Browse Source


zhaomiao 4 years ago
1 changed files with 293 additions and 35 deletions
  1. 293 35

+ 293 - 35

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	<view class="content">
+	<view class="content" @click="closeDrawer">
 		 <!-- <third-comp :key="menuKey"></third-comp> -->
 		 <view v-if="toggleSwitch==false">
@@ -14,30 +14,45 @@
 				<block slot="right"></block>
 				<block slot="content">{{ address }}</block>
-				<block slot="right"><view class="plus" @tap="showModal" data-target="viewModal">+</view></block>
+				<block slot="right"><view class="plus" @tap="" data-target="viewModal">+</view></block>
+				<!-- <block slot="right"><view class="plus" @tap="showModal" data-target="viewModal">+</view></block> -->
+		<!-- 抽屉组件 -->
 		<!-- 地图组件 -->
-		<view>
-			<div><drawer ref="drawer" ></drawer></div>
-			<div class="plusDrawer" @tap="hideModal"><plusDrawer ref="plusDrawer"></plusDrawer></div>
-			<view class="page-body">
-				<view class="page-section page-section-gap">
-					<map  style="width:10%; height: 300px;"
-						:controls="controls"
-						:circles="circles"
-						:polyline="polyline"
-						:scale="scale"
-						:latitude="latitude"
-						:longitude="longitude"
-						:markers="covers"
-					></map>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-		</view>
+				<div>
+					<drawer ref="drawer"></drawer>
+				</div>
+				<div class="plusDrawer" @tap="hideModal">
+					<plusDrawer ref="plusDrawer"></plusDrawer>
+				</div>
+				<scroll-view scroll-y class="DrawerPage" :class="modalName == 'viewModal' ? 'show' : ''">
+				<view v-if=true>
+									<div></div>
+									<div class="plusDrawer" @tap="hideModal"><plusDrawer ref="plusDrawer"></plusDrawer></div>
+									<view class="page-body">
+										<view class="page-section page-section-gap">
+											<map  style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"
+												:controls="controls"
+												:circles="circles"
+												:polyline="polyline"
+												:scale="scale"
+												:latitude="latitude"
+												:longitude="longitude"
+												:markers="covers"
+											>
+										 <cover-view style="color: #000000;" > 经度:{{  mapEnd_1 }}</cover-view>
+										 <cover-view style="color: #000000;"> 纬度:{{  mapEnd_2 }}</cover-view>
+											</map>
+										</view>
+									</view>
+								</view>
-		<view class="InformationCard">
+		<!-- <view class="InformationCard">
 			<view class="informationCardAll">
 				<view class="informationCardTextOne">
 					<view class="informationCardText">
@@ -52,7 +67,7 @@
-		</view>
+		</view> -->
 		<!-- 个人信息组件 -->
 		<view class="Personal_information_W">
 				<view class="name">姓名:李占国</view>
@@ -71,20 +86,22 @@
 		<view class="healthy">
 			<view class="healthy_H">
-				<view class="details_z">{{xtpl_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_xtpl][targetName_xtpl_size].value }}) --></view>
-				<view class="details_m">{{bs_computed}}</view>
-				<view class="details_y">{{ssxy_computed}}</view>
+				<view class="details_z">心跳频率:{{xtpl_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_xtpl][targetName_xtpl_size].value }}) --></view>
+				<view class="details_m">步数:{{bs_computed}}</view>
+				<view class="details_y">收缩血压:{{ssxy_computed}}</view>
 			<view class="healthy_N">
-				<view class="details_z">{{szxy_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_szxy][targetName_szxy_size].value }}) --></view>
-				<view class="details_m">{{pld_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_pld][targetName_pld_size].value }}) --></view>
-				<view class="details_y">{{xynd_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_xynd][targetName_xynd_size].value }}) --></view>
+				<view class="details_z">舒张血压:{{szxy_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_szxy][targetName_szxy_size].value }}) --></view>
+				<view class="details_m">疲劳度:{{pld_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_pld][targetName_pld_size].value }}) --></view>
+				<view class="details_y">血氧浓度:{{xynd_computed}}<!-- ({{ bracelet[deviceName][targetName_xynd][targetName_xynd_size].value }}) --></view>
+		</scroll-view>
 		<view v-if="toggleSwitch==true">
 			<WeatherProphethomepage ref="r1"></WeatherProphethomepage>
+		<view class="DrawerClose" :class="modalName == 'viewModal' ? 'show' : ''" @tap="hideModal"><text class="cuIcon-pullright"></text></view>
@@ -160,6 +177,7 @@ export default {
 				targetdetail: { targetdetail_target: '', targetdetail_curve: '', targetdetail_histogram: ''}, */
 			targetName: '日发电量',
 			targetUnit: '万kwh',
+			kg:true,
 			pld: '',
 			ssxy: '',
@@ -317,14 +335,92 @@ export default {
 	mounted() {
 		//document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#000000');
-	onHide() {
-		this.$refs.drawer.closeDrawer();
-		this.hideModal();
-	},
-	onShow() {
-		this.windPowerStationId = uni.getStorageSync('windPowerStationId');
+	created: function() {
+		// this.pushWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage("麻黄山");
+		this.viewUserid();
 		this.address = this.getWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage();
+		this.windPowerStationId = uni.getStorageSync('windPowerStationId');
+		this.FDC= uni.getStorageSync('windPowerStationId');
+		if (this.address == '宁夏新能源公司') {
+			this.FDC = 'MHS_FDC';
+		}
+		if (this.address == '河北能源集团') {
+			this.FDC = 'CL_FDC';
+		}
+		uni.setStorageSync('windPowerStationId',this.FDC);
+		this.$nextTick(function() {
+			this.getWeatherDataToday();
+			this.getWeatherData7();
+		});
+		this.cWidth = uni.upx2px(2000);
+		this.cHeight = uni.upx2px(350);
+		this.cWidth40 = uni.upx2px(5000);
+		this.cHeight40 = uni.upx2px(350);
+		if (this.address == '宁夏新能源公司') {
+			this.windStation = ['麻黄山风电场', '牛首山风电场', '石板泉风电场', '青山风电场', '香山风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'MHS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '麻黄山风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['麻黄山风电场', '牛首山风电场', '石板泉风电场', '青山风电场', '香山风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'MHS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '牛首山风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['牛首山风电场', '麻黄山风电场', '石板泉风电场', '青山风电场', '香山风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'NSS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '石板泉风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['石板泉风电场', '麻黄山风电场', '牛首山风电场', '青山风电场', '香山风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'SBQ_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '香山风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['香山风电场', '麻黄山风电场', '牛首山风电场', '石板泉风电场', '青山风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'XS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '青山风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['青山风电场', '麻黄山风电场', '牛首山风电场', '石板泉风电场', '香山风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'QS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}if (this.address == '河北能源集团') {
+			this.windStation = ['崇礼风电场', '康保风电场', '代县风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'QS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '崇礼风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['崇礼风电场', '康保风电场', '代县风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'QS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '康保风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['康保风电场', '崇礼风电场', '代县风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'QS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
+		if (this.address == '代县风电场') {
+			this.windStation = ['代县风电场', '康保风电场', '崇礼风电场'];
+			this.windStationName = this.windStation[0].replace('风电场', '');
+			// this.windPowerStationId = 'QS_FDC';
+			// this.getWeatherDataToday();
+		}
 	onLoad(pointKey) {
 		let _this = this;
 		this.pointKey = pointKey.pointKey;
@@ -396,7 +492,30 @@ export default {
 			return this.$store.state.windpowerstationNameToId;
 	methods: {
+		viewUserid:function(){
+			let _this = this;
+			_this.userid =uni.getStorageSync('userid')
+			//_this.userid = sessionStorage.getItem('userid');
+			uni.request({
+				url: 'http://' + this.backStageIp + ':' + this.backStagePort + '/GyeeorganController/GyeeOrganList?userid=' + _this.userid,
+				data: {},
+				method: 'GET',
+				success: function(res) {
+					for(let i=0;i<;i++){
+						//[i].describes);
+						// _this.windId.push([i].name);
+					}
+					for(let j=0;j<;j++){
+						var a = {};
+						_this.$set(a,"name",[j].describes);
+						_this.$set(a,"windId",[j].name);
+						_this.plusDrawerList.push(a);
+					}
+				},
+				})
+		},
@@ -467,12 +586,21 @@ export default {
 			return uni.getStorageSync('windpowerstationName');
+		onHide() {
+			this.$refs.drawer.closeDrawer();
+			this.hideModal();
+		},
+		onShow() {
+			this.windPowerStationId = uni.getStorageSync('windPowerStationId');
+			this.address = this.getWindPowerStationNameToSessionStorage();
+		},
 		showModal(e) {
 			this.modalName =;
 			this.$refs.plusDrawer.showModal(this.plusDrawerList, this.modalName);
 		hideModal() {
 			this.modalName = null;
@@ -852,4 +980,134 @@ page {
             transform: rotate(-45deg);
+		.windStationNameAndChoice {
+					clear: both;
+					width: 100%;
+					height: 30px;
+					margin-top: 1%;
+					color: silver;
+					/* border: 1px solid red; */
+				}
+				.windStationName {
+					width: 50%;
+					height: 100%;
+					float: left;
+					line-height: 30px;
+					font-size: 14px;
+					margin-left: 9.5%;
+				}
+				.windStationChoice {
+					width: 20%;
+					height: 100%;
+					float: right;
+					text-align: right;
+					line-height: 30px;
+					font-size: 14px;
+					margin-right: 5%;
+				}
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+					width: 500rpx;
+					background-color: #f0f0f0;
+				}
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+					width: 100%;
+					height: 50px;
+					background-color: #211E21;
+				}
+				.s-popup-word {
+					width: calc(100% - 65px);
+					height: 50px;
+					font-size: 14px;
+					color: white;
+					line-height: 50px;
+					float: left;
+					margin-left: 25px;
+				}
+				.s-popup-cha {
+					width: 40px;
+					height: 50px;
+					text-align: center;
+					line-height: 50px;
+					float: right;
+					font-size: 24px;
+				}
+				.windStationItemContainer {
+					width: 100%;
+				}
+				.windStationItemContainerBlack {
+					width: 100%;
+					background-color: grey;
+					color: white;
+				}
+				.windStationItem {
+					width: 80%;
+					height: 50px;
+					border-bottom: 1px solid #c8c8c8;
+					text-align: left;
+					line-height: 50px;
+					margin-left: 10%;
+					color: #333333;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage {
+					position: fixed;
+					width: 100vw;
+					height: 100vh;
+					left: 0vw;
+					background-color: #1f1f1f;
+					transition: all 0.4s;
+				}
+ {
+					transform: scale(0.9, 0.9);
+					left: 85vw;
+					box-shadow: 0 0 60upx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+					transform-origin: 0;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage .cu-bar.tabbar .action button.cuIcon {
+					width: 64upx;
+					height: 64upx;
+					line-height: 64upx;
+					margin: 0;
+					display: inline-block;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage .cu-bar.tabbar .action .cu-avatar {
+					margin: 0;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage .nav {
+					flex: 1;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage .nav .cu-item.cur {
+					border-bottom: 0;
+					position: relative;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage .nav .cu-item.cur::after {
+					content: '';
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+					height: 10upx;
+					background-color: currentColor;
+					position: absolute;
+					bottom: 10upx;
+					border-radius: 10upx;
+					left: 0;
+					right: 0;
+					margin: auto;
+				}
+				.DrawerPage .cu-bar.tabbar .action {
+					flex: initial;
+				}