# vue-admin-template ## Project setup ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/). cnpm install --save stompjs cnpm install --save json-bigint # 安装文件保存 cnpm install --save file-saver # 安装订阅类的store cnpm install --save le5le-store # 安装网络连接 cnpm install --save axios # 安装绘图引擎 cnpm install --save @topology/core # 安装图形库 - 流程图 cnpm install --save @topology/flow-diagram # 安装图形库 - 活动图 cnpm install --save @topology/activity-diagram # 安装图形库 - 类图 cnpm install --save @topology/class-diagram # 安装图形库 - 时序图 cnpm install --save @topology/sequence-diagram # 其他共享图形库 # ... # 为模块添加新的属性 File: pen.d.ts export declare abstract class Pen { TID: string; id: string; binding: { tagName: ''; type: ''; }; # 为模块添加新的属性 File: pen.js if (json) { this.id = json.id || s8(); this.name = json.name || ''; this.value = json.value; this.binding =json.binding ? json.binding : { tagName:"", type:'' }; # 为模块添加新的属性 File: line.d.ts export declare class Line extends Pen { binding: { tagName: ''; type: ''; }; # 为模块添加新的属性 File: line.js if (json) { _this.binding =json.binding ? json.binding : { tagName:"", type:'' }; # 项目迁移 # 1 index.html #添加icon和字体 ``` ``` # 2 main.js 或者main.ts ``` import './assets/css/property.css' import './assets/css/toolsfont.css' import './assets/css/1113798iconfont.css' import './assets/css/1331132iconfont.css' ```