@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import excelCop from '@/components/excel.vue'
import treeCop from '@/components/tree.vue'
import treeCop from '@/components/tree.vue'
import barChartCop from './components/barChart.vue'
import barChartCop from './components/barChart.vue'
import lineChartCop from './components/lineChart.vue'
import lineChartCop from './components/lineChart.vue'
-import CurrentScatterChartCop from './components/current-scatter-chart.vue'
import SubmitBtn from '../../../components/SubmitBtn.vue'
import SubmitBtn from '../../../components/SubmitBtn.vue'
// import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
// import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
import { onMounted, ref, onActivated, shallowRef, reactive, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { onMounted, ref, onActivated, shallowRef, reactive, nextTick } from 'vue'
@@ -110,14 +109,6 @@ const funSubmit = async () => {
ids: excelCheckIds.value.join(','),
ids: excelCheckIds.value.join(','),
- // const lineRes = await request.get('/wind/deviation/ratio', {
- // params: {
- // ids: excelCheckIds.value.join(','),
- // mode: 0
- // }
- // })
- // const rosesRes = flowerRes
- // const lineRes = lineChartRes
if (tempRes.code === 200) {
if (tempRes.code === 200) {
if (tempRes.data?.length) {
if (tempRes.data?.length) {
for (const chart of tempRes.data) {
for (const chart of tempRes.data) {
@@ -159,39 +150,6 @@ const funSubmit = async () => {
- // if(lineRes.code === 200){
- // if(lineRes.data?.length){
- // lineDataSet.value[0].source = lineRes.data[0].scatter.map(o => {
- // return [o.x+'', o.y]
- // })
- // lineSeries.value = [{
- // name: "对风频次",
- // type: "line",
- // symbol: "line", //设定为实心点
- // symbolSize: 0, //设定实心点的大小
- // smooth: true, //这个是把线变成曲线
- // data: lineRes.data[0].count,
- // yAxisIndex: 1,
- // },
- // {
- // type: 'effectScatter',
- // showEffectOn: "emphasis",
- // rippleEffect: {
- // scale: 1
- // },
- // legendHoverLink: false,
- // name: '数据散点',
- // symbolSize: 5,
- // datasetIndex: 0,
- // encode: {
- // x: 'x',
- // y: 'y'
- // },
- // yAxisIndex: 0,
- // }]
- // }
- // }
/**lineChart */
/**lineChart */
const linexAxis = reactive({
const linexAxis = reactive({
@@ -524,24 +482,6 @@ onActivated(() => {
<div class="bg-white py-[10px] px-[10px] relative s-dialog-body">
<div class="bg-white py-[10px] px-[10px] relative s-dialog-body">
- <!-- <el-dialog v-model="wtDialog" draggable title="风机功率点位">
- <el-tabs v-model="wtTab">
- <el-tab-pane label="数据" name="table">
- <el-table :data="wtData" row-key="id" :max-height="550">
- <el-table-column property="wtId" align="center" label="风机" />
- <el-table-column property="time" sortable :width="160" align="center" label="时间" />
- <el-table-column property="speed" sortable align="center" label="风速(m/s)" />
- <el-table-column property="power" sortable align="center" label="功率(kw)" />
- <el-table-column property="rr" sortable align="center" label="转速" />
- <el-table-column property="filter" sortable align="center" label="是否有用点" />
- </el-table>
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="故障" name="problem" disabled>
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="预警" name="warning" disabled>
- </el-tab-pane>
- </el-tabs>
- </el-dialog> -->
<el-dialog draggable width="80%" v-model="dialog" :title="actDiaTitle">
<el-dialog draggable width="80%" v-model="dialog" :title="actDiaTitle">
<el-form class="whitespace-nowrap" :inline="true" :model="queryForm">
<el-form class="whitespace-nowrap" :inline="true" :model="queryForm">
<el-form-item label="" class="!mb-0">
<el-form-item label="" class="!mb-0">
@@ -593,22 +533,6 @@ onActivated(() => {
<line-chart-cop class="" height="100%" width="100%" :xAxis="linexAxis" :yAxis="lineyAxis"
<line-chart-cop class="" height="100%" width="100%" :xAxis="linexAxis" :yAxis="lineyAxis"
:series="lineSeries" :subtext="`额定功率温度分析 ${powerproduction}`" :dataset="lineDataSet"></line-chart-cop>
:series="lineSeries" :subtext="`额定功率温度分析 ${powerproduction}`" :dataset="lineDataSet"></line-chart-cop>
- <!-- <div class="mr-[10px] w-[49%] h-[49%] flex flex-col items-end shadow rounded-[6px] shadow-blue-500" v-if="!!lineSeries.length"> -->
- <!-- <el-icon class="mr-[10px] mt-[10px] cursor-pointer" size="18"
- @click="funActCop({ xAxis: linexAxis, yAxis: lineyAxis, series: lineSeries, dataset: lineDataSet }, 'lineChartCop')">
- <ZoomIn />
- </el-icon> -->
- <!-- <current-scatter-chart-cop class="" height="100%" width="100%" :xAxis="linexAxis" :yAxis="lineyAxis"
- :series="lineSeries" subtext="风速功率-温度分析" :dataset="lineDataSet"></current-scatter-chart-cop> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <div class="w-[49%] h-[49%] flex flex-col items-end shadow rounded-[6px] shadow-blue-500" v-if="!!lineSeries.length"> -->
- <!-- <el-icon class="mr-[10px] mt-[10px] cursor-pointer" size="18"
- @click="funActCop({ xAxis: xAxisData, yAxis: { splitLine: { show: false } }, series: seriesData, dataSet: dataSet }, 'CurrentScatterChartCop')">
- <ZoomIn />
- </el-icon> -->
- <!-- <current-scatter-chart-cop class="" height="100%" width="100%" :xAxis="linexAxis" :yAxis="lineyAxis"
- :series="lineSeries" subtext="对风偏差分析图" :dataset="lineDataSet"></current-scatter-chart-cop> -->
- <!-- </div> -->