@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ <div class="rulesNewDetail">
+ <el-dialog title="考评得分规则详情" v-model="editEvaluaVisible" width='50vw' :close-on-click-modal="false">
+ <div class="periodFrom">
+ <div class="detailTable">
+ <el-table
+ size="mini"
+ :highlight-current-row="true"
+ :stripe="false"
+ :border="false"
+ max-height="240"
+ ref="multipleTable"
+ :data="indicItemoptions"
+ @select-all="onSelectAll"
+ @selection-change="selectItem"
+ @row-click="onSelectOp"
+ >
+ <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" />
+ <el-table-column label="子指标名称" prop="childName" />
+ <el-table-column label="子指标编号" prop="childCode" />
+ </el-table>
+ </div>
+ <div class="fromCenter">
+ <el-tabs type="border-card">
+ <el-tab-pane label="指标项">
+ <el-table
+ size="mini"
+ :highlight-current-row="true"
+ :stripe="false"
+ :border="false"
+ ref="optionMul"
+ height="240"
+ @select-all="optionMulAll"
+ @selection-change="optionMulItem"
+ @row-dblclick="rowDbclick"
+ :data="multipleSelectionObj?multipleSelectionObj.list:[]"
+ >
+ <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" />
+ <el-table-column label="指标项名称" prop="optionName" />
+ <el-table-column label="指标项编码" prop="optionCode" />
+ <el-table-column label="计算公式" prop="formula" />
+ </el-table>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="函数">
+ <el-table
+ size="mini"
+ fit
+ :show-header="false"
+ :highlight-current-row="true"
+ :stripe="false"
+ :border="false"
+ height="240"
+ @row-dblclick="tabFuncRowClickHandle"
+ :data="funcMsg"
+ >
+ <el-table-column min-width="40%">
+ <template #default="scope">
+ <el-popover trigger="hover" placement="bottom">
+ <p>描述:{{ scope.row.formulaName }}</p>
+ <!-- <p>参数:{{ scope.row.param }}</p> -->
+ <template #reference>
+ <span size="medium" transition="fade-in-linear">{{
+ scope.row.formulaName
+ }}</span>
+ </template>
+ </el-popover>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column min-width="60%">
+ <template #default="scope">
+ <el-popover trigger="hover" placement="bottom">
+ <p>描述:{{ scope.row.description }}</p>
+ <!-- <p>参数:{{ scope.row.param }}</p> -->
+ <template #reference>
+ <span size="medium" transition="fade-in-linear">{{
+ scope.row.description
+ }}</span>
+ </template>
+ </el-popover>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="运算符">
+ <el-button-group>
+ <el-button
+ v-for="item in operator"
+ :key="item"
+ plain
+ @click="scorRuleSplit(item)"
+ style="width: 60px; margin: 7px 12px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #409EFF;"
+ >
+ {{ item }}
+ </el-button>
+ </el-button-group>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ </el-tabs>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <div style="display:flex">
+ <el-checkbox style="margin-right: 10px" v-model="isrepresentation"/>
+ <el-tag style="margin-bottom: 5px">公式</el-tag>
+ </div>
+ <el-input
+ type="textarea"
+ rows="10"
+ v-model="representation"
+ id="representation"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <template #footer>
+ <span class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button @click="editEvaluaVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="saverulesDetailMsg()">确 定</el-button>
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ </el-dialog>
+ </div>
+import {apiGetIndidicselectById, apiGetintervalscoringsaveOrUpdate, apiGetfunctionList} from '../../api/api'
+export default {
+ data() {
+ return {
+ editEvaluaVisible: false,
+ indicItemoptions: [],
+ indicItem: '',
+ isrepresentation: true,
+ isrange: false,
+ funcMsg: [],
+ operator: [],
+ representation: '',
+ page:{
+ pagesize: 12,
+ currentPage: 1,
+ total: 0
+ },
+ rowevalradio: {},
+ multipleSelection: [],
+ multipleSelectionObj: {},
+ rulesNewDetailData: [],
+ optionMulItemObj: {}
+ }
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.operator = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "==", "!=",
+ "&&", "||", "!", "%", "true", "false", ".", ]
+ },
+ methods: {
+ init(row) {
+ this.editEvaluaVisible = true
+ this.indicItemoptions = []
+ this.multipleSelection = []
+ this.multipleSelectionObj = {}
+ this.rowevalradio = row
+ this.getIndidicselectById(row)
+ this.getFunData()
+ },
+ getIndidicselectById(row) {
+ let that = this
+ let params = {
+ id: row.id
+ }
+ apiGetIndidicselectById(params).then(datas =>{
+ if (datas && datas.data) {
+ that.indicItemoptions = datas.data.dtoList
+ that.multipleSelection = [datas.data.dtoList[0]]
+ that.multipleSelectionObj = datas.data.dtoList[0]
+ that.$nextTick(() =>{
+ that.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(that.multipleSelectionObj, true)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ // 函数查询
+ getFunData() {
+ let that = this
+ apiGetfunctionList().then(datas =>{
+ if (datas && datas.data) {
+ that.funcMsg = datas.data
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ onSelectAll() {
+ this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection();
+ },
+ selectItem(rows) {
+ if (rows.length > 1) {
+ const newRows = rows.filter((it, index) => {
+ if (index == rows.length - 1) {
+ this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(it, true);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(it, false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ this.multipleSelection = newRows;
+ this.multipleSelectionObj = rows[0]
+ } else {
+ this.multipleSelection = rows;
+ this.multipleSelectionObj = {}
+ this.multipleSelectionObj = rows[0]
+ }
+ },
+ onSelectOp(row) {
+ this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection();
+ this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row, true);
+ this.multipleSelection = [];
+ this.multipleSelectionObj = {}
+ this.multipleSelectionObj = row;
+ this.multipleSelection.push(row);
+ },
+ tabFuncRowClickHandle(row) {
+ let elInput = null
+ if (this.isrepresentation) {
+ elInput = document.getElementById("representation");
+ } else {
+ elInput = document.getElementById("range");
+ }
+ let startPos = elInput.selectionStart; //第0个字符到选中的字符
+ let endPos = elInput.selectionEnd; //选中字符到末尾字符
+ if (startPos === undefined || endPos === undefined) return;
+ let txt = elInput.value;
+ let func = row.formulaExpresion
+ // 将插值添加到选中光标位置
+ let result = txt.substring(0, startPos) + func + txt.substring(endPos);
+ elInput.value = result;
+ elInput.focus();
+ },
+ rowDbclick(row) {
+ this.scorRuleSplit(row.optionCode);
+ },
+ scorRuleSplit(val) {
+ let elInput = null
+ if (this.isrepresentation) {
+ elInput = document.getElementById("representation");
+ } else {
+ elInput = document.getElementById("range");
+ }
+ let startPos = elInput.selectionStart;
+ let endPos = elInput.selectionEnd;
+ if (startPos === undefined || endPos === undefined) return;
+ let txt = elInput.value;
+ let txtSplit = val;
+ let result = txt.substring(0, startPos) + txtSplit + txt.substring(endPos);
+ elInput.value = result;
+ elInput.focus();
+ elInput.selectionStart = startPos + txtSplit.length;
+ elInput.selectionEnd = startPos + txtSplit.length;
+ },
+ optionMulAll() {
+ this.$refs.optionMul.clearSelection();
+ },
+ optionMulItem(row) {
+ debugger
+ let representation = ''
+ if (row.length > 1) {
+ const newRows = row.filter((it, index) => {
+ if (index == row.length - 1) {
+ this.$refs.optionMul.toggleRowSelection(it, true);
+ this.representation = it.formula
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ this.$refs.optionMul.toggleRowSelection(it, false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ })
+ this.optionMulItemObj = row[0]
+ } else {
+ this.optionMulItemObj = row[0]
+ this.representation = this.optionMulItemObj.formula
+ }
+ },
+ saverulesDetailMsg() {
+ let that = this
+ let repre = document.getElementById("representation").value
+ // let range = document.getElementById("range").value range === '' ||
+ if (repre === '' || that.itemForm.desc === '') return
+ that.saveAndEditIndicatorData()
+ },
+ //新增/修改指标数据
+ saveAndEditIndicatorData() {
+ let that = this
+ let params = {
+ ruleId: that.rowevalradio.id,
+ regularExpression: encodeURI(document.getElementById("representation").value),
+ // range: encodeURI(document.getElementById("range").value),
+ range: that.multipleSelection[0].childName,
+ ruleDescription: that.itemForm.desc,
+ childCode: that.multipleSelection[0].childCode
+ }
+ if (that.isSave) {
+ params.id = that.evalradio.id
+ }
+ apiGetintervalscoringsaveOrUpdate(params).then(datas =>{
+ if (!that.isSave) {
+ that.$message({
+ message: '指标项新增成功',
+ type: 'success'
+ });
+ } else {
+ that.$message({
+ message: '指标项修改成功',
+ type: 'success'
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ }
+<style lang="less">
+ .el-overlay{
+ .el-dialog{
+ margin-top: 5vh;
+ .el-dialog__body{
+ padding: 20px !important;
+ }
+ .periodFrom{
+ .detailTable{
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ }
+ .fromCenter{
+ margin-right: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ .el-tabs{
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .el-dialog__footer{
+ .dialog-footer{
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ .el-button{
+ width: 180px !important;
+ height: 40px !important;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }