@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+ <!-- 抽屉组件 -->
+ <!-- 地图组件 -->
+ <view>
+ <web-view :webview-styles="webviewStyles" src=""></web-view>
+ </view>
+ <!-- <view class="DrawerClose" :class="modalName == 'viewModal' ? 'show' : ''" @tap="hideModal"><text class="cuIcon-pullright"></text></view> -->
+ </view>
+import res from '../../../common/data.json';
+var _self;
+export default {
+ components: {
+ },
+ data: function() {
+ return {
+ conflict:false,
+ kg:true,
+ leftNavigationtitle:'预测功能分组',
+ leftbarkg:false,
+ bs_computed:'',
+ xtpl_computed:'',
+ ssxy_computed:'',
+ szxy_computed:'',
+ pld_computed:'',
+ xynd_computed:'',
+ WeatherProphethomepagebool:true,
+ toggleSwitch:false,
+ menuKey:1,
+ socketTask_bracelet: '',
+ socketTask_close_bracelet: '',
+ deviceName: 'Y1-A0BC',
+ deviceNamePld: 'Y1-A0BC_PLD',
+ deviceNameBs: 'Y1-A0BC_BS',
+ deviceNameSsxy: 'Y1-A0BC_SSXY',
+ deviceNameXtpl: 'Y1-A0BC_XTPL',
+ deviceNameXynd: 'Y1-A0BC_XYND',
+ deviceNameSzxy: 'Y1-A0BC_SZXY',
+ deviceNameLng: 'Y1-A0BC_LNG',
+ deviceNameLat: 'Y1-A0BC_LAT',
+ bracelet: {
+ deviceName: '',
+ deviceNamePld: '',
+ deviceNameBs: '',
+ deviceNameSsxy: '',
+ deviceNameXtpl: '',
+ deviceNameXynd: '',
+ deviceNameSzxy: '',
+ },
+ braceletCurve: {},
+ mapBegin_1:'',
+ mapEnd_1:'',
+ mapBegin_2:'',
+ mapEnd_2:'',
+ points:[
+ {
+ latitude:'',
+ longitude:''
+ },
+ {
+ latitude:'',
+ longitude:''
+ }
+ ],
+ list:{},
+ braceletCurve_SSXY: [],
+ braceletCurve_PLD: [],
+ braceletCurve_SZXY: [],
+ braceletCurve_XTPL: [],
+ braceletCurve_BS: [],
+ braceletCurve_XYND: [],
+ braceletCurve_LNG: [],
+ braceletCurve_LAT: [],
+ /* targetdetail_visable: { targetdetail_target: true, targetdetail_curve: true, targetdetail_histogram: true},
+ targetdetail: { targetdetail_target: '', targetdetail_curve: '', targetdetail_histogram: ''}, */
+ targetName: '日发电量',
+ targetUnit: '万kwh',
+ bool:true,
+ pld: '',
+ ssxy: '',
+ lng: '',
+ szxy: '',
+ lat: '',
+ xtpl: '',
+ bs: '',
+ xynd: '',
+ device_nam: '',
+ title: 'map',
+ latitude: 39.907,//定位中心
+ longitude: 116.39742,//
+ covers: [
+ {
+ latitude:39.909 , //纬度坐标点
+ longitude:116.39742 , //经度
+ iconPath: '../../static/picture/forcast/DingWei.png', //显示的图标
+ title: '阿打算', //标注点名
+ label: {
+ //为标记点旁边增加标签
+ content: '', //文本1
+ color: '#F76350', //文本颜色
+ anchorX: 0, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
+ anchorY: -80, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
+ // x:39.909,//这个组件微信在1.2.0以后就废弃了
+ // y:116.39742,
+ bgColor: '#fff', //背景色
+ padding: 5, //文本边缘留白
+ borderWidth: 1, //边框宽度
+ borderColor: '#D84C29', //边框颜色
+ textAlign: 'right' //文本对齐方式。
+ },
+ callout: {
+ //自定义标记点上方的气泡窗口 点击有效
+ content: '地点1',
+ color: '#F76350',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ borderRadius: 5
+ }
+ // anchor:{//经纬度在标注图标的锚点,默认底边中点
+ // x:5,
+ // y:1,
+ // }
+ } , {
+ latitude:39.90 ,//最后点
+ longitude: 116.399,//
+ iconPath: '../../static/picture/forcast/DingWei.png',
+ title:'阿迪达斯',
+ x:'',//
+ y: '',//116.399
+ label:{
+ content:'',
+ color:'#F76350',
+ bgColor:'#fff',
+ padding:5,
+ borderRadius:4,
+ },
+ callout:{
+ content:'地点2',
+ color:'#F76350',
+ fontSize:12
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ scale: 15, //地图层级
+ controls: [
+ {
+ //在地图上显示控件,控件不随着地图移动
+ id: 1, //控件id
+ /* iconPath: '../../static/picture/forcast/DingWei.png', *///显示的图标
+ position: {
+ //控件在地图的位置
+ left: 15,
+ top: 15,
+ width: 40,
+ height: 40
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ circles: [
+ {
+ //在地图上显示圆
+ latitude: 39.9,
+ longitude: 116.39,
+ fillColor: '#FFC41F', //填充颜色
+ color: '#12A1DD', //描边的颜色
+ radius: 0, //半径
+ strokeWidth: 2 //描边的宽度
+ }
+ ],
+ polyline: [
+ { /* .polyline[0].points */
+ points:[{}],
+ //指定一系列坐标点,从数组第一项连线至最后一项
+ /* points: [{ latitude:this.mapBegin_1, longitude:this.mapBegin_2 }, { latitude: this.mapEnd_1, longitude:this.mapEnd_2 }], */
+ /* points: [{ latitude: 0, longitude: 0 }, { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 }], */
+ color: '#0000AA', //线的颜色
+ width: 2, //线的宽度
+ dottedLine: true, //是否虚线
+ arrowLine: true //带箭头的线 开发者工具暂不支持该属性
+ }
+ ],
+ badge: 22,
+ inconList: ['form', 'favor', 'question', 'edit'],
+ modalName: null,
+ address: '',
+ drawerList: [],
+ plusDrawerList: [],
+ permissionsInformation:[]
+ };
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ //document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#000000');
+ },created: function() {
+ // this.pushWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage("麻黄山");
+ this.viewUserid();
+ this.monitoringAuthority();
+ this.address = this.dataprocessing.getWindPowerStationName();
+ this.FDC=this.dataprocessing.getWindPowerStationId();
+ this.windPowerStationId =this.dataprocessing.getWindPowerStationId();
+ this.$nextTick(function() {
+ //this.getWeatherDataToday();
+ //this.getWeatherData7();
+ });
+ this.cWidth = uni.upx2px(2000);
+ this.cHeight = uni.upx2px(350);
+ this.cWidth40 = uni.upx2px(5000);
+ this.cHeight40 = uni.upx2px(350);
+ this.windStation =this.dataprocessing.getWindPowerStationNameByNames(this.address);
+ this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+ },
+ onLoad(pointKey) {
+ let _this = this;
+ this.pointKey = pointKey.pointKey;
+ this.targetName = pointKey.callTargetName;
+ this.targetUnit = pointKey.callTargetUnit;
+ this.braceletData();
+ /* console.log(_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName]);
+ console.log(_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_pld][0]); */
+ /* uni.getLocation({//获取当前的位置坐标
+ type: 'wgs84',
+ success: function (res) {
+ console.log('当前位置的经度:' + res.longitude);
+ console.log('当前位置的纬度:' + res.latitude);
+ }
+ }); */
+ },
+ onReady() {},
+ computed: {
+ targetName_xtpl: function() {
+ return this.deviceName + '_XTPL';
+ },
+ targetName_xtpl_size: function() {
+ return this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.targetName_xtpl].length - 1;
+ },
+ targetName_pld: function() {
+ return this.deviceName + '_PLD';
+ },
+ targetName_pld_size: function() {
+ return this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.targetName_pld].length - 1;
+ },
+ targetName_bs: function() {
+ return this.deviceName + '_BS';
+ },
+ targetName_bs_size: function() {
+ return this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.targetName_bs].length - 1;
+ },
+ targetName_ssxy: function() {
+ return this.deviceName + '_SSXY';
+ },
+ targetName_ssxy_size: function() {
+ return this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.targetName_ssxy].length - 1;
+ },
+ targetName_szxy: function() {
+ return this.deviceName + '_SZXY';
+ },
+ targetName_szxy_size: function() {
+ return this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.targetName_szxy].length - 1;
+ },
+ targetName_xynd: function() {
+ return this.deviceName + '_XYND';
+ },
+ targetName_xynd_size: function() {
+ return this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.targetName_xynd].length - 1;
+ },
+ backStageIp: function() {
+ return this.$store.state.wholeSituationBackStageIp;
+ },
+ backStagePort: function() {
+ return this.$store.state.wholeSituationBackStagePort;
+ },
+ windpowerstationNameToId: function() {
+ return this.$store.state.windpowerstationNameToId;
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ viewUserid: function() {
+ this.plusDrawerList=uni.getStorageSync('plusList');
+ },
+ monitoringAuthority: function() {
+ this.drawerList=uni.getStorageSync('leftlist3');
+ },
+ mapdelete(){
+ //#ifdef H5
+ if(this.bool){
+ this.$delete(this.polyline[0],'points');
+ this.braceletCurve_LNG = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng];
+ this.braceletCurve_LAT = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat];
+ this.points[0].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][0].value;
+ this.points[0].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][0].value;
+ this.points[1].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][this.braceletCurve_LNG.length-1].value;
+ this.points[1].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][this.braceletCurve_LAT.length-1].value;
+ for(let val of this.polyline){
+ this.$set(val,'points',this.points);
+ this.bool = false;
+ console.log("true");
+ }
+ /* 定义地图经纬度中心 */
+ var lat= parseFloat(this.mapBegin_2)+parseFloat(this.mapEnd_2);
+ var lng= parseFloat(this.mapBegin_1)+parseFloat(this.mapEnd_1);
+ this.latitude = lat/2;
+ this.longitude = lng/2;
+ }else{
+ /* this.braceletCurve_LNG = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng];
+ this.braceletCurve_LAT = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat];
+ this.points[0].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][0].value;
+ this.points[0].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][0].value;
+ this.points[1].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][this.braceletCurve_LNG.length-1].value;
+ this.points[1].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][this.braceletCurve_LAT.length-1].value;
+ */
+ /* this.$replace(this.polyline[0],'points'); */
+ /* this.latitude = this.mapBegin_2+this.mapEnd_2/2;
+ this.longitude = this.mapBegin_1+this.mapEnd_1/2; */
+ console.log("false");
+ /* 还原定位中心位置 */
+ this.latitude = this.mapBegin_2;
+ this.longitude = this.mapBegin_1;
+ this.bool = true;
+ }
+ this.$forceUpdate();
+ //#endif
+ //#ifdef APP-PLUS
+ if(this.bool){
+ this.$delete(this.polyline[0],'points');
+ this.braceletCurve_LNG = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng];
+ this.braceletCurve_LAT = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat];
+ this.points[0].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][0].value;
+ this.points[0].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][0].value;
+ this.points[1].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][this.braceletCurve_LNG.length-1].value;
+ this.points[1].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][this.braceletCurve_LAT.length-1].value;
+ for(let val of this.polyline){
+ this.$set(val,'points',this.points);
+ this.bool = false;
+ console.log("true");
+ }
+ /* 定义地图经纬度中心 */
+ var lat= parseFloat(this.mapBegin_2)+parseFloat(this.mapEnd_2);
+ var lng= parseFloat(this.mapBegin_1)+parseFloat(this.mapEnd_1);
+ this.latitude = lat/2;
+ this.longitude = lng/2;
+ }else{
+ /* this.braceletCurve_LNG = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng];
+ this.braceletCurve_LAT = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat];
+ this.points[0].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][0].value;
+ this.points[0].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][0].value;
+ this.points[1].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][this.braceletCurve_LNG.length-1].value;
+ this.points[1].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][this.braceletCurve_LAT.length-1].value;
+ */
+ this.$delete(this.polyline[0],'points');
+ /* this.latitude = this.mapBegin_2+this.mapEnd_2/2;
+ this.longitude = this.mapBegin_1+this.mapEnd_1/2; */
+ console.log("false");
+ /* 还原定位中心位置 */
+ this.latitude = this.mapBegin_2;
+ this.longitude = this.mapBegin_1;
+ this.bool = true;
+ }
+ this.$forceUpdate();
+ //#endif
+ },
+ mapDate(){
+ },
+ openDrawer: function() {
+ this.monitoringAuthority();
+ this.kg=false;
+ if(this.$refs.drawer != undefined){
+ this.$refs.drawer.openDrawer(250, this.drawerList, this.inconList,this.leftNavigationtitle);
+ }else{
+ console.log('雷霆嘎巴');
+ }
+ },
+ closeDrawer: function() {
+ this.drawerIsShow = false;
+ },
+ pushWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage(windpowerstationName) {
+ uni.setStorageSync('windpowerstationName', windpowerstationName);
+ //sessionStorage.setItem('windpowerstationName', windpowerstationName);
+ //alert("v"+ sessionStorage.getItem("windpowerstationName"));
+ //this.common.goback('/pages/index/Index');
+ },
+ getWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage() {
+ uni.getStorageSync('windpowerstationName');
+ return uni.getStorageSync('windpowerstationName');
+ },
+ leftbar(){
+ this.kg=true;
+ },
+ onHide() {
+ this.$refs.drawer.closeDrawer();
+ this.hideModal();
+ },
+ onShow: function() {
+ this.leftbar();
+ this.windPowerStationId = uni.getStorageSync('windPowerStationId');
+ this.address = this.getWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage();
+ this.viewUserid();
+ this.monitoringAuthority();
+ },
+ showModal(e) {
+ this.conflict = true;
+ this.viewUserid();
+ this.kg=false;
+ this.modalName = e.currentTarget.dataset.target;
+ this.$refs.plusDrawer.showModal(this.plusDrawerList, this.modalName);
+ },
+ hideModal() {
+ this.conflict = false;
+ this.leftbar();
+ this.modalName = null;
+ //this.$refs.plusDrawer.hideModal(this.modalName);
+ },
+ braceletData() {
+ let _this = this;
+ let ip;
+ uni.request({
+ url: 'http://' + _this.backStageIp + ':' + _this.backStagePort + '/bracelet/bracelet?beginDate=2020-04-20%2009:26:27&&endDate=2020-04-25%2009:26:29',
+ success: res => {
+ ip = res.data;
+ }
+ });
+ // 创建一个this.socketTask对象【发送、接收、关闭socket都由这个对象操作】
+ this.socketTask_bracelet = uni.connectSocket({
+ /* 【非常重要】必须确保你的服务器是成功的,如果是手机测试千万别使用ws://【特别容易犯的错误】 */
+ url: 'ws://' + _this.backStageIp + ':' + _this.backStagePort + '/websocket/pageNumber_9/functionNumber_1/all',
+ success(data) {
+ console.log('websocket连接成功');
+ }
+ });
+ // 消息的发送和接收必须在正常连接打开中,才能发送或接收【否则会失败】
+ this.socketTask_bracelet.onOpen(res => {
+ console.log('WebSocket连接正常打开中...!');
+ _this.is_open_socket = true;
+ // 注:只有连接正常打开中 ,才能正常收到消息
+ _this.socketTask_bracelet.onMessage(res => {
+ //console.log("收到服务器内容:" + res.data);
+ _this.bracelet = JSON.parse(res.data)[ip];
+ _this.braceletCurve = JSON.stringify(_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName]);
+ /* 获取起始经纬度 */
+ _this.braceletCurve_LNG = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameLng];
+ _this.braceletCurve_LAT = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameLat];
+ _this.mapBegin_1 = (_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameLng][0].value);
+ _this.mapBegin_2 = (_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameLat][0].value);
+ _this.mapEnd_1 = (_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameLng][_this.braceletCurve_LNG.length-1].value);
+ _this.mapEnd_2 = (_this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameLat][_this.braceletCurve_LAT.length-1].value);
+ _this.latitude = _this.mapBegin_2;
+ _this.longitude = _this.mapBegin_1;
+ _this.covers[0].latitude = _this.mapBegin_2;
+ _this.covers[0].longitude = _this.mapBegin_1;
+ _this.covers[1].latitude = _this.mapEnd_2;
+ _this.covers[1].longitude = _this.mapEnd_1;
+ _this.bs_computed = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_bs][_this.targetName_bs_size].value;
+ _this.xtpl_computed = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_xtpl][_this.targetName_xtpl_size].value;
+ _this.ssxy_computed = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_ssxy][_this.targetName_ssxy_size].value;
+ _this.szxy_computed = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_szxy][_this.targetName_szxy_size].value;
+ _this.pld_computed = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_pld][_this.targetName_pld_size].value;
+ _this.xynd_computed = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.targetName_xynd][_this.targetName_xynd_size].value;
+ /* this.braceletCurve_LNG = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng];
+ this.braceletCurve_LAT = this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat];
+ this.points[0].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][0].value;
+ this.points[0].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][0].value;
+ this.points[1].longitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLng][this.braceletCurve_LNG.length-1].value;
+ this.points[1].latitude=this.bracelet[this.deviceName][this.deviceNameLat][this.braceletCurve_LAT.length-1].value; */
+ /* _this.mapDate(); */
+ /* _this.polyline[0].points[0].latitude=_this.mapBegin_2;
+ _this.polyline[0].points[0].longitude=_this.mapBegin_1;
+ _this.polyline[0].points[1].latitude=_this.mapEnd_2;
+ _this.polyline[0].points[1].longitude=_this.mapEnd_1; */
+ /* _this.braceletCurve_SSXY = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameSsxy];
+ _this.braceletCurve_SZXY = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameSzxy];
+ _this.braceletCurve_XYND = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameXynd];
+ _this.braceletCurve_XTPL = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameXtpl];
+ _this.braceletCurve_BS = _this.bracelet[_this.deviceName][_this.deviceNameBs];
+ console.log(_this.braceletCurve_BS[0].value); */
+ });
+ });
+ // 这里仅是事件监听【如果socket关闭了会执行】
+ this.socketTask_bracelet.onClose(() => {
+ uni.request({
+ url: 'http://' + _this.backStageIp + ':' + _this.backStagePort + '/bracelet/close_bracelet?pointKey=' + _this.pointKey,
+ success: res => {}
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+body {
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+ float: right;
+ color: white;
+ font-size: 35px;
+ line-height: 45px;
+ text-align: right;
+ margin-right: 2.5%;
+.textWindpowerstation {
+ width: 180px;
+ height: 45px;
+ float: left;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-left: 18px;
+.InformationCard {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50px;
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+ margin-top: 0px;
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+ /* text-align: right; */
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+ /* margin-top: 3%; */
+ width: 90%;
+ height: 80px;/*
+ background-color: #242424; */
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+ text-align: left;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ margin-top: 1%;
+ font-weight: 1000;
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+ position: absolute;
+ margin-top: 6%;
+ right: 3%;
+ height: 30px;
+ height: 20px;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 30px;
+.skills {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 56%;
+ left: 3%;
+ height: 25px;
+ width: 180px;/*
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(159, 131, 111, 0.1) 0%, rgba(193, 94, 21, 0.2) 100%); */
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+ width: 90%;
+ transform: translateX(-50%);
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+ height: 30px;
+ margin-top: 3%;
+ color: #B8B7B7;
+ font-weight: 1000;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 3%;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 3%;
+.healthy {
+ margin-left: 3%;
+ height: 180px;
+ width: 95%;
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+ text-align: center;
+ color: #B8B7B7;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height:65px ;
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+ background-color:#242424;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 42%;
+ text-align: center;
+ /* padding-bottom: 1%; */
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+ position: absolute;
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(159, 131, 111, 0.1) 0%, rgba(193, 94, 21, 0.2) 100%);
+ width: 30%;
+ left:3%;
+ height: 60px;
+ top: 3%;
+ margin-top: 2%;
+.details_m {
+ position: absolute;
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(159, 131, 111, 0.1) 0%, rgba(193, 94, 21, 0.2) 100%);
+ width: 30%;
+ left: 35.5%;
+ height: 60px;
+ top: 3%;
+ margin-top: 2%;
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+ position: absolute;
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(159, 131, 111, 0.1) 0%, rgba(193, 94, 21, 0.2) 100%);
+ width: 30%;
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+ height: 60px;
+ top: 3%;
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+ /* margin-bottom: 0.6%;
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+ margin-left: 0.2%;
+ margin-right: 1.2%;
+ width: 31%;
+ height: 100%;
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+ border-radius: 5px;
+ padding-top: 8px; */
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+ position: relative;
+ width: 249px;
+ height: 35px;
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ } */
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+ border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;
+ transform: rotate(-45deg);
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+ clear: both;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 30px;
+ margin-top: 1%;
+ color: silver;
+ /* border: 1px solid red; */
+ }
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+ width: 50%;
+ height: 100%;
+ float: left;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ margin-left: 9.5%;
+ }
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+ width: 20%;
+ height: 100%;
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+ text-align: right;
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+ font-size: 14px;
+ margin-right: 5%;
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+ width: 100%;
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+ color: white;
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