}, data_time = #{dataTime}, set_time = #{setTime}, rate_power = #{ratePower}, ifstop = #{ifstop}, outage_type = #{outageType}, reason_downtime = #{reasonDowntime}, overhaul_results = #{overhaulResults}, where windplant_no = #{windplantNo} delete from wtg_stop_plant where windplant_no = #{windplantNo} and wtur_no = #{wturNo} and data_time = #{dataTime} and ifstop = #{ifstop}