/** * Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license. * For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information. * For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/ * * Version: 5.9.1 (2021-08-27) */ (function () { 'use strict'; var Cell = function (initial) { var value = initial; var get = function () { return value; }; var set = function (v) { value = v; }; return { get: get, set: set }; }; var global$4 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager'); var global$3 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Tools'); var typeOf = function (x) { var t = typeof x; if (x === null) { return 'null'; } else if (t === 'object' && (Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'Array')) { return 'array'; } else if (t === 'object' && (String.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'String')) { return 'string'; } else { return t; } }; var isType = function (type) { return function (value) { return typeOf(value) === type; }; }; var isSimpleType = function (type) { return function (value) { return typeof value === type; }; }; var isArray = isType('array'); var isNullable = function (a) { return a === null || a === undefined; }; var isNonNullable = function (a) { return !isNullable(a); }; var isFunction = isSimpleType('function'); var noop = function () { }; var constant = function (value) { return function () { return value; }; }; var identity = function (x) { return x; }; var never = constant(false); var always = constant(true); var none = function () { return NONE; }; var NONE = function () { var call = function (thunk) { return thunk(); }; var id = identity; var me = { fold: function (n, _s) { return n(); }, isSome: never, isNone: always, getOr: id, getOrThunk: call, getOrDie: function (msg) { throw new Error(msg || 'error: getOrDie called on none.'); }, getOrNull: constant(null), getOrUndefined: constant(undefined), or: id, orThunk: call, map: none, each: noop, bind: none, exists: never, forall: always, filter: function () { return none(); }, toArray: function () { return []; }, toString: constant('none()') }; return me; }(); var some = function (a) { var constant_a = constant(a); var self = function () { return me; }; var bind = function (f) { return f(a); }; var me = { fold: function (n, s) { return s(a); }, isSome: always, isNone: never, getOr: constant_a, getOrThunk: constant_a, getOrDie: constant_a, getOrNull: constant_a, getOrUndefined: constant_a, or: self, orThunk: self, map: function (f) { return some(f(a)); }, each: function (f) { f(a); }, bind: bind, exists: bind, forall: bind, filter: function (f) { return f(a) ? me : NONE; }, toArray: function () { return [a]; }, toString: function () { return 'some(' + a + ')'; } }; return me; }; var from = function (value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? NONE : some(value); }; var Optional = { some: some, none: none, from: from }; var create$1 = function (width, height) { return resize(document.createElement('canvas'), width, height); }; var clone = function (canvas) { var tCanvas = create$1(canvas.width, canvas.height); var ctx = get2dContext(tCanvas); ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0); return tCanvas; }; var get2dContext = function (canvas) { return canvas.getContext('2d'); }; var resize = function (canvas, width, height) { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return canvas; }; var getWidth = function (image) { return image.naturalWidth || image.width; }; var getHeight = function (image) { return image.naturalHeight || image.height; }; var promise = function () { var Promise = function (fn) { if (typeof this !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new'); } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('not a function'); } this._state = null; this._value = null; this._deferreds = []; doResolve(fn, bind(resolve, this), bind(reject, this)); }; var anyWindow = window; var asap = Promise.immediateFn || typeof anyWindow.setImmediate === 'function' && anyWindow.setImmediate || function (fn) { return setTimeout(fn, 1); }; var bind = function (fn, thisArg) { return function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } return fn.apply(thisArg, args); }; }; var isArray = Array.isArray || function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }; function handle(deferred) { var me = this; if (this._state === null) { this._deferreds.push(deferred); return; } asap(function () { var cb = me._state ? deferred.onFulfilled : deferred.onRejected; if (cb === null) { (me._state ? deferred.resolve : deferred.reject)(me._value); return; } var ret; try { ret = cb(me._value); } catch (e) { deferred.reject(e); return; } deferred.resolve(ret); }); } function resolve(newValue) { try { if (newValue === this) { throw new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.'); } if (newValue && (typeof newValue === 'object' || typeof newValue === 'function')) { var then = newValue.then; if (typeof then === 'function') { doResolve(bind(then, newValue), bind(resolve, this), bind(reject, this)); return; } } this._state = true; this._value = newValue; finale.call(this); } catch (e) { reject.call(this, e); } } function reject(newValue) { this._state = false; this._value = newValue; finale.call(this); } function finale() { for (var _i = 0, _a = this._deferreds; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var deferred = _a[_i]; handle.call(this, deferred); } this._deferreds = []; } function Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, resolve, reject) { this.onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled : null; this.onRejected = typeof onRejected === 'function' ? onRejected : null; this.resolve = resolve; this.reject = reject; } var doResolve = function (fn, onFulfilled, onRejected) { var done = false; try { fn(function (value) { if (done) { return; } done = true; onFulfilled(value); }, function (reason) { if (done) { return; } done = true; onRejected(reason); }); } catch (ex) { if (done) { return; } done = true; onRejected(ex); } }; Promise.prototype.catch = function (onRejected) { return this.then(null, onRejected); }; Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) { var me = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { handle.call(me, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, resolve, reject)); }); }; Promise.all = function () { var values = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { values[_i] = arguments[_i]; } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(values.length === 1 && isArray(values[0]) ? values[0] : values); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (args.length === 0) { return resolve([]); } var remaining = args.length; var res = function (i, val) { try { if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) { var then = val.then; if (typeof then === 'function') { then.call(val, function (val) { res(i, val); }, reject); return; } } args[i] = val; if (--remaining === 0) { resolve(args); } } catch (ex) { reject(ex); } }; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { res(i, args[i]); } }); }; Promise.resolve = function (value) { if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Promise) { return value; } return new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }; Promise.reject = function (reason) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(reason); }); }; Promise.race = function (values) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { for (var _i = 0, values_1 = values; _i < values_1.length; _i++) { var value = values_1[_i]; value.then(resolve, reject); } }); }; return Promise; }; var Promise$1 = window.Promise ? window.Promise : promise(); var imageToBlob$2 = function (image) { var src = image.src; if (src.indexOf('data:') === 0) { return dataUriToBlob(src); } return anyUriToBlob(src); }; var blobToImage$1 = function (blob) { return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) { var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); var image = new Image(); var removeListeners = function () { image.removeEventListener('load', loaded); image.removeEventListener('error', error); }; var loaded = function () { removeListeners(); resolve(image); }; var error = function () { removeListeners(); reject('Unable to load data of type ' + blob.type + ': ' + blobUrl); }; image.addEventListener('load', loaded); image.addEventListener('error', error); image.src = blobUrl; if (image.complete) { setTimeout(loaded, 0); } }); }; var anyUriToBlob = function (url) { return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function () { if (this.status === 200) { resolve(this.response); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { var _this = this; var corsError = function () { var obj = new Error('No access to download image'); obj.code = 18; obj.name = 'SecurityError'; return obj; }; var genericError = function () { return new Error('Error ' + _this.status + ' downloading image'); }; reject(this.status === 0 ? corsError() : genericError()); }; xhr.send(); }); }; var dataUriToBlobSync = function (uri) { var data = uri.split(','); var matches = /data:([^;]+)/.exec(data[0]); if (!matches) { return Optional.none(); } var mimetype = matches[1]; var base64 = data[1]; var sliceSize = 1024; var byteCharacters = atob(base64); var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length; var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize); var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount); for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) { var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize; var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength); var bytes = new Array(end - begin); for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) { bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0); } byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes); } return Optional.some(new Blob(byteArrays, { type: mimetype })); }; var dataUriToBlob = function (uri) { return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) { dataUriToBlobSync(uri).fold(function () { reject('uri is not base64: ' + uri); }, resolve); }); }; var canvasToBlob = function (canvas, type, quality) { type = type || 'image/png'; if (isFunction(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob)) { return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) { canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { if (blob) { resolve(blob); } else { reject(); } }, type, quality); }); } else { return dataUriToBlob(canvas.toDataURL(type, quality)); } }; var canvasToDataURL = function (canvas, type, quality) { type = type || 'image/png'; return canvas.toDataURL(type, quality); }; var blobToCanvas = function (blob) { return blobToImage$1(blob).then(function (image) { revokeImageUrl(image); var canvas = create$1(getWidth(image), getHeight(image)); var context = get2dContext(canvas); context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); return canvas; }); }; var blobToDataUri = function (blob) { return new Promise$1(function (resolve) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function () { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); }; var revokeImageUrl = function (image) { URL.revokeObjectURL(image.src); }; var blobToImage = function (blob) { return blobToImage$1(blob); }; var imageToBlob$1 = function (image) { return imageToBlob$2(image); }; var nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; var rawIndexOf = function (ts, t) { return nativeIndexOf.call(ts, t); }; var contains = function (xs, x) { return rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1; }; var each$1 = function (xs, f) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; f(x, i); } }; var filter = function (xs, pred) { var r = []; for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i)) { r.push(x); } } return r; }; var foldl = function (xs, f, acc) { each$1(xs, function (x, i) { acc = f(acc, x, i); }); return acc; }; var findUntil = function (xs, pred, until) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i)) { return Optional.some(x); } else if (until(x, i)) { break; } } return Optional.none(); }; var find = function (xs, pred) { return findUntil(xs, pred, never); }; var forall = function (xs, pred) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i) !== true) { return false; } } return true; }; var keys = Object.keys; var each = function (obj, f) { var props = keys(obj); for (var k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) { var i = props[k]; var x = obj[i]; f(x, i); } }; var generate = function (cases) { if (!isArray(cases)) { throw new Error('cases must be an array'); } if (cases.length === 0) { throw new Error('there must be at least one case'); } var constructors = []; var adt = {}; each$1(cases, function (acase, count) { var keys$1 = keys(acase); if (keys$1.length !== 1) { throw new Error('one and only one name per case'); } var key = keys$1[0]; var value = acase[key]; if (adt[key] !== undefined) { throw new Error('duplicate key detected:' + key); } else if (key === 'cata') { throw new Error('cannot have a case named cata (sorry)'); } else if (!isArray(value)) { throw new Error('case arguments must be an array'); } constructors.push(key); adt[key] = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } var argLength = args.length; if (argLength !== value.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to case ' + key + '. Expected ' + value.length + ' (' + value + '), got ' + argLength); } var match = function (branches) { var branchKeys = keys(branches); if (constructors.length !== branchKeys.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to match. Expected: ' + constructors.join(',') + '\nActual: ' + branchKeys.join(',')); } var allReqd = forall(constructors, function (reqKey) { return contains(branchKeys, reqKey); }); if (!allReqd) { throw new Error('Not all branches were specified when using match. Specified: ' + branchKeys.join(', ') + '\nRequired: ' + constructors.join(', ')); } return branches[key].apply(null, args); }; return { fold: function () { var foldArgs = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { foldArgs[_i] = arguments[_i]; } if (foldArgs.length !== cases.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to fold. Expected ' + cases.length + ', got ' + foldArgs.length); } var target = foldArgs[count]; return target.apply(null, args); }, match: match, log: function (label) { console.log(label, { constructors: constructors, constructor: key, params: args }); } }; }; }); return adt; }; var Adt = { generate: generate }; Adt.generate([ { bothErrors: [ 'error1', 'error2' ] }, { firstError: [ 'error1', 'value2' ] }, { secondError: [ 'value1', 'error2' ] }, { bothValues: [ 'value1', 'value2' ] } ]); var create = function (getCanvas, blob, uri) { var initialType = blob.type; var getType = constant(initialType); var toBlob = function () { return Promise$1.resolve(blob); }; var toDataURL = constant(uri); var toBase64 = function () { return uri.split(',')[1]; }; var toAdjustedBlob = function (type, quality) { return getCanvas.then(function (canvas) { return canvasToBlob(canvas, type, quality); }); }; var toAdjustedDataURL = function (type, quality) { return getCanvas.then(function (canvas) { return canvasToDataURL(canvas, type, quality); }); }; var toAdjustedBase64 = function (type, quality) { return toAdjustedDataURL(type, quality).then(function (dataurl) { return dataurl.split(',')[1]; }); }; var toCanvas = function () { return getCanvas.then(clone); }; return { getType: getType, toBlob: toBlob, toDataURL: toDataURL, toBase64: toBase64, toAdjustedBlob: toAdjustedBlob, toAdjustedDataURL: toAdjustedDataURL, toAdjustedBase64: toAdjustedBase64, toCanvas: toCanvas }; }; var fromBlob = function (blob) { return blobToDataUri(blob).then(function (uri) { return create(blobToCanvas(blob), blob, uri); }); }; var fromCanvas = function (canvas, type) { return canvasToBlob(canvas, type).then(function (blob) { return create(Promise$1.resolve(canvas), blob, canvas.toDataURL()); }); }; var ceilWithPrecision = function (num, precision) { if (precision === void 0) { precision = 2; } var mul = Math.pow(10, precision); var upper = Math.round(num * mul); return Math.ceil(upper / mul); }; var rotate$2 = function (ir, angle) { return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) { return applyRotate(canvas, ir.getType(), angle); }); }; var applyRotate = function (image, type, angle) { var degrees = angle < 0 ? 360 + angle : angle; var rad = degrees * Math.PI / 180; var width = image.width; var height = image.height; var sin = Math.sin(rad); var cos = Math.cos(rad); var newWidth = ceilWithPrecision(Math.abs(width * cos) + Math.abs(height * sin)); var newHeight = ceilWithPrecision(Math.abs(width * sin) + Math.abs(height * cos)); var canvas = create$1(newWidth, newHeight); var context = get2dContext(canvas); context.translate(newWidth / 2, newHeight / 2); context.rotate(rad); context.drawImage(image, -width / 2, -height / 2); return fromCanvas(canvas, type); }; var flip$2 = function (ir, axis) { return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) { return applyFlip(canvas, ir.getType(), axis); }); }; var applyFlip = function (image, type, axis) { var canvas = create$1(image.width, image.height); var context = get2dContext(canvas); if (axis === 'v') { context.scale(1, -1); context.drawImage(image, 0, -canvas.height); } else { context.scale(-1, 1); context.drawImage(image, -canvas.width, 0); } return fromCanvas(canvas, type); }; var flip$1 = function (ir, axis) { return flip$2(ir, axis); }; var rotate$1 = function (ir, angle) { return rotate$2(ir, angle); }; var sendRequest = function (url, headers, withCredentials) { if (withCredentials === void 0) { withCredentials = false; } return new Promise$1(function (resolve) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { resolve({ status: xhr.status, blob: xhr.response }); } }; xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials; each(headers, function (value, key) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value); }); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.send(); }); }; var readBlobText = function (blob) { return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function () { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.onerror = function (e) { reject(e); }; reader.readAsText(blob); }); }; var parseJson = function (text) { try { return Optional.some(JSON.parse(text)); } catch (ex) { return Optional.none(); } }; var friendlyHttpErrors = [ { code: 404, message: 'Could not find Image Proxy' }, { code: 403, message: 'Rejected request' }, { code: 0, message: 'Incorrect Image Proxy URL' } ]; var friendlyServiceErrors = [ { type: 'not_found', message: 'Failed to load image.' }, { type: 'key_missing', message: 'The request did not include an api key.' }, { type: 'key_not_found', message: 'The provided api key could not be found.' }, { type: 'domain_not_trusted', message: 'The api key is not valid for the request origins.' } ]; var traverseJson = function (json, path) { var value = foldl(path, function (result, key) { return isNonNullable(result) ? result[key] : undefined; }, json); return Optional.from(value); }; var isServiceErrorCode = function (code, blob) { return (blob === null || blob === void 0 ? void 0 : blob.type) === 'application/json' && (code === 400 || code === 403 || code === 404 || code === 500); }; var getHttpErrorMsg = function (status) { var message = find(friendlyHttpErrors, function (error) { return status === error.code; }).fold(constant('Unknown ImageProxy error'), function (error) { return error.message; }); return 'ImageProxy HTTP error: ' + message; }; var handleHttpError = function (status) { var message = getHttpErrorMsg(status); return Promise$1.reject(message); }; var getServiceErrorMsg = function (type) { return find(friendlyServiceErrors, function (error) { return error.type === type; }).fold(constant('Unknown service error'), function (error) { return error.message; }); }; var getServiceError = function (text) { var serviceError = parseJson(text); var errorMsg = serviceError.bind(function (err) { return traverseJson(err, [ 'error', 'type' ]).map(getServiceErrorMsg); }).getOr('Invalid JSON in service error message'); return 'ImageProxy Service error: ' + errorMsg; }; var handleServiceError = function (blob) { return readBlobText(blob).then(function (text) { var serviceError = getServiceError(text); return Promise$1.reject(serviceError); }); }; var handleServiceErrorResponse = function (status, blob) { return isServiceErrorCode(status, blob) ? handleServiceError(blob) : handleHttpError(status); }; var appendApiKey = function (url, apiKey) { var separator = url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&'; if (/[?&]apiKey=/.test(url)) { return url; } else { return url + separator + 'apiKey=' + encodeURIComponent(apiKey); } }; var isError = function (status) { return status < 200 || status >= 300; }; var requestServiceBlob = function (url, apiKey) { var headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'tiny-api-key': apiKey }; return sendRequest(appendApiKey(url, apiKey), headers).then(function (result) { return isError(result.status) ? handleServiceErrorResponse(result.status, result.blob) : Promise$1.resolve(result.blob); }); }; var requestBlob = function (url, withCredentials) { return sendRequest(url, {}, withCredentials).then(function (result) { return isError(result.status) ? handleHttpError(result.status) : Promise$1.resolve(result.blob); }); }; var getUrl = function (url, apiKey, withCredentials) { if (withCredentials === void 0) { withCredentials = false; } return apiKey ? requestServiceBlob(url, apiKey) : requestBlob(url, withCredentials); }; var blobToImageResult = function (blob) { return fromBlob(blob); }; var ELEMENT = 1; var fromHtml = function (html, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; if (!div.hasChildNodes() || div.childNodes.length > 1) { console.error('HTML does not have a single root node', html); throw new Error('HTML must have a single root node'); } return fromDom(div.childNodes[0]); }; var fromTag = function (tag, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var node = doc.createElement(tag); return fromDom(node); }; var fromText = function (text, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var node = doc.createTextNode(text); return fromDom(node); }; var fromDom = function (node) { if (node === null || node === undefined) { throw new Error('Node cannot be null or undefined'); } return { dom: node }; }; var fromPoint = function (docElm, x, y) { return Optional.from(docElm.dom.elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(fromDom); }; var SugarElement = { fromHtml: fromHtml, fromTag: fromTag, fromText: fromText, fromDom: fromDom, fromPoint: fromPoint }; var is = function (element, selector) { var dom = element.dom; if (dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT) { return false; } else { var elem = dom; if (elem.matches !== undefined) { return elem.matches(selector); } else if (elem.msMatchesSelector !== undefined) { return elem.msMatchesSelector(selector); } else if (elem.webkitMatchesSelector !== undefined) { return elem.webkitMatchesSelector(selector); } else if (elem.mozMatchesSelector !== undefined) { return elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector); } else { throw new Error('Browser lacks native selectors'); } } }; typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : Function('return this;')(); var child$1 = function (scope, predicate) { var pred = function (node) { return predicate(SugarElement.fromDom(node)); }; var result = find(scope.dom.childNodes, pred); return result.map(SugarElement.fromDom); }; var child = function (scope, selector) { return child$1(scope, function (e) { return is(e, selector); }); }; var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay'); var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Promise'); var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.URI'); var getToolbarItems = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('imagetools_toolbar', 'rotateleft rotateright flipv fliph editimage imageoptions'); }; var getProxyUrl = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('imagetools_proxy'); }; var getCorsHosts = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('imagetools_cors_hosts', [], 'string[]'); }; var getCredentialsHosts = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('imagetools_credentials_hosts', [], 'string[]'); }; var getFetchImage = function (editor) { return Optional.from(editor.getParam('imagetools_fetch_image', null, 'function')); }; var getApiKey = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('api_key', editor.getParam('imagetools_api_key', '', 'string'), 'string'); }; var getUploadTimeout = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('images_upload_timeout', 30000, 'number'); }; var shouldReuseFilename = function (editor) { return editor.getParam('images_reuse_filename', false, 'boolean'); }; var getImageSize = function (img) { var width, height; var isPxValue = function (value) { return /^[0-9\.]+px$/.test(value); }; width = img.style.width; height = img.style.height; if (width || height) { if (isPxValue(width) && isPxValue(height)) { return { w: parseInt(width, 10), h: parseInt(height, 10) }; } return null; } width = img.width; height = img.height; if (width && height) { return { w: parseInt(width, 10), h: parseInt(height, 10) }; } return null; }; var setImageSize = function (img, size) { var width, height; if (size) { width = img.style.width; height = img.style.height; if (width || height) { img.style.width = size.w + 'px'; img.style.height = size.h + 'px'; img.removeAttribute('data-mce-style'); } width = img.width; height = img.height; if (width || height) { img.setAttribute('width', String(size.w)); img.setAttribute('height', String(size.h)); } } }; var getNaturalImageSize = function (img) { return { w: img.naturalWidth, h: img.naturalHeight }; }; var count = 0; var getFigureImg = function (elem) { return child(SugarElement.fromDom(elem), 'img'); }; var isFigure = function (editor, elem) { return editor.dom.is(elem, 'figure'); }; var isImage = function (editor, imgNode) { return editor.dom.is(imgNode, 'img:not([data-mce-object],[data-mce-placeholder])'); }; var getEditableImage = function (editor, node) { var isEditable = function (imgNode) { return isImage(editor, imgNode) && (isLocalImage(editor, imgNode) || isCorsImage(editor, imgNode) || isNonNullable(getProxyUrl(editor))); }; if (isFigure(editor, node)) { return getFigureImg(node).bind(function (img) { return isEditable(img.dom) ? Optional.some(img.dom) : Optional.none(); }); } else { return isEditable(node) ? Optional.some(node) : Optional.none(); } }; var displayError = function (editor, error) { editor.notificationManager.open({ text: error, type: 'error' }); }; var getSelectedImage = function (editor) { var elem = editor.selection.getNode(); var figureElm = editor.dom.getParent(elem, 'figure.image'); if (figureElm !== null && isFigure(editor, figureElm)) { return getFigureImg(figureElm); } else if (isImage(editor, elem)) { return Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(elem)); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; var extractFilename = function (editor, url, group) { var m = url.match(/(?:\/|^)(([^\/\?]+)\.(?:[a-z0-9.]+))(?:\?|$)/i); return isNonNullable(m) ? editor.dom.encode(m[group]) : null; }; var createId = function () { return 'imagetools' + count++; }; var isLocalImage = function (editor, img) { var url = img.src; return url.indexOf('data:') === 0 || url.indexOf('blob:') === 0 || new global(url).host === editor.documentBaseURI.host; }; var isCorsImage = function (editor, img) { return global$3.inArray(getCorsHosts(editor), new global(img.src).host) !== -1; }; var isCorsWithCredentialsImage = function (editor, img) { return global$3.inArray(getCredentialsHosts(editor), new global(img.src).host) !== -1; }; var defaultFetchImage = function (editor, img) { if (isCorsImage(editor, img)) { return getUrl(img.src, null, isCorsWithCredentialsImage(editor, img)); } if (!isLocalImage(editor, img)) { var proxyUrl = getProxyUrl(editor); var src = proxyUrl + (proxyUrl.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'url=' + encodeURIComponent(img.src); var apiKey = getApiKey(editor); return getUrl(src, apiKey, false); } return imageToBlob$1(img); }; var imageToBlob = function (editor, img) { return getFetchImage(editor).fold(function () { return defaultFetchImage(editor, img); }, function (customFetchImage) { return customFetchImage(img); }); }; var findBlob = function (editor, img) { var blobInfo = editor.editorUpload.blobCache.getByUri(img.src); if (blobInfo) { return global$1.resolve(blobInfo.blob()); } return imageToBlob(editor, img); }; var startTimedUpload = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState) { var imageUploadTimer = global$2.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { editor.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto(); }, getUploadTimeout(editor)); imageUploadTimerState.set(imageUploadTimer); }; var cancelTimedUpload = function (imageUploadTimerState) { global$2.clearTimeout(imageUploadTimerState.get()); }; var updateSelectedImage = function (editor, origBlob, ir, uploadImmediately, imageUploadTimerState, selectedImage, size) { return ir.toBlob().then(function (blob) { var uri, name, filename, blobInfo; var blobCache = editor.editorUpload.blobCache; uri = selectedImage.src; var useFilename = origBlob.type === blob.type; if (shouldReuseFilename(editor)) { blobInfo = blobCache.getByUri(uri); if (isNonNullable(blobInfo)) { uri = blobInfo.uri(); name = blobInfo.name(); filename = blobInfo.filename(); } else { name = extractFilename(editor, uri, 2); filename = extractFilename(editor, uri, 1); } } blobInfo = blobCache.create({ id: createId(), blob: blob, base64: ir.toBase64(), uri: uri, name: name, filename: useFilename ? filename : undefined }); blobCache.add(blobInfo); editor.undoManager.transact(function () { var imageLoadedHandler = function () { editor.$(selectedImage).off('load', imageLoadedHandler); editor.nodeChanged(); if (uploadImmediately) { editor.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto(); } else { cancelTimedUpload(imageUploadTimerState); startTimedUpload(editor, imageUploadTimerState); } }; editor.$(selectedImage).on('load', imageLoadedHandler); if (size) { editor.$(selectedImage).attr({ width: size.w, height: size.h }); } editor.$(selectedImage).attr({ src: blobInfo.blobUri() }).removeAttr('data-mce-src'); }); return blobInfo; }); }; var selectedImageOperation = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState, fn, size) { return function () { var imgOpt = getSelectedImage(editor); return imgOpt.fold(function () { displayError(editor, 'Could not find selected image'); }, function (img) { return editor._scanForImages().then(function () { return findBlob(editor, img.dom); }).then(function (blob) { return blobToImageResult(blob).then(fn).then(function (imageResult) { return updateSelectedImage(editor, blob, imageResult, false, imageUploadTimerState, img.dom, size); }); }).catch(function (error) { displayError(editor, error); }); }); }; }; var rotate = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState, angle) { return function () { var imgOpt = getSelectedImage(editor); var flippedSize = imgOpt.map(function (img) { var size = getImageSize(img.dom); return size ? { w: size.h, h: size.w } : null; }).getOrNull(); return selectedImageOperation(editor, imageUploadTimerState, function (imageResult) { return rotate$1(imageResult, angle); }, flippedSize)(); }; }; var flip = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState, axis) { return function () { return selectedImageOperation(editor, imageUploadTimerState, function (imageResult) { return flip$1(imageResult, axis); })(); }; }; var handleDialogBlob = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState, img, originalSize, blob) { return blobToImage(blob).then(function (newImage) { var newSize = getNaturalImageSize(newImage); if (originalSize.w !== newSize.w || originalSize.h !== newSize.h) { if (getImageSize(img)) { setImageSize(img, newSize); } } URL.revokeObjectURL(newImage.src); return blob; }).then(blobToImageResult).then(function (imageResult) { return updateSelectedImage(editor, blob, imageResult, true, imageUploadTimerState, img); }); }; var saveState = 'save-state'; var disable = 'disable'; var enable = 'enable'; var createState = function (blob) { return { blob: blob, url: URL.createObjectURL(blob) }; }; var makeOpen = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState) { return function () { var getLoadedSpec = function (currentState) { return { title: 'Edit Image', size: 'large', body: { type: 'panel', items: [{ type: 'imagetools', name: 'imagetools', label: 'Edit Image', currentState: currentState }] }, buttons: [ { type: 'cancel', name: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel' }, { type: 'submit', name: 'save', text: 'Save', primary: true, disabled: true } ], onSubmit: function (api) { var blob = api.getData().imagetools.blob; originalImgOpt.each(function (originalImg) { originalSizeOpt.each(function (originalSize) { handleDialogBlob(editor, imageUploadTimerState, originalImg.dom, originalSize, blob); }); }); api.close(); }, onCancel: noop, onAction: function (api, details) { switch (details.name) { case saveState: if (details.value) { api.enable('save'); } else { api.disable('save'); } break; case disable: api.disable('save'); api.disable('cancel'); break; case enable: api.enable('cancel'); break; } } }; }; var originalImgOpt = getSelectedImage(editor); var originalSizeOpt = originalImgOpt.map(function (origImg) { return getNaturalImageSize(origImg.dom); }); originalImgOpt.each(function (img) { getEditableImage(editor, img.dom).each(function (_) { findBlob(editor, img.dom).then(function (blob) { var state = createState(blob); editor.windowManager.open(getLoadedSpec(state)); }); }); }); }; }; var register$2 = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState) { global$3.each({ mceImageRotateLeft: rotate(editor, imageUploadTimerState, -90), mceImageRotateRight: rotate(editor, imageUploadTimerState, 90), mceImageFlipVertical: flip(editor, imageUploadTimerState, 'v'), mceImageFlipHorizontal: flip(editor, imageUploadTimerState, 'h'), mceEditImage: makeOpen(editor, imageUploadTimerState) }, function (fn, cmd) { editor.addCommand(cmd, fn); }); }; var setup = function (editor, imageUploadTimerState, lastSelectedImageState) { editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) { var lastSelectedImage = lastSelectedImageState.get(); var selectedImage = getEditableImage(editor, e.element); if (lastSelectedImage && !selectedImage.exists(function (img) { return lastSelectedImage.src === img.src; })) { cancelTimedUpload(imageUploadTimerState); editor.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto(); lastSelectedImageState.set(null); } selectedImage.each(lastSelectedImageState.set); }); }; var register$1 = function (editor) { var changeHandlers = []; var cmd = function (command) { return function () { return editor.execCommand(command); }; }; var isEditableImage = function () { return getSelectedImage(editor).exists(function (element) { return getEditableImage(editor, element.dom).isSome(); }); }; var onSetup = function (api) { var handler = function (isEditableImage) { return api.setDisabled(!isEditableImage); }; handler(isEditableImage()); changeHandlers = changeHandlers.concat([handler]); return function () { changeHandlers = filter(changeHandlers, function (h) { return h !== handler; }); }; }; editor.on('NodeChange', function () { var isEditable = isEditableImage(); each$1(changeHandlers, function (handler) { return handler(isEditable); }); }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('rotateleft', { tooltip: 'Rotate counterclockwise', icon: 'rotate-left', onAction: cmd('mceImageRotateLeft'), onSetup: onSetup }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('rotateright', { tooltip: 'Rotate clockwise', icon: 'rotate-right', onAction: cmd('mceImageRotateRight'), onSetup: onSetup }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('flipv', { tooltip: 'Flip vertically', icon: 'flip-vertically', onAction: cmd('mceImageFlipVertical'), onSetup: onSetup }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('fliph', { tooltip: 'Flip horizontally', icon: 'flip-horizontally', onAction: cmd('mceImageFlipHorizontal'), onSetup: onSetup }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('editimage', { tooltip: 'Edit image', icon: 'edit-image', onAction: cmd('mceEditImage'), onSetup: onSetup }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('imageoptions', { tooltip: 'Image options', icon: 'image', onAction: cmd('mceImage') }); editor.ui.registry.addContextMenu('imagetools', { update: function (element) { return getEditableImage(editor, element).map(function (_) { return { text: 'Edit image', icon: 'edit-image', onAction: cmd('mceEditImage') }; }).toArray(); } }); }; var register = function (editor) { editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar('imagetools', { items: getToolbarItems(editor), predicate: function (elem) { return getEditableImage(editor, elem).isSome(); }, position: 'node', scope: 'node' }); }; function Plugin () { global$4.add('imagetools', function (editor) { var imageUploadTimerState = Cell(0); var lastSelectedImageState = Cell(null); register$2(editor, imageUploadTimerState); register$1(editor); register(editor); setup(editor, imageUploadTimerState, lastSelectedImageState); }); } Plugin(); }());