.gitignore 490 B

  1. # Compiled source
  2. *.com
  3. *.class
  4. *.dll
  5. *.exe
  6. *.o
  7. *.so
  8. # Packages
  9. # it's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source
  10. # git has its own built in compression methods
  11. *.7z
  12. *.dmg
  13. *.gz
  14. *.iso
  15. *.rar
  16. *.tar
  17. *.zip
  18. # Logs and databases
  19. *.log
  20. *.sqlite
  21. # OS generated files
  22. .DS_Store
  23. .DS_Store?
  24. ._*
  25. .Spotlight-V100
  26. .Trashes
  27. ehthumbs.db
  28. Thumbs.db
  29. .project
  30. .classpath
  31. .idea
  32. *.iml
  33. atlassian-ide-plugin.xml
  34. target
  35. # Java artifacts
  36. *.jar
  37. *.war
  38. *.ear
  39. *.class
  40. #IntelliJ IDEA
  41. .idea
  42. build
  43. classes